We meet again •part 4•

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•Rileys POV•
I pushed open the blue cafe door, propping it open with my elbow whilst getting Imogen's pram inside. The little bell on the door rang and the smell of vanilla was in the air. I spotted James in the back corner and walked over, smiling as he looked up at me then at Imogen who was sleeping in the pram.

"Hey" I said smiling slightly whilst taking a seat opposite him. I noticed the two steaming cups on the table, recognising mine to be a hot chocolate.
"One sugar" he said smiling proudly as he remembered just how I used to like it. I smiled gratefully before taking a sip of the warm liquid and seeing his eyes gaze on the baby.

"I'm sorry I never told you.."I whispered ashamed. He had gone all this time without an explanation for why I left him or that he had a daughter. I felt awful.
"Don't beat yourself up about it" he reassured me, looking into my eyes. I quickly looked down at my hands, and subtly wiped them on my Leggings nervously.

James cleared his throat. "How old is she?"

"9 months today."

•James POV•
9 months today. That's nine months of my daughters life I've missed out on. And nine months of not being able to support Riley.

"Oh nice" I stutter, sounding a bit heartless. I didn't intend to, but judging my the way Rileys looking at me it's as though I said something wrong.

"I missed you. I so badly wanted to be able to tell you and have you comfort me through the sickness and backache...but I just couldn't. I never intended on you finding out, and I know it was wrong of me but I couldn't drag you down with me." She blurred out with a tear in her eye. I held her hand across the table giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You could and should have told me. It was thoughtful of you but I feel bad for making you go through that alone. I wouldn't have left you or our baby since I love you. I would have supported us as a proper family and-"

"You love me still?" Riley asked, looking me dead in the eyes. I studied her face but it was hard to tell what she was thinking.
"Uh no, I said loved not love" I told her awkwardly. I had possibly just ruined whatever we could have rekindled and I wouldn't be surprised if Riley never spoke to me again. Suddenly we were interrupted by Imogen crying.

We both reached out to comfort her, which I instantly regretted after realising that this child was basically a stranger and also the face that we both reached out at the same time. I mentally scolded myself and took another sip of my coffee which had basically gone cold already. I watched from the corner of My eye as Riley shook a little rattling ring for her to play with before pecking her cheek and sitting upright in her chair again.

I decided to ask her about if she was seeing anybody and how things were at home. It took a bit of trust and convincing before finally finding out my previous assumptions of her having financial issues and not seeing anyone were indeed correct. She hadn't dated anyone since me as she dropped out of college to raise Imogen herself. Then I had a genius idea which meant not only being able to spend a lot more time with my daughter, but also Riley too.

"You and Imogen, you can move into my spare room" I offered, hoping she'd instantly say yes. however for some reason Riley looked a little unsure.

"Aw come on, why not? You're a single mom who could do with a helping hand and better place to stay right? And plus I'll be able to see you and Imogen a lot more! And you'll never need a babysitter again as long as I'm not at work."

By now my plan of convincing Riley seems to be kicking in. She looks like she's seriously considering it which makes me feel a lot happier knowing her and Imogen will be looked after better with me.

"Fine." Riley murmurs. I smile and stroke Imogen's cheek knowing now things can only go up for all three of us.

•A Year Later•Rileys POV•
I yawned, stretching my arms and extending them around James shirtless body. His skin feels so warm and it just tempts me to snuggle him tighter, however as soon as I get comfy i hear pattering footsteps on the landing.

"Mummy!" Imogen says giggling as she pushes the bedroom door open and smiles whilst clambering onto the bed. I see James is still sleeping so decide to pick her up and carry her downstairs.

"I'm hungwyyy" she wines in their cute lisp. I place her on a chair whilst making her some warm milk and giving her the bottle. Barely a minute passes by and I'm met with the nauseas feeling and am throwing up in the toilet.

Half way through I feel someone rubbing my back soothingly and soon recognise it to be James. Well obviously, it wouldn't have been Imogen now would it? After rinsing my mouth out and whispering a quick "thanks" before being pulled into a tight hug, I decide to go and get dressed whilst James starts making us breakfast.

After getting changed into a light pink hoodie and white jeans I head back downstairs and James and I eat the delicious pancakes he made. I love his cooking and not one bit Is left on my plate.

"Hey James?" I call to my boyfriend whilst slipping on some trainers.
"Yeah babe?" He shouts from the kitchen where he's washing up the dishes.
"I'm going for a walk, I'll be back soon" I tell him before slipping out the door after hearing an "okay, keep safe."

The sky was just brightening up in the Toronto streets. The trees were blowing gently in the wind and the cars were driving peacefully for once. It's just gone 10am so the rush hours were just clearing off.

It wasn't long until I was at the corner shop just up the road. This shop in fact holds a lot of memories as it's where James and i reunited.

I walked inside and headed for the baby aisle. However instead of going for the nappies, I headed to the corner and scanned the racks.

I picked up the box I was looking for and took it to the counter. I saw the cashier looking at me a bit disgusted at the fact I was getting a pregnancy test at a young age but honestly it didn't bother me in the slightest. I'd been here and done this once before and it's made me the happiest I've ever been.

I mutter a quick "thanks" before heading home and going straight upstairs to the bathroom. I take the test and sit on the bed waiting for a few minutes before I can turn it over and look. It only takes about 5 minutes to work and now I'm starting to feel a little more nervous than I previously thought.

•James POV•
I heard Riley come in the door and head straight upstairs. I decided I'd better go and check to see if she's ok so after feeding Imogen her last spoon of baby food, I head off upstairs to find her.

I go straight into our bedroom and see her back facing me. I accidentally forget the fact she could be upset as my prankster side dominated my mind.

I sneak up on her and shout "boo!" Making her jump and throw something in the air.

I furrow my brow as I see Riley scurry to pick the mysterious item up, her hand still on her heart from where I scared her.

"James you idiot" she mumbles, hiding the object in her hoodies front pocket.

"I'm sorryyy,'I just couldn't resist" I say engulfing her in a hug. She hugs me back, and I secretly sneak my hand into her pocket and pull out the white stick holding it high above my head laughing.

She doesn't laugh. In fact she stares at me plainly, saying nothing. I notice her eyes wander up my arms and to the stick im holding.

I look at it too, before lowering it down and mumbling "shit" under my breath. I instantly knew it was a pregnancy test and handed it back over to her.

She gazed into my eyes. "You won't leave will you?"
"Of course not baby. You won't run away from me will you?" I asked her, referring to last time when I didn't even get chance to know.

"Promise" she said holding out her pinky finger as I nodded and connected my finger to hers.

We both smiled at one another before turning over the test...

This was a whole new chapter for our little family.
Finally finished this one shot! I know there was quite a few parts but you guys seemed to want more so I hope this final chapter stood up to your expectations💓
Also I doubt there will be a pet 5 as I'm happy on how this ended.

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