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"Yes, im weak. But whats wrong with that? My heart has been broken, my world has been turned upside down. All because of her. Now things will never be the same!" The boy cried. His friends looked at him, a bit shocked and speechless. They had never seen James cry before, he had always been a player. No girl could make him cry. That was untill he fell in love with her.

The young couple lay in each others embrace. She had her head buried in the crook of his neck, and his arms draped over her naked body which he had not long ago 'taken'. This was the first time James and Riley had gone all the way, thats why it made it even more special.
"Riles?" He whispered, causing her chocolate brown eyes to flick open and meet his gaze. She raised an eyebrow to tell him she was listening- she was too exhausted to speak.
"I love you" he whispered planting a gentle kiss on her exposed shoulder.
"I love you too" she smiled.
End of  flashback

It had been almost a year since that happened, yet even the mention of her name could instantly bring him down. Thats how he ended up almost in tears when her name accidently slipped out West's mouth.
"Sorry.." West apologised, glancing worriedly at Eldon. They didn't understand how he hadn't got over her yet, neither did James himself. Eldon decided he had had enough of James moping about.
"Why don't you forget about Riley, she's probably off with that prince boy Alfie at a posh restaurant feeding each other food, and then they will slow dance and kiss before whizzing off in his private jet back to the bedroom" Eldon mumbled. West laughed a bit at the boys stupidity- as if Alfie had a private jet. But that didn't make James feel any better- besides most of it was probably true.

"Well thanks...thanks for thinking I'd give up that easily" a familiar voice echoed through the music room. The boys all snapped their heads to the door, where they saw Riley.

Although he would never admit it, James was in awe as his ex stood there explaining how she never liked Alfie and how it was one stupid mistake, and how she was going to fight for him like he did when he kissed Beth. He thought she was perfect, her tangled hair, her brows eyes which were filled with tears and had black bags drooping underneath, her small figure which was mostly covered by a oversized hoodie. He couldn't get enough of her, but then he realised what a mess she was...
Without hesitation she pulled the girl by the wrist put into the corridors-thankfully for Riley he didn't see her wince with pain as he tightened his grip over her covered cuts. That was the last thing he wanted her to know about.
"J-James..I'm prepared to fight for you, I'll do anything it takes just to be with you" she cried. "I-I love you, id die for you to be happy. So tell me to go and I will" she sobbed. He couldn't believe she was thinking this way, and she was all he wanted to.

So he kissed her. It only lasted about 3 seconds, not even enough time for her to kiss back.
"I love you too Riley, I never stopped and that's why it was so hard when you cheated on me...but I know you love me and that's why I forgive you" he said smiling at her. She just nodded and sniffled before being back in her favourite place, his warm loving embrace.

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