Wake Up

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Sorry, I'm back. WATTPAD was messing with me and it kept deleting the stuff I had for this chapter and then my phone got shit off and my mom refused to pay it until today
So I'm very sorry.
Any who, here's the chapter, I hope you enjoy.


    Scared, that's what I was feeling at this point and time. I was felling scared and frightened.

   Scared that I will lose him. Scared that Marco would never wake up again.

   This is all my fault, was all I could think, sitting in a chair at the side of the bed Marco's lifeless body rested upon.

   At the moment, Marco and I were in my room. Star and I had agreed to keep him here since the Underworld was much warmer than earth.

    Marco was just lying there on my bed, wrapped up in four blankets with the lava waterfall (I think that's what it was) on.

   How could I have let this happen, I should have warned him of the dangers there would come to being my Soul Bond, I thought to myself, shedding so many tears.

   I had only just realised myself at the fair, but I still should have told him, how could I be so stupid.

   I should have been there for him. What kind of Soul Bond am I if I can't if I can't even protect my own love.

   Marco had been unconscious for three days, and I was starting to get worried.

   My parents and I had called in the castles sorcerer, Shoul. He did everything he could, and then told us that all we could do was wait.

   My mother was so upset, especially with the fact that this was how she first met her future son in law, near death. She cried just as much as I did, and she hasn't even officially met Marco yet!!

   My father was furious. He had ordered all of his soldiers to go to the Hielo dimensions kingdom to drag the soon to be king to the castle. He was now in a... I guess you humans could call it a court room with with Rey Malvado and five of the most strict and oldest demons in the Underworld.

   They were a system the King and Queen that ruled the Underworld five years after Hielo and the Underworlds war created.

   They were like a human court room with all the people in the jury and that one judge thing. Only in this Dimension there were five judges and no jury.

   The main judge was Colin Deathmen. He was the most strict, rule following judge in the Underworld or anywhere else for that matter.

   When someone tries to kill one of his future Queens or Queens, he dose not take it lightly. The only reason he was never able to catch the old Malvado's was because they never any proof left behind. All of the past Queens that were unfortunate to meet the Malvado's had died. Now Rey left Marco, alive. I had found Marco near death in HIS dungeons, in HIS castle, under HIS orders.

   That was enough evidence to put him on death row. But if only Marco would wake up and tell them what happened, it would surly guarantee he will be put to death.

   I picked my head up as I heard foot steps running down the hall strait toward my door.

  I looked up and stared at my door, waiting for whoever it was to burst in, or knock. I thought it was a servent giving me news on what happened with the case.

   But then I heard someone shout at the owner on the foot steps.

    "PineTree! Slow down!! you might hurt yourself!!"

   All of a sudden a boy bursted in through my doors and stopped as he saw Marco lying in the bed, unconscious. His hand flew up covering his mouth.

   The boy looked no older than 16, 17. He had dark blown hair and eyes. He had a dark blue jacket on along with a red shirt and ripped jeans.

   "Marco?" The boys voice cracked.

   Then I saw a male with bright yellow hair and eyes follow in after him.


   "Wow, the kid looks worst than I thought" Bill said. I snapped.

  "You think I don't know that a** hole!!" I shouted.

   "What- what happened. Is he okay. Bill I told you to help them! Why didn't you!" The boy's voice cracked, indicating that he was on the verge of tears.

   "Wait... You told bill to... So you must be Dipper Pines. The first human my cousin here has ever warmed up to, let alone loved" I said. He gave me a warn smile.

   "Yeah... I guess I am" Dipper said before walking up to the bed, sitting beside Marco.

   "PineTree kept begging for me to let him see Marco" Bill said, giving me a sympathetic smile. I think that was the first time he has ever giving anything but an evil smirk or insane looking smile.

   It was nice.

   I turned my head so I would be looking at Dipper.

   "Thank you, for coming to check up on him" I said politely.

   "No problem, I know I only met him once but I like to think of him as a friend" he said looking at me, than back at Marco.

   "When do you think he'll come too?" Dipper asked, his voice cracked again, only this time he really did cry, a lot too.

   Bill came over and hugged him from behind, petting his hair. I looked at Marco.

  "I don't know... I really don't know" I said in a quiet voice.

Marco... Please don't leave me.




I really don't know what's wrong with my head. MARCO PLEASE DONT DIE!! Any who, I'm sorry for not updating sooner my phone is a piece of shit. See ya next time, bye Beautifuls.

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