Never have i ever •Trittany•

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•part 1•

"Let's watch a movie!" Isaac suggested to the group who were all scattered around Victoria's lounge. Lamar and Trev were slouched on one couch, Isaac was sat on the grey rug leaning against the couch and beside him was Myles who had Briar sat comfortably in his lap. Brittany, Victoria and Taveeta were sharing the other couch with the Tv remote on the arm of the couch.

"We're watching action" Lamar decided, making Briar groan and the other three girls giggle. "Not if we have the remote!"

Vic snatched the remote before giving anyone else a chance to and went onto the romantic comedy genre and scrolled through the choices.

"NO" Isaac sighed dramatically as he put his head in his hands. Trevor chuckled and patted his shoulder, with a subtle smirk on his face. He wasn't happy to be having to watch love movies all night but chose not to say anything.

It was only half way into the movie but Britt and Vic had already let a few tears slip. The boys thought they were being over dramatic and just chuckled amongst themselves every time Britt snuffled or Vic asked for another tissue. They boys hadn't even been paying attention to the movie and had just been on their phones or quietly talking to one another.

"Yo Vic, where's the bathroom?" Trev interrupted whilst getting off the couch. She pointed down the hall, not once taking her eyes off the movie which she was so drawn to. He nodded and went in that direction, even though he knew just about where it was since him and Vic were really close friends.

Trevor had actually helped Vic move in just a few months ago and one thing he knew was where the electrical box for her house was- the cupboard under the stairs.

After the girls had decided on watching 'the notebook' Trev decided it would be fun to mess with them. He abandoned going to the bathroom, which was actually just an excuse, and creaked open the door cupboard door and flicked a few switches.

A loud screech was heard from the room just down the hallway and Trevor chuckled whilst getting his phone torch out and heading back to the lounge quickly.

"Yo what happened? Is everyone alright" he asked, trying to convince them that he was clueless.
"Well the electric seems to be gone!" exclaimed Isaiah as if the others hadn't noticed despite being sat in complete darkness except from the small light glooming from Trevs phone.

"I'll go take a look at the electric box, where is it?" Asked Isaac whilst getting his phone from his pocket and putting his torch on too.
"I'll show you where it is, plus it's better to stay in pairs" Vic said huddling towards him. Trevor had to jump in quick.
"Actually you stay with the girls and Isaiah, it's under the stairs right?" Vic nodded and Trev and Isaac left the room. Close one he thought to himself.

Britt's POV
The lights randomly turned out half way through the movie. It was pretty annoying but now Taveeta and I are trying to convince Vic to calm down and that her house isn't haunted. In fact I have a sneaky suspicion that Trev may have something to do with it- the way he left the room as it happened, the way he stopped Vic from going with Isaac and the fact that him and Isaac have been gone a few more minutes than they probably should have been.

Isaac's POV
Trevor and I were stood by the stairs as he explained what he did. I found it hilarious how the girls had at first freaked out over the lights 'magically turning themselves off' when in fact it was of course the prankster, Trev. Of course I agreed to not tell them and go along with his plan and so after a few minutes we went back to the lounge, acting disappointed that the electric had 'broken' and that someone would have to come and fix it tomorrow.

"Yup, it wont come back on" I convinced the others, helping Trev and I's plan. There was a few mumbles and Vic had a mini rant about how it had been fine since moving in. It wasn't long until she had thankfully calmed herself down and just about gotten over it.

Third person POV
"So, what do we do now?" Briar asked. They had lit a few candles and got all their phone torches out along with a battery lamp Vic had in her bedroom. It did a good job of brightening up the little circle that they were sat in as they decided what to do.

No electric, no WiFi, no movies.

"How about duck duck goose?" Isaac suggested, causing everyone shake their head at his awful suggestion. Even 5 year olds wouldn't have wanted to play duck duck goose.

"A dance party?" Isaiah suggested but there were a few 'buts' about having no decent music or disco lights. And the possibility of someone breaking their leg and no easy way of getting help. It was almost 2am after all.

"What about never have I ever?" Suggested Myles. Everyone nodded their head in agreement and once everyone got comfy the game started.

The first few rounds were pretty basic- ever kissed someone, ever cheated on a test, ever lied to someone. But as Victoria's third turn to ask approached she decided to ask a more daring question.
"Never have I ever had feelings for another cast member?"
Obviously Briar and Myles put their hand in the middle whilst smiling softly at each other. They had been together for the past 4 months after all and everyone knew they would of course. But it wasn't them Vic was waiting for.

Vic's POV
After Bryles had put their hands in the middle I glanced over at Trevor who shifted uncomfortably. He could probably feel my gaze burning into him and I saw his eyes glance at me briefly before he sighed almost and threw his hand into the middle. I smirked knowing all about his secret little crush...

Not even 5 seconds had passed by before I was sinking my eyes into Brittany's. I also knew she was lying whilst fiddling with the rings on her hand. The hand that should be in the middle and confessing that she had had feelings for another cast member. Or should I say, still does have feelings for another cast member.

She scowled at me and shook her head a little, before looking away.
Everyone's eyes turned to Isaiah who was looking at her confused. I didn't know she had told him about liking Trevor?
"You must be lying, I just saw you shaking your head!" He laughed. The others, especially Trev and I, raised an eyebrow and after a few minutes she reluctantly put her hand in the middle.

Britt's POV
I rolled my eyes and put my hand in the middle along with Bryles and Trevor. At least Vic didn't reveal my secret about liking Trevor- I would have died in embarrassment and probably ran away for miles.

Trev's POV
After Isaiah spoke up and made Britt put her hand in the middle too, I tried and pushed away the small glowing feeling in my stomach. It probably wasn't me, I highly doubt it and she has such a good bond with Isaac and Lamar too, and,and-

"Yo it's your turn to ask Trev" Myles said. I shook away the thoughts in my mind and thought of a question.

"Never have I ever um forgot someone's birthday" I asked randomly.

"BORING" Isaac sighed loudly in a way which made us all laugh. Some of the others nodded in agreement.

"Hey how about we play Truth or Dare now?" Briar suggested. I was a bit hesitant but nodded as everyone agreed excitedly. I gulped as I saw the way Vic smirked in my direction.

Vic's POV
Things are about to get interesting...

Not very happy with this but it's an update right? Better than nothing :)
Also there's gonna be a part 2 called truth or dare coming out in the next few days once I've wrote it and that will be he last upload if this one shot book. I'm not going to go into much detail right now but just keep your eyes peeled for the next update xx

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