Truth or dare

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This is a part two to from the last os :)
•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*So far the game was going pretty smoothly. Briar had had an egg cracked on her head but thankfully had been able to wash it out. Myles still had flour on his forehead from where Briar had threw it at him as a way of revenge for the egg and Vic had admitted to being a virgin. Of course Britt had to ask that when it was her turn.
"So, Vic, truth or dare?" Trevor asked as his turn came around.
"Dare" Vic shouted whilst putting a hand up in defence. "Especially after Britt's question!"

The group all laughed, and even Vic couldn't help but giggle after her small outrage.
"I dare you to run down the street naked" Trevor laughed.
"But it's what, about 3am!" Vic whined. Trev mumbled as he peered out the pitch black window, only being able to see the reflection of a street lamp.
"Okay fair enough, not that I would have made you do that anyway." Taveeta and Isaac raised their eyebrows and chuckled quietly as Trev thought of another dare.
"Go to the basement and lock yourself in for at least 5 whole minutes." Vic stood up from where she was sitting.
"Easy peasy! Come on Myles you can come with me. Get the torch-"
"Alone." Trevor said looking at her dimly lit face. "And with no lights."
"WHAT!" Victoria shrieked, causing the guys to chuckle and Trevor to smirk.
"Well I meannn, if you reallllly are such a baby..."
"Let me get the keys."

After 3 minutes of Victoria being locked in the pitch black, cold basement with nobody and no lights, her friends finally agreed to let her out. After all it was 3am and kinda sketchy. It caused her spine to shiver.

"My turn!" Vic smiled, gluing her eyes to Trev.
"Truth or date?"
"Uh Dare" mumbled Trevor, slightly nervous still. Vic rested her chin in her hand and thought for a minute.
"Oo I know!" She smiled as she clapped her hands together in an evil yet excited way.
"7 minutes in heaven. With...Brittany!!"

Britt's POV
I snapped my head to Trevor's direction as soon as Vic said that, and it looked like he was just as shocked by the look on his face.

Honestly I felt a little flutter in my stomach at the thought of being locked in a room with Trevor for 7 minutes- because I was nervous to be alone with him for the first time since I've had some sort of feeling for him, or because Vic knew purposely about my feelings.

Trevor's POV
At first I was shocked by Vic's Dare, but then I was hardly surprised by what she chose. She knew I had feelings for Britt and now I was slightly regretting having chosen to lock Vic in the basement. I mean, at least I wouldn't be alone- even though the pure thought of being alone 'doing' the 7 minutes in heaven with Britt was also somewhat terrifying. Wether it was because she made me nervous or because she might have questions I'm not even sure.

"Cmon bro, it's not like you'll be in the dark. Or alone" Isaac said looking at me. Tav and Briar nodded in agreement and I saw a smirk on Myles face too. Although I hadn't ever admitted anything to him I think he has a suspicion after seeing my lock screen as a photo of Britt and I from season 1 filming. I took a mental note to change it before someone else even has chance to see that whilst me and Britt sigh and get up, going upstairs to Vic's spare room together.

It had been about 1 minute and so far we had just sat on the bed beside each other in silence.

"I don't hear much kissing noises" I heard Vic chuckle from outside the door.
"Yeah, I thought the bed would have been squeaking by now" Isaac laughed causing me to cringe at what he thought me and my friend would have been doing.

"Great, sounds like there spying on us" Britt giggles awkwardly, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Yeah" I chuckled. Then we fell silent again.

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