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Idea from TNS_Fan4Eva 💘
The girls all giggled in excitement as the group of friends walked along the cobblestone path leading to the beach. Some of A troup had decided to spend the day together, where they could all enjoy the summer sun and get away from the studio for a little bit.

Leading the group was Riley and West who were most excited to get to the beach. They had always had a soft spot for one another and were actually really close friends. Behind them was Noah who was giving Richelle a piggy back ride, and James behind his girlfriend Riley. He sneakily did this so he could stare at her butt, besides he loved it when all she wore was a bikini. Riley walked sassily when she saw him through the reflection of her sun glasses. God she was a tease.

Finally the group of friends got down to the beach, along with Michelle and Giselle who were already waiting for them on the warm sand.

"Hey guys!" Michelle smiled pulling Riley into a hug first as did Giselle to West. James glared at a random boy who he thought was checking out his girlfriend. He was always protective over her.

After the friends all said there greetings and James was sure the guy was gone, they made their way down to the sea. Noah had Richelle over his shoulder as she squealed and hit him playfully, and the girls all laughed and splashed in the waves. The boys all wrestled one another and even dunked the girls in a couple of times, which ended in a huge water fight.

One by one everyone started making their way up to the beach to dry off. Michelle,Riley and Richelle were lay down relaxing and hoping to get a tan whilst Noah and Giselle was sat on the sand digging a hole. James and West were still in the waves, just having a bit of bro time.
I caught James staring up at the beach. When I saw who he was looking at I smiled a little.
"Man, you really love Riley don't you."
No Answer. Was he in a trace?
"I've never seen you stay with someone longer than her" I said. Yet again, now answer!
"It's a world record!" I said laughing, even if I didn't find it that funny. Neither did James because the next thing I knew he was storming up off the beach.
I yawned and rolled onto my back, stretching my arms above my head as I sat up. It took me a moment to figure out where I was after I had fallen asleep whilst sunning, but soon remembered we had came to the beach.
"Nice to see your awake" Michelle giggles whilst squinting from the sun. I nodded and looked at her who was sat beside me cross-legged and Giselle who was lay down with her eyes closed and earphones in.
"Where's the others?" I asked, glancing around the beach. I didn't see anyone familiar, but I did see one boy who was smiling at me from a distance.

"Was you listening to anything I just said?" Michelle questioned me. What?
"Ugh, pay attention this time" she laughed as she explained that West and James were still swimming and Noah and Richelle had gone to look for an ice cream shop.
"Oh" is all I could say, whilst i turned my attention back to the mysterious boy who I think was checking me out.

He glanced away as I lifted my sun glasses, but couldn't keep his eyes off me for long. He smiled a little, me giving a small smile back. I mentally scolded myself as he got up and made his way towards me. Then I realised the three other lads who were with him.

"Hey girls" A blonde tall boy smirked checking out Michelle.
"What do you want?" Giselle asked noticing the arrival of the strangers.
"Nothing really...your cute though" one of the boys said as they all laughed. My eyes met with that one boy who stepped forward with a genuine smile.
"Alfie" he said, and for a moment I'm pretty sure his eyes looked down at my cleavage before looking away.
"Riles" I smiled as I ran my hands through my hair. Im pretty sure Michelle gave me a dirty look since I only ever let James call me Riles, but I just bit my lip and ignored what I just did.
"What's up?" I stuttered nervously.
"Nothing really, I just thought you were cute and wanted to come and say hi" he told me. I smiled and batted my eyelashes. I glanced down at his bare chest- he was very good looking that's for sure.

However I was snapped out my daze by James running up to us.

I rushed up the beach, swerving people and toddlers who were in my way. I was so furious, how could she!
"RILEY!" I yell from a distance, before finally making it to where they were lay.
"What are you doing?!" I snapped. She looked completely shocked, and by now the random stranger who was chatting up my girl was gone.
"James calm down, it was nothing" she said looking up at me.
I sighed. "who is he and what were you doing?"
"Someone's jealousss" Riley laughed, getting me even more worked up.
"Yeah well wouldn't you if i started chatting up some random girl?" I asked. She just shrugged carelessly, although I don't think she was really paying attention to me.
"Riley." I said snapping my fingers in her face to get her attention.
"Oh wha- no, no..not at all" she mumbled. Then I had an idea.

Maybe this would be a good lesson for her...

"Where are you going?" I asked James as he started walking down the beach. I started to run after him, but stopped at a safe distance as I saw what he was doing.

I bit my quivering lip, I can't believe he is doing this.
"Heyy cutie" I heard him say to this really pretty girl. She smiled and twirled her hair whilst batting her eye lashes- just like I did with Alfie...
"How are you?" He asked smiling. He didn't once look back at me...Maybe he doesn't love me any more I thought to myself. No, your just over reacting.

"I'm sorry James" I wailed, but it only came out as a whisper. He was ignoring me...too busy with that pretty girl.

I'm the sure how long I was stood watching, but through a blurry vision I saw her lean in and peck his cheek. I was so upset that tears were forming in my eyes and nearly rolling down my cheeks. I bit my lip hard, desperate not to let them slip out.

When James finally turned around and came back over to me, he had a huge smirk on his face. Deep down I knew he was only playing around, and by me acting like it didn't hurt and that I was annoyed probably made him tease me more about it. He always loved annoying me, however this time I felt a bit betrayed...

"Hey Riles, didn't see you there" he laughed, half joking and half sarcastic. I could tell I had hurt him by flirting with Alfie but that didn't mean he had to go and do it back...Therefore I ignored him and went back to the group, which included Noah and Richelle who were back and eating ice cream.

I could hear James calling my name from behind, but I ignored him until he grabbed my waist forcing me to face him.

"Im teasing you, you know that right?" He asked a bit concerned like he might have hit a nerve. Which he had.
"Yep" I mumble, scrunching my toes up in the sand under my feet.
"Good, and I hope you won't go flirting with anyone else again, your mine" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Get off me!" I snapped shoving him back. "And wipe that lipstick off your cheek whilst your at it" I grumbled. He immediately did so and stepped towards me again.
"Riles, don't be so upset. It was only a joke, it's not like I meant anything I said to her." He explained whilst rolling his eyes. I don't think he realised how much it actually effected me until he saw the one tear roll down my cheek.

Suddenly he smothered me in a tight hug, concern evident in his voice. "Don't cry, I'm so sorry." He apologised. I had stopped sulking and looked up at him- in the big brown eyes I fell in love with.
"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have flirted with that guy and I won't ever do anything like that again" I cried out.
"Riles, its fine and I shouldn't have done that to you either. I knew you didn't mean it and I forgive you. I hope I can make you feel better by taking you on a date tonight?" He asked sweetly. I giggled quietly and smirked to myself- the acting classes seemed to have payed off...
"Of course I would love to" I reply, smiling at him. He smiled back and leaned down pecking my lips. And if that didn't make me truly feel better, seeing the other girls' face after certainly did...
Been writing this for agesss😭😂
I kept doing it wrong, then it was too long so I adjusted basically the whole thing so yeah😂thanks again for the idea TNS_Fan4Eva , really appreciated it❤️ and I hope I managed to write it as good as you expected😅💗

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