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*Vics POV*
"Brittany you look amazing!" I reassure my best friend for the millionth time already. We've spent the last hour getting ready to go down to the new club and as usual Britt's complaining.
"Do you think this dress is too revealing?" She mutters looking in the mirror. "No-it's-fine-now- come on!" I yell laughing whilst dragging her out our apartment. She sighs and we head down to wait for the taxi which is taking us there.

*Brittany's POV*
I grabbed my clutch and phone whilst carefully stepping out the taxi. Me and Vic had just arrived at the club and I was now feeling a lot more confident and exited. It's about time I let my hair down again. We showed ID and entered the club. There were lights flashing, music playing and people everywhere.
"Drinks?" Vic yelled, even though I could only lip read her. I nodded and we headed to the bar.
After getting our drinks Vic and I start relaxing a bit more because of the alcohol. "Let's go dance!" I squeal whilst downing the rest of my drink, followed by Vic.
We go right into the crowds, dancing around similar to everyone else. I smirked at Vic as a couple of lads were looking her up and down. She rolled her eyes playfully and continued to dance.
After a few more hours, and couple more drinks Vic was defiantly drunk. I had been a bit more sensible and was only tipsy from the alcohol. I was dancing, alone. Well, surrounded by strangers but Vic had gone off with some guy who was drooling at her exposed thighs. I try to forget about it and drink and dance to the beat of the music.
It's not until I am stumbling out the crowd when I see a guy watching me. I quickly break the eye contact but apparently he wasn't leaving it at that.
"Hey hottie" he smirked standing over me. He was a lot taller than me, but I wasn't frightened. How could you be scared of someone so cute, especially with dimples like his.
I snap from my thoughts and no doubt I'm blushing. Just hope he doesn't see that. "Are alone?" He asks. I shake my head "my friends here- somewhere". He chuckles "oh." "Yup..last time I saw her she was grinding some guy" I half laugh, half cringe at the thought. "Well maybe I could pull the moves on you" he smirked standing closer and grazing my hip with his thumb. It send shivers down my spine. "You don't even know me" I giggle, a little confused. "No I guess not..I'm Trevor by the way" he smiles. I tear my eyes away from him- ugh stop it Brittany.
"I'm Brittany, or Britt" I reply looking around. "Cute name" he grins rubbing his hands on my back.

"In the faded light you touch my body,
I can feel your hands on my skin"

A small moan escapes my mouth. Ugh Brittany, don't let him play you like this. I pull away from his touch, which he seems a bit taken back from. I smile a little, In a confident way. Nobody pulls the moves on me.

"Think you got me right where you want me"

"Cmon Britt, let's have some fun?" He groans. I guess he isn't used to girls turning him down like this.
"Your just in my way, I came to party on my own." I start dancing again. Teasing him will be fun...

He is practically drooling over me as I dance around, running my hands through my hair and down my legs. He's not even dancing any more- he's so fixated in my actions.
"I know you want me" I whisper in his ear before quickly moving away. "But I don't care babyyy" I hum whilst I continue dancing. He groans in disappointment.

This was going to be fun...
Kinda crappy, idk 😐
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