Where is he!!! The room.

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Sorry about the long wait,
My phone got shut off two days ago
And report cards were coming out so I had to do as much as I could
My grades turned out awesome though!!
So it payed off.

Here's the story


     "MoVe!!!" I yelled, running through the castle, Shoving servants and guards out of my way, trying to find my Marco.

    I ran from door to door, down every hall, and every floor, trying to find my Soul Bound, who was supposed to be in my room!

    After a while of searching for my love I ended up in the throne room, where my mother was, with Star next to her.

(Btw, it has been brought to my attention that Tom's real mother does not look anything like the women I described to be his mother.
Just so you know, I did not know this when I started the book,
I only just saw a picture of Tom's real mother around one weeks ago maybe, I'm not sure, telling time is not something I'm good at.
So, since I'm not going to rewrite this whole thing, this women will stay Tom's mother along with Tom's father. I will change that if I write more Tomco stories though.
If none of you know what Tom's mother looks like
She is in the picture above along with his real father.
Thank you
You may continue reading.)

   "WhErE iS he!?!?" I yelled at Star.

   Of course!! She still doesn't trust me!!! She should know I would do everything I could to keep Marco safe yet she still thinks I'm going to hurt him!!!

    "What are you talking about!?" Star asked, looking confused.

   I ran forward until i was inches from her face and growled,

   "WhErEs MaRcO!!"

   Before I could get an answer I was tackled to the ground.

   I quickly pushed my attacker off of me and stood up. I looked at me attacker.

   My attacker was a female. She looked to be 17, short black hair, strange clothing, and appeared to be wearing a beanie.

   The female growled at me like an animal, and looked as if she was preparing to attack again.

   She seemed very protective of Star, why is that?

   It doesn't matter!

   I told myself as I prepared myself for another attack.

   "ENOUGH!!!!!" I heard my mother scream.

   The strange girl and I looked towards the Queen.
   I quickly straightened my form, trying to look as of I had never barged in here and started fighting a stranger.

   My mother glared at me.

   "What is the meaning of this!" She shouted.

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