Getting Ready

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I couldn't think of a song for this so I just put a picture. This chapter starts off with Marco getting ready for his BIG date, and Star trying to convince him not to go. It gets a little more romantic at this point. So enjoy!!



     "Marco, please don't go" Star begged me as I was getting ready in our shared bathroom.

   "Funny, I could have sworn I said the same thing to you on the night of the Blood Moon Ball. I mean not that I can complain about you not listening to me" I said to her while brushing my hair, my body still wrapped up in a towel from just getting out if the shower.

    "Is that why your doing this, to get back at me for not listening to you. Marco-" she was cut off be me plugging in and turning a hair dryer on to dry my hair.

   Still Star tried to get me to listen.

    "MARCO! IF THAT'S THE CASE THEN IM SORRY! JUST PLEASE DON'T GO OUT WITH HIM!" Star yelled over the hair dryer.

    I ignored her, continuing to do my hair for my date.

    Tom and I agreed to go out tonight (Sunday) at 7:40. During this agreement Star was standing 9 inches away with her mouth and eyes wide open.

   I turned my hair dryer off and started brushing my hair again.

    "Marco, are you even listening to me?" Star asked. I ignored her and got out my cologne (or as I call it boy perfume) putting it on.

     "Glossarik!" Star whined to Glossarik who was also in the bathroom, because Star forced him to come and help her talk some sense into me.

    "Star, I can't to anything about this, Marco is Prince Thomas's Soul Bond and you should never mess with that. Especially if that person is the Soul Bond of the soon to be King of the Underworld," Glossarik explained.

   "But-" I interrupted Star's sentence.

    "Besides Star," I said exiting the bathroom, Star and Glossarik follow ", shouldn't you be happy."

     We entered my room. I instantly went to the inside of my closet and closed the door after turning on the light to change.

    "Why would I be happy Marco? Your going on a date with my demon ex who might kill you" Star said.

    "You should be happy that Tom is getting over you and moving onto someone else, AND that i actually have a date, so be happy for me" I said, pulling clothing over my head.

   "Star, you can't stop this, the Blood Moon has chosen" I heard Glossaric say as I was pulling up my pants.

    "Well, maybe the Blood Moon is wrong" Star replied. I rolled my eyes while zipping up my pants.

    "Star, the Blood Moon is never wrong" Glossarik told her softly.

   "Errr!" I heard Star growl before opening the closet door after putting on my last piece of clothing.

    Stars back was facing me.

    "Star, I know your scared for me but trust me, OK, it's going to be fine" I assured her.

    "Marco! How could yo-" Star yelled but them stopped as shown turned and saw me.

    She just gapped at me for a minute or so before I spoke up.

   "That bad hu?"

   Star gave me a confused look.

   "What? Are you joking Marco you look great" Star said smiling.

    I was wearing a red shirt, maroon jacket, black pants, and red nikies. I blushed.

   "Thanks" I said to Star. She smiled.

    Just then there was a knock on the front door. I looked at my watch.

   7:20 PM, wow, he's early. I thought to myself.

    "It's Tom, I'll go get it" I said.

    Before I got out of the room Star said.

    "Please don't do this"

   I paused for a second then went on to answer the door.

    When I got to the door I straighted up my clothes, smoothening them out, before opening the door. 

     In the doorway, stood Tom, smiling at me holding a flaming Rose. He was in an outfit that looked something like the one he wore when he came to school to ask Star to the Blood Moon Ball.

    Tom opened his mouth to say something but he quickly shut it when he looked at me from head to toe.

   When his eyes finnaly met mine, I blushes harder then I already was.

   "Wow... Marco... You look... Wow" was all Tom could say at the moment, smiling, indicating that wow ment good. I blushes even harder then I already was, If that was even possible.

   "Th- thank you, you don't look to bad your- yourself" I stuttered, still blushing.

    Tom chuckled, then leans in to whisper in my ear.

    "You look so adorable when you blush... Bunny" he said, calling me by a strange new nicknames.

    It wasn't the nickname, more the way he said it that made my whole face turn red at this point.

    Tom backed away a bit, staring into my eyes. Then he handed my the flaming Rose.

     "This is for you, don't worry, it won't burn you" Tom assured me.

    "Thank you" I said before taking the rose.

   "Shall we" Tom said gesturing towards his carriage, offering me his hand.

    Wow, I feel like Cinderella, only without the mice and the evil step mom and siblings.

   "Sure" I said, before taking his hand and following him to his carriage.

    This night was going to be fun.


Tada! I hope you like this chapter it took me a while to do it. The next chapter will be posted soon I promise.
Until next time!


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