Dream come true •Trittany•

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"Brittany Raymond!!" I screamed as the short brunette ran on stage. There was a huge smile plastered on her face as she danced and waved to some fans. This was it! Finally after 2 years it was finally me sitting here in this venue, watching the next steps last tour performance. This was my dream come true!

Britt did a leap at the far end of the stage, before Trev came in with back handsprings.

"Trevor!!" I screamed excitedly. "I love you!". His smile was almost as big as mine, as he took a moment to take in the atmosphere. There was lights flashing and fans screaming everywhere- wow it must be intimidating. But he continued his solo, before Britt returned to the stage.

This was the part I was most excited for. The dance I always dreamed of seeing live. The Trittany duet! Britt and Trev danced perfectly to a song I recognised as 'do I do'. This was defiantly my favourite dance, closely followed by firestone.

Britt looked amazing as usual. Her chestnut bob was swaying everywhere as she did an aerial across the stage, before throwing the bulky bomber jacket in the wings. She looked stunning- she was wearing a pink crop top and some black leggings. And for Trevor, he looked great with his black ripped jeans and a casual T-shirt.

Forget the outfits, the duet itself was perfect. They danced with so much chemistry that I could practically see sparks flying. I pushed those thoughts away as I reminded myself that they were only friends, nothing more. They were still hitting every turn, flip and leap and by the end the fans were going even crazier than before. I still can't believe I was actually here, watching my idols perform together.

Brittany slung Trevor's arm around her shoulder as my idols looked out at us fans whilst waving. Their smiles were even bigger than when they started, which I thought was pretty impossible since I don't think I'd ever seen someone so happy. And if the dance wasn't enough, what happened next was insane!

Just as Britt was about to head off stage, Trevor grabbed her arm and then took her hands in his. Brittany looked a bit reluctant to stay, given away by the way I saw her roll her eyes at him. His dimples were showing- he was chuckling and Britt was smiling. If I was to have blinked I would have missed the way Brittany subtly nodded at Trevor before gently grabbing his cheeks and reaching up on her tiptoes. They connected their lips and by now everyone was freaking out in excitement- even the parents were clapping and grandparents whistling.

The kiss itself was magical, even for me. It barely lasted 5 seconds, and it wasn't all that passionate. But this was Trittany. Trevor Tordjman and Brittany Raymond. Trittany! Not Jiley. They kissed. The cameras had been replaced with fans, who were still screaming even after they ran off stage together. This wasn't scripted. It wasn't for tv, it wasn't their job.

This is a real Trittany kiss. One that I defiantly wouldn't forget. In fact, this is the start of something new.

This is my dream come true.

I just wanted to start off by saying I hate this uhh but yeah.

Heyyy guys, I know I haven't updated In a while and I'm sorry. I haven't got any excuses but I just had no motivation or ideas, and tbh I'm not really very happy with how this turned out. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one and please vote and follow me, ty 💓💓💓

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