What I Am

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Hello my lovelies!
I'm back!
This chapter is gonna be Marco's POV and Tom's POV
So get ready

And the song above is called
"Don't tell 'em" by jeremih


   I followed Shoul for what felt like hours through dark creepy halls and rooms that just screamed UNDERWORLD!!! The place was starting to creep me out, yet fascinate me at the same time.

   Shoul was currently holding up a torch to light our path. My legs were starting to ache.

   "How much further?" I asked, following close behind Shoul.

  "Just a little further, my future Queen" Shoul said, making a right turn.

   I rolled my eyes.

  "I told you, quit calling me that" I said, before jumping as a three headed rat ran past me.

   Is nothing in this Dimension normal!!!

   "I apologize" Shoul said, before stopping in front of a stone wall at the end of the hall we were just walking.

   I was confused as to why we stopped here, but what confused me even more was that Shoul was just standing there, glaring at the wall like it was his worst enemy.

    "... Um ... What are you doing?" I asked slowly, slightly frightened.

   "You shall see" he replied.

    He glared at the wall for another moment, before he spoke to it in a language I didn't know

(PS, the language he's talking about is Latin, I don't know much Latin so I used a translation app to translate this from English to Latin then from Latin to English. This was the closest I could get to what Shoul is trying to say)

      "Aperi ianuam, ostende mihi viam: semita aperi usque ad aditum aliquem introire" Shoul said to the door.

   Open the door, show me the way, open the path to me hideaway

   I was confused for a moment, wondering why he had done that, and what was the purpose?

   I opened my mouth to ask him exactly that, but I quickly shut my mouth again once the walls started to shake, along with the floor and the cieling.
(Ps, that was not a typo, whoever understands that, I will love you forever!!)

    "W-what's going on!!" I yelled, moving closer to Shoul.

    Shoul didn't say anything, just continued to stare at the wall in front of us.

   All of a sudden that same wall started to open up. One side of the wall going one way, the other side going the other.

   My eyes widened.

   Oh my god!!!

  The wall finally stopped moving and in its play what a stair well, to a room unknown to me.

   Shoul walked forward and stopped right as he was about to step on the first step. He turned around to face me.

   "Come, my fu-.... Marco" he said, before walking up the stairs.

   I stood there for a moment, confused as to what just happened, before shrugging it off then following him up the stairs.

This wasn't the first time I've been confused here, and it certainly won't be the last.


     After the conversation I had with, I started walking back to my room so I could check on Marco.

   I was worried about him, we haven't even known each other for that long and he's already been told he has to marry me.

(And that he's not human anymore, but its not like you know that.... Yet)

   I wasn't exactly worried about my mom saying I was going to be king soon, it wasn't that surprising. Princes or princesses of the Abandon family usually would take their role as king or queen around my age.

   I slowly approached my room, stopping in front of the door. I stood there for a moment, thinking of what I was going to say.

   I reached my hand out, and slowly turned the knob, opening the door.

   I looked inside, fully prepared to tell Marco everything... Only

He wasn't there.


Hello my lovelies, sorry about the wait, schools a b*tch.
I hope you liked this chapter

I'm trying to put everyone's POV.

I just wanted to inform all of you about my soon too be YouTube channel

My parents and my sisters and I LITERALLY just got a new computer

So I will be able to make my channel soon
I just have to wait until we hook it up and put internet on it.

So if NOTHING goes wrong, I will most likely have my channel finished be Thursday or Friday, if not sooner.

And I will most likely, like I said if nothing goes wrong, have my first video uploaded on Saturday or Sunday

Now that that's out of the way.

My new story
Heart of the Crystal
Will be published on Sunday or Monday
So look out for that.

And I hope you all have a great day.
Love you guys!!!

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