We meet again •part 3•

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After those words left Rileys mouth, I kindly offered her to come back to mine for the night (just in a nice way, to catch up you know). Thinking about it now, I'm not surprised she said no. However she wrote her number on my arm and told me to call her tomorrow to talk about this unexpected, eventful night.

After leaving the store empty handed and arriving back home,I found myself unable to sleep. I failed to realise I was doing so, but I was tracing my fingers over the numbers on my arm. It was pitch black but her phone number would always be stored somewhere in my brain.

I clicked the button on my phone and sighed realising it was 3:37am. Id been lay here now for hours, but how was I supposed to sleep knowing that I have a daughter? A million questions were still buzzing through my head and as each minute passed by I had thought of at least one more thing to wonder about. I was still having trouble getting my head around the fact that i have a daughter- we have a daughter. And all those days, weeks, months that I haven't been able to even know about her. Suddenly I felt very guilty about letting Riley throw our relationship away so easily.

As for Riley, I was still shocked at how she had coped on her own. She's only 19, and I've no idea if she even is on her own still. I mean, for all I know she could have found someone else who makes her happy...

I doubt it. Not many people want a second date after knowing you have a baby with someone else.

It felt like days had passed be time the sunlight finally started blinding me from the curtains. I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. I had no sleep and my minds still whizzing as though I've been on a roller coaster. However I wasted no time of hopping in the shower and getting ready for the day ahead of me. I just hope I actually get to see my daughter properly and be involved in her life.

After eating a few mouthfuls of toast, I was ready to call Riley. After the lock screen on my phone came on I soon encountered another problem.

It's only 8am. Hardly mid afternoon.

Therefore I decided to do something useful. I got changed into some gym clothes after putting a bottle of water in the freezer to chill. After getting on my trainers and taking the icy water out the freezer, I ran to the gym. Usually I would drive since it's a 20 minute walk however I ran the whole way there.

I hadn't even picked up the weights and I was already sweating from ear to ear after running here. However I used this spare time to kill a few hours at the gym before very tiredly walking home.

After showering and filling my stomach, it was finally an appropriate time to call Riley. After the third ring I was starting to get worried but thankfully I heard her voice after the fourth.

"Hey Riley" I said casually, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Oh James, hey" she said before making a hushing sound. It appeared that Imogen was crying.

Trying to set off to a good start and being thoughtful on her behalf, I asked if I she wanted to call me back once she had settled her. Riley politely declined and said it was fine before apparently walking into a different room so Imogen could barely be heard.

"So, I guess you have a lot of questions?" Riley asked. I nodded, then stuttered a "yes" realising she couldn't see me nodding. I heard a subtle laugh through the phone but dived straight in with the questions.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I blurred out. The line was silent for a while before I got a shakeup reply.

"I was scared. Being 18 and pregnant wasn't something I had planned for or wanted. The way I saw it was that my life was over before it had even started and of course I didn't want to drag you down with me" she told me calmly. It sounded like she had practised this speech over and over.

"I wouldn't be able to dance, therefore I wasted no more time or money on it even before I was too heavily pregnant to quit. I got a full time job and within no time at all I was searching for somewhere to live. I found a old tiny flat which I still live in. It's not the nicest but it's something. Emily's always off travelling with her fiancé and mom and dad moved out into the country. Mom tried to convince me to go too and now I wish I had. Whenever she calls to check on me I tell her I fine of course- she would worry otherwise. My dad was even more disappointed than mom and I'm pretty sure he hates me. I barely ever speak to him and when I do it's because mom hands him the phone."
I felt terrible.

"Oh um my battery's going to die any minute" I quickly lie. "How about I meet you at the cafe in half an hour?" I offer.
"Great idea, see you then" Riley replies seeming a bit less stressed before ending the call.
I just hope We can to some extent resolve things.

Thank you guys so much for all the lovely feedback on this one shot so far💓ily all so much and don't worry there will be a part 4 soon 😉
Also sorry for any mistakes and is this too long or would it be ok to write a bit more??xx

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