Nightmare •halloween special•

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He smiled adorably at the young girl, showing her his cute dimples. Seeing James smile automatically lifted Rileys mood and made her feel happy. And those eyes, those dark beautiful eyes she managed to get lost in every time. He always managed to make her feel warm inside, even when James did stupid things to annoy her. And his love for Riley was never ending. He did everything possible to see her sweet smile and hear her adorable giggles. He also loved making her blush, mostly because after he could tease her about it. There was no doubt, they were completely in love.

She gently grabbed his neck and cheek with her soft small hands, leaning in for a kiss. Their lips tingled as they slowly moved with one another, James placing one hand on her warm cheek and the other on her lower back. He was about to lay her down on the back seat of the car when suddenly something tapped on the window.
"Who's there?" Riley said sounding braver than she probably was. The only light from outside the car window was that coming from the moon, and even then the sky and remote area around were almost pitch black. James quickly sat up, helping Riley into her own seat before trying to make out any human like figures in the darkness.


"Whatever it was, there gone now baby" he whispered into her ear, before delicately kissing her neck once again. The bulge in his black ripped jeans was growing, however the frightened girl was unable to move.

"Relax Ri" James coaxed, before pulling her face to the side to connect their lips. Riley automatically melted into the kiss, forgetting all about her worries of what or who was in the darkness. However she didn't stay calm for long after she heard a thud rattle the car slightly.

"It's just the wind baby girl" James started off, feeling her body tense up.
"Just the wind?! The wind does not make the car rattle like that! Someone's out there". She insisted. "James no, no you're staying right here!" She whisper-yelled seeing the look in his eyes.
"Don't panic baby, I'll be right back" he said before tucking her hair behind her ear and pecking her lips delicately.

Riley shivered. She felt all alone, she was all alone...But have you ever had the feeling that someone's watching you? That was one way to describe her thoughts.

Everything was silent, but she could just make out the light from James phones torch. He was quite far away, going down the dirt track which had thick trees reflecting at the sides. She had her knees up to her chest and her small arms wrapped around them tightly.

Suddenly she heard a gust of wind come from the front of the car. Riley glanced there, only for a split second but when she turned back to where James had previously been stood it was dark. His torch was no longer there.

Breathing heavily from distress, Riley quickly looked out each car window. She saw nothing. She tried to convince herself that he had just gone around a corner or was at an angle that the light couldn't be seen but it didn't help settle her nerves in the slightest. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare, but when hot tears silently rolled down her cheek she realised this was all real. This was not a dream.

"Miss me Ri?" A husky voice said as she heard the car door slam shut.

"James!" She cried whilst burying her head into his chest. He held her in a tight hug, slowly rubbing her back.

Suddenly Riley whimpered. Something felt really strange. James had a strange scent, and the way he held her was different. He had a firm grip on her, almost a painfully tight one. Then she realised the nickname, "Ri".

James never called Riley 'Ri' under any circumstance. He knew damn well that's what her grandmother (who recently passed away) called her. It was still a sensitive subject for her, besides James usually called her 'Riles'.

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