We meet again

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It was about 11pm and I was having a mini panic attack. My 8 month old daughter Imogen had just woken me up and now I was half way through a diaper change I realised there was none left. How is there none, surely I should have noticed and gone to the store just down the road before now! I guess being a single mother whilst having a full time job is hard work- even paying the bills for my small one bedroom flats getting hard to handle without adding on months of restless nights from raising a newborn.

I made an attempt to clean up the diaper before replacing it on Imogen. By now she had stopped crying, but I sill had to go to the shop to buy some more. There was no one to look after her and I doubt I could get a babysitter-besides I couldn't afford it and It would just take ages anyway. I needed more eggs for breakfast tomorrow anyway, so i quickly got Imogen in the push chair and ready to nip to the shop.

After a 15 minute struggle of getting the push chair down all three flights of stairs (this block has no elevator since it's the cheapest one going) I finally was on the sidewalk walking to the store. Thankfully its only about a 15 minute walk away.

The night sky was bitter and a little spooky, but thankfully there was loads of car lights and street lamps. Bonus of living in the middle of Toronto I guess. I shivered from the cold before pushing the pram into the local shop which thank god was still open. I held open the door for some man who followed me in before grabbing a box of eggs and dashing straight to the diapers.

I browsed the shelfs, wondering where they could be before spotting them. And just as this night couldn't get any worse, they were right on the top shelf. Great. I attempted to reach them but being so short I was quite a bit away. I sighed, whilst playing with Imogen's hand as she started to wake up again. I subtly looked up and down the aisle but unfortunately there was no one who I could get help from.

After taking a minute to breath and think about what to d, a stool which shop assistants used to stack the higher shelves caught my eye. I dragged it over and carefully got on it, whilst holding the prams handle to steady myself. I reached up to grab the diapers.

Suddenly I heard a raspy voice shout "Careful!" Before finding myself embarrassingly surrounded by multiple packs. I seemed to have jumped and knocked them off...oops.

I sigh and quickly get off the stool, before bending down to pick up the diapers which I knocked off. The kind stranger did too, and helped gather them up also. It wasn't until I looked at him to thank him that I recognised his face...

It was James.

Hate this but I needed to update and fast. Only took me like 20 mins to write lol but if you want a part two then let me know💜

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