Dont go

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Idek what this song is I just thought of a title and searched it up😂
*Rileys POV*
I took the juice I just bought over an empty table, pulling a stool out and taking a seat. After removing the cap and taking a small sip, I looked around and twisted the rings on my fingers. It was the one I always wore-James had gotten it me for our anniversary. It was silver with 'Jiley' engraved on the inside. I loved it, it always reminded me of James and how much I love him. However just as I started thinking about that day, I was pulled from my thoughts. James smiled at me from across the table, helping himself to a sip of my drink. 'Typical James' I thought as a small smile appeared on my face.
"Hey" he smiled, staring me in the eyes.
"Hi?" I said with a little giggle as he raised his eyebrows in confusion.
"What's up?" He asked. I gulped.
"N-nothing I'm fine!" I say a little too quickly whilst biting my lip.
"Riles, you should know by now that i can tell there's something on your I'll ask again, what's up?" James asked concerned whilst taking my hands in his. I smiled, it's honestly very sweet how he can read my mind like it's an open book.
"Well..I'm just worried now that your off to London and that Kate's left me in charge of the whole studio..and it's gonna be hard having nobody to rely on to help me through this!" I ramble on.
"Look, I'll only be gone for a few weeks and you'll be an amazing studio head. Miss Kate wouldn't have handed it over to you if you weren't capable."
I smile at how sweet his words are. "Thankyou James, you always know how to cheer me up. I love you."

*James POV*
"I love you too" I say smiling across he table. For a moment it's as if we're in our own little bubble. It's adorable how worked up she gets, but I'm hoping tonight will help her loosen up.
"Baby I've gotta go, but meet me in Studio A, 7:30 sharp. Don't be late!" I laugh whilst kissing her forehead and making my way out of Java Junction. All I know is tonight is going to be perfect.
I wait in Studio A. There's fairy lights hung up and in the centre of the floor is a table with some roses in a glass vase. I turn my attention to my beautiful girlfriend, who's heels are clicking on the floor as she walks inside. We smile at one another, saying our usual 'hello's' with a peck on the lips. I pull out a chair for Riley, which she accepts,before sitting down myself.
"What's this?" Riley asks sweetly.
"It's a date. Since I'm off to London tomorrow I thought I should spend my last night with you." I smiled.
"That's so sweet" Riley giggles, but her happy face soon turns to worry.
"I don't want you to go.." she whispers.
"I know..but I have to and I'll be back in a few weeks" I remind her, but clearly the 'few weeks' doesn't help the situation.
I wipe the single tear off her cheek "Riles don't cry" I say. Thankfully this makes her smile, just a little bit.
*Rileys POV*
After we've finished eating, James takes my hand and we slow dance. I have my head buried in the crook of his neck whilst his hands are around my back. I've always loved dancing with James- whether it was a group dance, duet or even our slow dances. It's just a magical moment between the two of us and nothing could ever replace that.

"Have you had fun tonight?" James asks adorably. I simply nod, not wanting to risk my voice cracking and tears spilling.
"I'm glad you liked it" he said kissing my temple. I move my head so that we're looking in each other's eyes. Gosh he's so perfect. My eyes turn glossy as the tears threaten to spill once again. I quickly look down and blink, whilst sniffling my nose. His protective arms wrap around me tighter as he comforts me.
"I love you, so much James" I whisper.
"I love you too Riles,I never want to let you go."  I look up at him, a small smile appearing on my face. I capture his lips in mine as we kiss slowly, passionately.

He's so perfect. I'm never going to let him go.
The next chapter is kinda like a part 2, and it's pretty much what happens after the date and go back to James..I've started writing it and it's kinda mature so I just wanna know how detailed it should be? (Mature or not? Bc idk if it's wierd writing about them doing 'certain' stuff😂)

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