Marry me?

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James pulled up outside his girlfriends house.
From James:
I'm outside xx
From Riley:
I'll be out in a second xx😘
He smiled at his phone, before shoving it into his pocket. Just as he did, Riley climbed into his car and leaned over the seat, pecking his lips in a sweet kiss.

The young couple were so in love- everyone knew it. And everyone was certain that they would get married and raise a family together. They would be together till their lungs gave out. James could never see himself with anyone but her, and neither could Riley. They were perfect for each other. They were going to be together forever.

"Hey James" Riley smiled getting into his car. He smiled back and copied her actions by leaning over the seats and having a short kiss. She giggled as she clipped in her seatbelt and James began to drive.

"So..where are we going exactly?" Riley asked, trying to squeeze some information from James. He was dressed smartly, and he had asked her to wear a particular dress. It was his favourite, he loved it on her.
"It's a suprised" he said, still keeping it a secret. Riley sighed "fine." She just had to wait until they arrived.

James pulled up into an empty car park space outside a well lit building.
"James this looks amazing!" Riley said excitedly, as they both hopped out the car and held hands as they entered the building.
The couple made eye contact and smiled widely at one another as they were being taken to their table. It was a fancy little restaurant with tables filling the room, and there was huge windows overlooking the dark city.
"This is stunning, thank you" Riley smiled as James pulled out her seat. He chuckled and nodded whilst sitting down opposite her. "It's petty magnificent I must admit."
"It must have been so expensive though, you really didn't have to do this" Riley frowned, feeling bad for the way he was spoiling her. It wasn't even a special occasion.
"Price doesn't matter when it comes to you" he smiled whilst taking her hands. "I love you, so much."
"I know, and I love you more than you can ever imagine" Riley smiled back, leaning over and kissing his lips passionately. However they got broken apart when the waitress bought over their meals.
After thanking the waitress and beginning to tuck in, Riley noticed something. No, it wasn't a bone in her chicken. It was a Ring.

At first she was so confused-what was there a ring for? But then when she saw James kneeling beside her she covered her mouth with her hands. She was so shocked, and she even shed a few happy tears.
"I love you so much, you've always been the one and ever since our first date I dreamt of this moment. So Riley, my best friend and girlfriend, will you marry me?"
Riley didn't have to think about her answer-of course it would be a yes, but she was too shocked to speak. All she managed to do was wipe her eyes and nod. The pair of them had the biggest smiles on their faces, and as James slid on the ring the whole restaurant erupted into cheering. James blushed and Riley giggled, giving him a loving kiss. She felt so lucky, as did James. And to make it even more memorable, James just had to say whilst laughing "let's eat, or our food will get cold." Riley laughed at his goofiness- only James would say that after just getting engaged. That was for sure was something neither Riley or James would ever forget.

Just a cute Jiley one shot, and of course James being silly😂 not proof read bc I'm way too lazy rn and am trying to write like 3 other drafts lol

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