Bunny Napped

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I thank Adorable Carrot for the tittle. The song is called Move Like A Solider sung by Nightcore. In this chapter there is going to be Stars POV and some of Marco's and Tom's.



    Tonight was going so well. Marco was happy and so was I. But things had to turn out this way. I blame that damn flying Dorito for not telling me more...... Don't tell him I called him that.

    I was in my room in the Underworld, lying down on my bed, smiling up at my ceiling. I was thinking of Marco's smile, how he looked in the moon light. He looked like an erotic painting my father would keep in a secret room in the house, which wasn't vary secret to me.

    Soon I felt my eye lids beginning to get heavy, and my exhaustion become greater.

    Before I was able to drift off into a blissful sleep, thinking about my Bunny, I felt something.

   I bolted up, sitting straight up in my bed. The thing I felt didn't physically touch me. It was a feeling I would usually feel in my gut, but know I feel it everywhere. This feeling surrounded me, filled me, worried my.

    As I tried to focus on what the feeling was, my blood started to boil, and my anger started to rise, as if my body knew what was going on. Yet I still sat there, not having a clue.

     I started to growl. It was becoming harder to think with my body being this angry over a reason I didn't know.

    But one whisper in my ear, just one, and I instantly new what was happening. It made me panic and teleport to a currtain Bunnies house.

   That whisper was Marco. My body was trying to tell me that my Soul Bond was in danger.

    I appeared on Marco's front lawn. Before I could even blink I was inside Marco's home searching for him, hoping that feeling was just me worrying because if what my cousin said at the fair.

   I looked from room to room but I couldn't find Marco anywhere. Marco's parents were apparently at his grandmothers house for the night, from what he told my.

   But isn't Star supposed to be here to. I thought, before running to Star's room.

   I burst through her door, only to see her past out on the floor.

   "Star!" I yelled, shaking her awake.

   She woke up slowly, looking around the room confused.

    "Wha?" She said, her voice sounded rough. I didn't really care at that point, all I cared about was Marco. (Aww)

   "Star, where's Marco?!" I exclaimed in a hurry. Star still looked confused. She seemed to be trying to process everything.

    "What? Wh- what's g-going on?" She stuttered.

    "Star! This is no time! Marco's gone! Do you know where he is!?" I was screaming at this point.

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