Going All The Way

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*James POV*
I slowly push her down onto the bed, climbing on top and connect in our lips once again. It's the night before I'm off to London with the boys for the Hiphop competition, and me and Riley have just came back to mine after our date. She's staying over since she's taking me to the airport tomorrow, and as usual after watching a boring movie we've ended up in a passionate make out session.  We continue until we're both desperately gasping for air.

Once I've recovered I start planting kisses down her neck. "I love you so much" I mumble between kisses. She smiles and squirms from underneath me.

"J-James" Riley says softly between quiet moans. "Yes baby, what is it?" I ask, gently rubbing her sides.

There was a long pause."Take me?"

I remove my lips from her neck, and look in eyes. Did I hear her right?
"What?" I ask confused.
"..Take me..please" Riley whispered whilst biting her lip. "It's your last night before you leave, so please make it a night neither of us will ever forget?"

After a moment of just thinking, I look down at her and see she really wants this. Just as much as I do. Therefore, I nod, before connecting our lips once more.

Me and Riley hadn't ever gone all the way, therefore I was a little nervous. 'Just take things slow' I think to myself.

After kissing passionately for a while, Riley started tracing the muscles through my shirt- she always did this when she wanted it gone. I pulled away and took my shirt off before connecting our lips yet again. Tiny moans escaped my lips as her nails explored my chest and arms, digging in slightly as the pleasure was building. Gosh she was driving me crazy.

*Rileys POV*
This is it- James and I are going all the way. I was a little shocked when I managed to say the words, we hadn't ever even talked about this. But I felt ready, and if I was ready I'm sure he is too.

We continued our intense lip-lock before I rolled us over. We continued to kiss as I straddled him, and lowered my hands down to the waistband on his jeans. I'm pretty sure there was a bulge growing, not that I was staring or anything...

He pulled his lips off of mine for a moment and shook his head.
"W-what?" I asked nervous and confused. He just smirked.
"It's my turn to undress you." And with that my top was off over my head. His fingers rubbed the bare skin on my waist as I kissed his jawline and neck. He seemed to be enjoying it, as was I. This was already a special night for the both of us.
"Your so beautiful Riles" James mumbled as my bra was tossed onto the growing heap of clothes. His eyes were focused completely on my exposed chest.
"My eyes are up here" I giggled, grabbing his attention In a better way. He flipped us back over, kissing and nibbling on my bare breasts- sometimes nipping his teeth down onto my nipples . By now my moans were increasing, telling him that I was enjoying this.

As we continued sharing saliva, I moved my hands down to the waistline on his jeans again. Before I knew it I was undoing the button and sliding them off his legs.

*James POV*
I chuckled as I saw Riley's cheeks flush a light shade of pink.
"Whatcha staring at?" I smirk.
"N-nothing" she mumbled, quickly looking away. She probably knew that I knew she was flustered by the tent in my underwear. I pulled her back on top of me before we kissed a couple more times.

"Are you sure you want to go all the way?" I ask, looking into her dark brown eyes. She bites her lip and nods, before I slowly remove her leggings, along with her laced panties.

"Oh James.." The petite girl moaned from under his body. His fingers were gently gliding along her already moist slit, before she begged for his entry. James smirked at the small girl, before granting her wish and pumping two fingers into her.

"Someone's tight" he groaned, as he continued pleasing her. She smirked, before purposely clamping down on his fingers, making it near impossible for him to continue his work.
"Oh so now your being a bad girl?" James chuckles whilst removing his fingers and  placing them in his mouth. He cleaned off her juices, savouring her sweet taste.
"James, I need you now and I know you want me..."  Riley whispered to her boyfriend who wasted no time in leaning over her tiny body.

He teased the girl by sliding his hard
Shaft over her slit. "We're going all the way" he whispered seductively as he began to lustfully thrust in and out his moaning girl.

That was the most pleasure's thing they experienced in a while...
Keep or delete? Idk lol I reread this before publishing oops

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