Bus ride home

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The song I've used (^) is amazing so don't judge. 😂😂😂
The rain was pouring from the dull clouds, soaking the girls shoulder length bob. Water was dripping off the blond tips and down her leather jacket, drenching her from head to toe. The weather perfectly matched her mood- damp and heavy. She only noticed she was crying when the odd salty tear tingled on her plump lips, and her sobbing was drowned out by the rare clash of thunder and cars zooming through puddles. She couldn't care
Less when the bus she had been waiting for splashed muddy water on her. She was already soaked anyway.

If she had knew she was going to get into a fight with her boyfriend of 3 years and be ditched at the dance studio without a ride home, she defiantly would have bought a coat.
It's too late now she thought as she took a seat on the quiet bus. What's done is done. There's no going back.

As the bus droned on through wet windy roads, her mind wondered to the events of earlier...

"Hey riles" her boyfriend James said whilst wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiled and placed a kiss on his lips "hey, what's up?" She asked casually.
"Nothing much, just waiting for rehearsals to start" he replied casually as Riley headed over to her friend Michelle. James was about to follow until he noticed her bag tumble out the cubby. He shrugged and picked it up, shoving some things which had slipped out back inside. That's when his hand held the white stick.

James froze, staring down at the pregnancy test. His hand was gripped around it, covering the results. Was Riley really pregnant? He thought to himself. Yes they had got physical, but he was always careful. But...it wasn't impossible?

In that moment he didn't know what to do. He could put it back and talk to her about it later, or put it back and not mention that he found it. Or he could look at the results, and risk upsetting Riley, or he could wait until later when they could look together. But she was only 17...they hadn't wanted to start a family yet- in fact it had never even crossed their minds.

Just as James was about to put it back without looking (as he decided to ask her about it after rehearsals) he felt a slap on his shoulder.
"Hey bro" Eldon said casually, stuffing his bags away. Luckily he hadn't seen what James was holding. James instinctively threw the pregnancy test back into her bag, but as he did so he caught a glimpse of the readings.

                         It was blank.
James furrowed his brow in confusion, as did Eldon who was looking at James confused face.
"You good bro?" Eldon said startling the boy. James snapped out his thoughts and nodded, the two of them heading off to stretch. This left James with worry in him mind.

After rehearsals the small girl went over to her boyfriend who had been strangely quiet throughout. She grabbed his arm, wanting to check if he was ok. Of course she didn't know that he saw the test.
"Hey James, are you okay? You seem...wierd today?" She questioned. They were both silent for a minute, just staring at one Another until James blinked and pulled her and her bags into the hallway.
"Riles...I saw the pregnancy test in your bag...and that you haven't taken it yet...when we're you going to tell me?" He asked with sadness evidence in his voice. He didn't want to be a dad, and he didn't know how to react.

"J-James I-I don't know" she began to sob. "I missed my period a-and I just needed to c-check, I was going to tell you, that's why I haven't taken it yet..." she choked out, taking his hands in hers "I thought it needed to be done together..."

James looked at their interlocked fingers, then back up into her teary eyes. He pulled his hands away and reached for the test, passing it to her. "Take this, now" he instructed pretty harshly, as the crying girl nodded and snook into the bathroom.

After about 5 minutes, she returned. Her makeup was smudged and her hands were trembling. "I-i haven't looked yet" she whispered trying to give him the test, but he shoved it back at her. 'Didn't she understand, she could have completely ruined my life' he thought.

Riley sulked and turned over the test, her hand still gripped around the reading. She slowly looked back up at James who surprisingly showed no emotion what so ever.
"James...if it's positive... a-are we going to be ok?" She asked nervously. And that one shake of his head sent the tears falling. Now she didn't want to look, and she scolded herself for ever falling for James. But she loved him, she couldn't help it.

After what felt like forever the girl unwrapped her hand and saw the first glimpse of the readings. It dropped her shaking legs to the ground and loud sobs were coming from her mouth. It was positive.

James looked down at his beautiful girlfriend. He loved her, but not enough to stay. He didn't even need to look at the pregnancy test himself to know what it said, the cries and whimpers coming from the girl said enough. This could ruin his future, his career, and she was just holding him back. Therefore, he left. He simply left.

When Riley finally snapped out her thoughts and looked out the window of the bus, she realised she must have missed her stop. She wasn't anywhere near her home. Maybe that was a good thing, she thought to herself. 'I obviously wasn't wanted. My whole life had been a lie'.

She placed her hands over her stomach, rubbing tiny circles just like James used to do. It always comforted her, but now she almost felt that she was comforting her unborn baby. If anyone on the bus was to have seen her, they would have more than likely thought it was cramps, not a baby. She was only 17, too young to be having a baby...

She wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks, and looked around the bus. Almost everyone she had recognised from earlier were gone, and it oddly was filled with women.

There was a woman sat at the front with a huge baby bump, and another with a young child. She heard a toddler crying from the aisle beside her, the mother giving an apologetic look. And the one that cracked her the most, was the young couple, about mid 20's, mother and father sat with their baby.

All she could think about was how that could have been her and James...but he was a player, and she was a fool to think he had changed.
Ik this is soo random but i just thought of it bc I was on the bus the other day and there was this toddler who kept throwing his toys at me and I was just there like oh😂😂anyways hope this is somewhat ok x

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