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I am so sorry, to completely forgot to update this. I'm sorry. You know what, to make it up to you, I'm going g to post three or two more chapters before the day is over. I'm so sorry. Any way, the song above is called warrior by Demi Lovato and here is the story.


   I have been sitting in the same chair next to Marco for four days now. I was getting scared.

  What if he never wakes up?! I thought in fear.

   I just found my Soul Bond, I couldn't loose him.

   Not now, not now. Please don't take him from me.

   Tears began pouring down my cheek.

   I haven't even known Marco for long, and he was already my everything.

   I heard a soft knock at the door.

  "Go away" I said softly. There was a pause, then i heard the door the door come open.

   "Did you not hear what I said? I said go aw-" I stopped my self, seeing who came through the door.

   "Now, is that something to say to your mother" my mom said. I smiled at her.

  "Sorry mom" I apologized.

  "It's alright" she said conning towards me, then putting her hands on my shoulders as I looked back at Marco.

  "Mom?" I questioned.

  "Yes, my sweetheart"

  "Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked.

   Please be okay.

   "....I think... I think he will be just fine" mother hesitated.

   She never hesitates. This just made my cry more.

  She rubbed my shoulders.

  "I know you don't want to deal with this right now but... Your father wants to speak to you" she said. I groaned internally.

   "Tell him to wait" I said.

   "I can't, he wants to see you now" she replied.

   I looked up at my mother with the eye on my forehead but kept my two other eyes on Marco.

  I sighed.

  "If... If anything happens... Come and get me" was all I said, before standing up and walking out of the room.

   I cast one last glance at Marco, before leaving.

Don't take him.



Celestina (a.k.a Tom's mother)

  I watched until my son was fully out of the room before turning to Marco.

   "My son really loves you" I said to the unconscious boy, putting my hand on his head.

   "Your warm, but still cold. How come" I said.

   I looked the boy over. He seemed so close to death.

  He seemed to be such a fragile thing, yet I guess he can be strong in his own way.

  "Shoul, you better be right about this spell" I said to no one, putting both of me hand out in front of me so they were hovering above Marco.

   "amor y dolor, maldad y bondad, muerte y vida. Los espíritus de mis antepasados vienen a mí, curar al niño que está sentado en el borde de la muerte. Curar su cuerpo, curar su mente. Gire el reloj y tiempo atrás. Salvar al niño de la oscuridad. Destruir el veneno funciona a través de su prevención. ¡Salvarlo, lo salve! ¡SALVARLO!" I recited the ancient spell.

  (It says

  love and pain, evil and kindness, death and life. Spirits of my ancestors come to me, heal the boy who sits on the edge of doom. Heal his body, heal his mind. Turn the clock and set back time. Save the boy from the dark. Destroy the poison running through his veins. Save him, save him! SAVE HIM!)

   As I recited the spell the walls around me started to shake. The boy also began to squirming on the bed, seeming to be in pain, but I couldn't stop. I couldn't.

  When the spell met it's end, everything stopped. The shaking stopped, the bats pain stopped. Everything stopped.

  Then, I heard the boy whisper one name, and one name only



I hoped you liked that
I know the spell was weird but you try making up a spell in 5 minutes. Any who, hoped you liked it, and see ya next time.

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