Wave of reality

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"Yes" I said, smiling down at my boyfriend James as another tear rolled down my cheek. This was the happiest moment of my life, as the love of my life carefully slipped the gorgeous ring onto my finger. I passionately kissed him, my tiptoes digging into the golden sand.

It was one of many bright days here in Hawaii. My boyfriend James had bought me here for a trip away for the week, and we had decided to go down to the beach. It was supposed to be a good day for surfing due to the atmosphere being windier than usual. Anyway after walking down from the hotel and just spending a couple of hours together on the beach he took my hands and led me to the waters edge. He smiled and held both my hands before getting down on one knee and popping the question.

Of course I said yes-it was perfect and he was my soulmate. I couldn't be happier. This was perfect.

We started walking back to where we left our towels and bags which was up near this little cove. It was so cute and romantic, plus it was a bit further away than where the main part of the beach was. It was peaceful here.

Anyway, we was about half way up when suddenly James stopped. His hand fell out of mine, and he looked up the beach. It was strange.

"Did you hear that?" He asked. I laughed a bit before furrowing my brow.
"Hear what?" I asked but he didn't reply. I listened, before suddenly hearing a bunch of seagulls flapping overhead whilst squeaking and a faint rumbling sound.

"What the..?" I whispered more to myself than James. Suddenly I heard someone yell "tsunami!" and I think James did too as we both looked behind us to see the biggest wave of my life. It was pretty much taller than the palm tree to which the birds had just evacuated from and before i could process what was happening I was being dragged up the beach by James.

I struggled to keep up with him, but kept running. I had no choice, the wave would catch us if we didn't hurry. All we had to do was get up the steps and to the top of the snack bar and we would be safer. However I wasn't even half way towards the stairs when my stomach began to cramp.

I groaned in frustration whilst trying to run. Why now? I asked myself before being slung over James shoulder. We were both panting for breath however I squealed when I saw how close the wave was.

No matter how fast we ran, it was going to catch us. There was probably less than a minute before it would catch us up so I had to tell James. Before it was too late.

"J-JAMES" I cried whilst still clinging onto his shoulder. He was still running, clearly struggling to keep up as he had slowed down a lot since a few minutes ago.
"Shh Hun it's ok" he tried to soothe between heavy breaths.
"I-I-I'm pregnant" I cried out, tears running down my cheeks and into his shirt. I had been meaning to keep it a secret since I only found out about two days ago but I needed to do it now, whilst I had a chance.

Suddenly he stopped running and put me down on the ground. He places his hands on my bare stomach before pulling me into a deep kiss. He knew that I knew it was too late, and not even 5 seconds into the kiss and the wave hit us.

Submerged into the salty water...never to be seen again?
I attempted to write something simalar to this a while ago however I dragged it on way too long- it was like 2000+ words aha. (This one is about 600).
Anyways let me know if you want a part 2, because who knows, maybe they will be seen again...😏

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