Scared to be lonely

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*Rileys POV*
Things were great at the very start... After I had broken up with James (which was very painful for the both of us) things got a little easier. He wasn't around any more since he didn't come to the studio, which meant I had a chance with Alfie. Yes it sounds selfish, but I had lost James and it was clear he would never want to give a bitch like me a second chance at loving him. And to be honest, I couldn't blame him. First I broke his heart by kissing Alfie, then as he gave me his forgiveness I went and shattered him by breaking up with him. I never got the chance to say sorry..I never spoke nor saw him again.

So after a couple of months of heartache, Alfie helped fix that. He wrote me another song- and no matter how ashamed I felt I kissed him. I was single, it's not like I was cheating on anyone...but I still felt like I was. It felt wrong. But I was scared- James had left for England after the breakup. I know it wasn't his fault, none of it was his fault, it's just my fault I can't help but have someone to lean on. I was just scared...scared to be lonely. That's why I leant on Alfie.

That led to how things are now. Alfie and I are dating. After I got over James I still liked Alfie, and at first I was unsure if my feelings were real but I figured they would have disappeared a long time ago if they were fake. He was the one who healed my heart- I found something worth living for, because after James left I didn't know what else to do. But thanks to Alfie, all my bad thoughts had disappeared. He fixed me, he glued my heart back into one piece.

I just wish he used stronger glue.

So that's how things are now. We're still together, some people would look at us and think we're perfect. But the reality is all hidden behind closed doors.

Nobody ever found the lock to the door therefore the ugly truths of our relationship were still hidden. That was all until she tried to break it down.

But all she ever did was break me more.

It was just another average day for me. Wake up, get ready, stay at the studio till way past closing times. It's what happened every night, there was no breaks. And Alfie? Well he didn't give a shit about helping me out.

But I knew that James would have done...

Recently I've been missing him more and more. Yes, I broke up with him months ago but what other choice did I have? He didn't deserve me, I broke his heart multiple times. Worse than he had ever hurt me in the 3 years we had dated. But like I said...what choice did I have...

I was pulled out of my thoughts with a knock on the door.
"Come in" I mumbled tiredly, not even looking to see who it was.
"What's the matter with you?" His deep voice said sarcastically. I look up meeting his chocolate brown eyes which were staring at me like a hawk.
"N-Nothing, I'm sorry" I stuttered.

One thing I've learnt over the months is never to speak back to Alfie. That just makes him even worse.

"Aww well I'm sure I know a way to make you feel better" he smirked whilst putting his hands on my butt, squeezing it a little. My breathing hitched as I could feel his icy breath down my neck.

"Shh baby" he whispered with evil in his eyes. He grazed his finger on my lip, before diving his tongue straight in and shoving me against the wall. He pinned my hands above my head and continued kissing me deeply whilst his hand rubbed my thigh from under the skirt.

Luckily for the petite girl, Alfie was interrupted by a girls voice.
"Guys! what have I told you about saving it until you get home! There could be kids about" Michelle piped up. Her voice was half disgusted, half jokingly. Alfie pulled away, and turned to face the blonde girl.

"Oh gosh, were so sorry, it's just we're so in love that we get carried away. Right Ri?" He said looking back at me, who was holding the desk to stop me passing out.

I took a deep breath and smiled "Right." But as soon as Michelle turned her attention back to Alfie my face fell.
"But, I think we will save this for when we get home" Alfie smirked.
"Ew, I do not need to see, never mind know about your sexual life" Michelle laughed whilst walking towards the door. " I have to go, so just make sure to save it till your home, I don't want anyone walking in on you too naked! That wouldn't be a pretty sight" She laughed.
"Bye, Michelle." Alfie said, turning his attention back to Me. I started to panic.
"Get the keys and lock up, were going back home" he smirked, and by now I knew exactly what he had in mind...


I painfully walked into the studio. My eyes were sore and puffy from yet another restless night. That's why I locked the office door- I didn't want anyone to see me like this. And also I felt that if nobody tried to break my walls down, nobody would break the door down either. I sat in my chair, looking at the desk full of paperwork before bursting into tears. There was so much to do, and I was too tiered, to sore and too scared to function properly. 'I've had enough with the way Alfie's using me' I thought to myself. But it was already too late.

By picking Alfie over James I had completely ruined everything. If I had just ignored Alfie's threats and stay with James everything would have been okay.

I never told anyone what he threatened to do if I didn't break up with James. There was no way I could tell anyone what he did to ruin my life...

"Break up with him. I know you love him, that's why you would want him getting hurt, right Ri?" Alfie coaxed.
I was still confused.
"But if I break up with him, that will hurt him even more, and me" I argued back.
"But I could hurt him worse!" Alfie suddenly yelled, slapping my face. A single tear rolled down my already swelling cheek.
"I've already hurt you, what makes you think I wouldn't hurt him?" He snarled. By now I was too frightened to say anything. But I couldn't leave, he had me locked in my office.
"Y-you wouldn't..." I whispered through tears.
"No?" Alfie asked, clearly not fazed. That's when I saw him pull a plastic medicine bottle full of pills out his pocket. "I have a feeling James might need these..after the pain I put him through..."
Ooo part 2 coming soon 😉
Who do you think 'she' is? What do you think 'she' did? What's really going on in Ralfies relationship? And most importantly, will 'he' ever return?... ;)

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