Wave of reality

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(This is an old one shot that I began writing but  never got the motivation to finish. It's a long one and it's pretty crap so if you don't want to read I have a shorter one coming out)
•Brittany's POV•

"Trevy, I don't like flying" I whined as I clinged onto his arm. We had just handed in our passports and were about to walk through the tube and onto the plain. However, my usually fear of flying suddenly returned and there was no way I was budging.
"Come on babe, it will be fine!" Trev said smiling. He kept tugging on my hand, I'm trying to get me to follow him but he realised that wasn't gonna work. The next thing I knew he picked me up bridal style and carried me to our seats.

As he clipped on my seatbelt and shut the windows blind, he kept telling me how it was only for a couple of hours and I'd be okay. He made me feel safe, and that flying would be fine.

Little did I know that flying was the least of my worries.

Trevor and I cuddled each other whilst either talking, listening to music or sharing food for the next few hours. And he was right- by now I wasn't fazed by the fact we were beyond the clouds. However I was just starting to get fed up when the seatbelt signals returned and we were coming back down to earth.

"See that wasn't so bad, was it?" Trevor teased since he knew he was right. I just rolled my eyes and hit his arm playfully, and concentrated on collecting our luggage.

"Let me get that" he said whilst lifting my suitcase off the conveyer belt.
"Thank you" I giggled, and placed a kiss on his cheek before we made our way to the bus we would be taking.

Not long after, we arrived at the hotel we would be staying at for the next two weeks. It looked so fancy- there was a water fountain in the reception, a pool outside surrounded by sun beds and there was a beach just down the road which was visible from our bedroom window. The glowing sun illuminated our hotel room, giving me a warm feeling inside.

This was going to be the perfect holiday.

•Trevor'a POV•

Britt and I spent the first few days exploring the local area and having drinks by the pool. It was so calm and relaxing, and we defiantly earned this break.

I looked over at my stunning girlfriend who was lay on the lounger beside me with sunglasses shading her eyes and her skin glowing. Already we were both getting a tan, despite the short time we had been here.

"What are you starting at?" Britt asked me, making me jump.
"Nothing, anyway I thought you were asleep?" I asked, brushing off the the fact I had been staring at her for so long.
"Well you thought wrong" she giggled as she sat up, placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and took a sip from my drink. This was the perfect way to spend time with my girl.

•a week after arriving•
•still Trevor's POV•

I stretched my arms and removed the covers from my tired body. I had just woken up, and noticed Britt was still asleep beside me. Today was Wednesday and we had scheduled a trip to the beach.

We had an hour to get ready and down to the beach hut, where they served delicious breakfast. We hadn't ever eaten there but it seemed very popular.

I hopped in the shower, and hopped back out about again 5 minutes later. With just a towel wrapped around my waist, I made my way to the bedroom where Britt was surprisingly still sleeping.

"Baby, time to wake up if we want to make it to breakfast in time" I whispered whilst shaking her shoulder. As usual, she groaned and curled up in the blankets even tighter than before. I sighed and started getting changed, knowing that she would get up eventually.

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