Off camera •Trittany•

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I parked up in my usual parking space and killed the engine of my fancy black car. The morning air was breezy and whilst walking past the few cars already here I notice the small white one in particular. It's the one I was always happy to see and after 2 years of working on set with Brittany, I recognise the registration number off the top of my head. I didn't realise I was smiling to myself as I walked through the building and to the cast room. I noticed a few people giving me a confused look as to why I was smiling but I didn't even know the real answer myself. I coughed slightly, wiping the smile off my face and taking myself and my coffee to the dressing rooms.

Isaac and I were reading through our scripts for today's filming whilst waiting for the director to come and give us the outfits we would need. Isaac and I were having a good laugh whilst I was still scanning my eyes through today's scene, but suddenly I felt an odd churning in my stomach and my face drop.

Apparently I didn't notice Lamar's appearance but I was pulled from my thoughts when he laughed slightly whilst asking "You good bro?".

I looked up from the text, and nodded slightly whilst they failed to ignore the rosy blush burning my cheeks. I wasn't one to blush, but when my crush was involved I couldn't control it.

"Hey boys, ready for filming?" One of the stylists asked whilst walking into the room. She had some note in her hand which I'm guessing had out outfits for the day written on. Lamar Isaac and I all nodded and smiled whilst she told us which outfits we would be needing. I already knew mine would be a bit different from the usual tank top and jogging bottoms which I usually danced in, because after reading through my script I found out that today I was filming the date night with wonder I felt slightly nervous. But why now, we had filmed loads of dates?

Once we found our clothes and headed back to the dressing room to change, we still were being our goofy selves. Isaac, Lamar and I were all in our separate change rooms (which was just a small block and curtain with our names on) but we were all laughing and being silly as we made animal noises. It actually reminded me of the scene back in Season 1 of The Next Step when 'Emily' kicked us out the studio. I laughed even harder as I remembered all the bloopers from that day, and when I started mocking Emily.

Shane and I had just finished getting our hair and makeup done (which was mostly for me but he stayed and talked to me since we're good friends) and we're just about to walk into the dressing room when we heard strange noises followed by laughing.

"What is that?" I laughed as we walked inside. I recognised the voices as Trevor's, Lamar's and Isaacs. They were in their changing rooms whilst doing stupid animal sounds. Shane laughed and did a loud elephant noise which grabbed the three boys attention. Isaac and Lamar walked out their curtains laughing, closely followed by Trev who happened to be shirtless. I couldn't help but notice his well sculpted abs. I quickly looked down at my small black heels in an attempt to calm down my beating heard and hide the blush forming on my cheeks. 'Ugh, what is wrong with me?' I thought to myself laughing slightly.

By now Trevor had got his shirt on, as well as his black jeans and some shoes. He looked fancy compared to most days, which usually was baggy bottoms and a top. I couldn't lie though, he looked pretty damn cute.

After quickly putting my top on and doing up the buttons, I gave Shane a bro hug as did the other two boys. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of how Shane walked in with Britt, but I pushed those thoughts away as I took a moment to take in her beauty.

She had her hair and makeup done beautifully, and the floral pattern dress matched perfectly. It hugged her body in all the right pla- Trevor stop staring!

I walked back into my change room and acted as if I had left something in there. Which I hadn't since it was empty but it got me out the situation well. I heard the door swing open and could hear them leaving. However when I turned around I saw Britt still here and she walked over towards me.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked sweetly. I mentally cursed to myself for acting strange around her just a moment ago. "Yeah I'm good" I smile. She nods slightly as I scratch my head. I quickly made an effort to make more conversation. "Guessing you read the script then?" I asked sounding casual. "Yeah, another Jiley date" she giggled. I laughed along slightly and nodded "yup. In fact we should probably head off to studio A" I smile. She nods and I'm just about to walk out when she grabs my wrist.

"Trevor wait" she said sounding..nervous?
"What's wrong?" I ask, looking down at her. It's only then that I realise how much closer we are stood from just a minute ago.
" it just me that feels, I don't know, different about this date?" She asks with her sparkling brown eyes shining up at me. I smiled a bit but shook my head.
"In what way?" I dared to ask, and got a simple shrug of her shoulders.
"I don't know" she admitted. My stomach was fluttering like crazy by now. "Something in me feels different.."
"Butterflies?" I ask but she shook her head.
"No, I always get them around you" she said quickly. I raised an eyebrow as she realised what she just said.
"Always huh?" I chuckle seeing the blush clearly on her pink cheeks. She hits my chest playfully as we both laugh a little.

"Not like that. I just mean that this date feels different, like something in my heart has a good way I think."
By now I was confused so I decided to jump in whilst I could. There was no sugar coating it.
"Britt do you maybe like me?"

She snapped her head up so she was looking at me and her eyes were wide. Brittany shook her head quickly. "no! Of course not!" I couldn't help feel a slight bit of embarrassment and disappointment however when I saw her start fiddling with her rings I knew I had caught her out. I mean, I've known her for years and I know for a fact that she only does that when she's nervous.

I chuckle slightly. "Are you sureee?" I tease, seeing her getting annoyed.
"No! I don't like you.." she mumbled causing us both to laugh. We both knew she liked me. And I knew I had always liked her.

Neither of us said anything for a while, instead we just stared at one another. I could feel the heat still on my cheeks after him figuring out the secret I had hidden for years now, and I felt slightly reassured when I saw his cheeks a brighter shade of  pink too. Maybe he liked me?

It was hard to know for sure since we had always had a 'brother, sister' bond. Maybe he didn't like me after all. I don't even know, my head had all sorts of thoughts whizzing through it.
Does he like me back? What's going to happen after this conversation? Are we going to date or just stay friends?.. Did he just say what i think?

"Britt, we're late to set. But first, just to calm my nerves I think we should rehearse the kiss."

I was still speechless as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine gently. It was sweet and it felt different from all the kisses on camera. It had passion and it made it 10x better knowing that this wasn't staged.

However all good things have to come to an end as we pulled apart. I smiled slightly, still surprised after what had just happened. In fact I about fell when Trev grabbed my hand and whisked me off down to studio A without a word.

All I can say is that date we filmed, the season 4 Jiley date before James goes to London, was the best one yet.

Who knows, maybe the fact the three kisses were real made that slight difference...all I knew was that I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

Sooo, finally a Trittany update bc I feel like these are so rare now bens with Britt...I hope you enjoyed and also I think I'm going to try working on an actual book instead of the oneshots now since I have a few I've started in my draft lol.

Anyways thanks for reading, let me know what you thought and don't forget to leave you're vote if you want more fan fiction like this :)❤️

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