Read all about it

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"They can read all about it,
Read all about it "

*Brittany's POV*
"Hey gurl, I love your dress!" My best friend Vic squealed in excitement as I hopped in her car.
"Thanks, I wasn't really sure about it. But you look so stunning!!" I excitedly squealed back. We hadn't seen each other in a couple weeks since everyone from the cast had been visiting family before coming back to Toronto for tour rehearsals. I couldn't wait since I had to miss the last tour. I was beyond exited.
Me and Vic made small talk as she drives us to Canadian Arts And Fashion Awards (CAFA) which we had been invited to. After a short drive filled with laughter and chatting we finally arrived.

"This is so cool!" Vic called out through the roar of clapping and chattering. I smiled in agreement, catching up to my friend. The evening passed by fairly quickly- we chatted to a couple of old friends and took some photos before finding a table to sit at.
"Vic? Is that you?" We hear a voice say from behind. I turn in my seat and see a man who looks about our age.
"Oh my god, hey Ben!" Vic said embracing him in a hug. I sipped on my drink casually.
"Who's this?" The unrecognised boy asks Vic. I smile sweetly.
"Brittany, this is Benjamin he's an old friend who I met last year on vacation in Australia. And Ben, this is Britt my Best friend who I worked with on TNS and shared my apartment with."
"Hey" I smiled shyly, shaking his hand.
"So this is the one I've heard so much about" he laughs, causing me to blush and Vic to giggle. "It's nice to finally meet you."
We sat chatting for about 45 minutes about what we've been up to and about our careers. I found it out about his passion for wine, which was fairly unusual but overall kinda cool. We were really hitting it off.
"Smile" he chuckles whilst snapping a photo of me. I giggled nervously, and after a minute saw he had tagged me in a picture.

'Chilling with raymond🤘🏻'I giggles and liked the picture, commenting '☺️'

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'Chilling with raymond🤘🏻'
I giggles and liked the picture, commenting '☺️'.
"Do you know how crazy the fans will go after seeing this?" I question in a serious yet joking tone.
"No I wouldn't know, but they wouldn't find it." He said. I raise an eyebrow and hold up the comments from all the fans.
"How?" He says shocked."I honestly don't know, but they always find everything. Nothing's kept secret for long" I laugh whilst sighing.
"What's Trittany?" He suddenly asks whilst on his phone. No doubt he saw the comments saying 'noo my trittany babies' or 'That should be trevor with Britt!!'. I hesitate about telling him.

Every time I've been into a guy or they've been into me, they always freak when they find out about Trittany. One of the reasons I've not had a boyfriend since the show- they all get put off.
"He was in the show with me..we were the main couple on the show. Played Jiley for 4 seasons" I smile and sigh. It was one of the highlights of the show, however me and trev never got seriouse about a relationship. 
"Oh cool" he answers casually. "Did you and Him date?" He laughs. I shake my head "no."
Not long later Vic arrives back. "Hey guys" she smiled "how's it going?" I was a little confused but soon understood what she was getting at by the huge smirk on her face. "Good" Ben says "really good." I wiped my sweaty palms on my knees and my face flushed a light pink colour. We chatted and finished our drinks before the venue was over and everyone had left.

My phone was pinging madly even it was fairly late. I was in bed just thinking about this evening. I noticed I had been mentioned in A few people's instagram stories- mostly Bens. The fans were still going crazy- some happy, some disappointed and some just ranting about it all. But for once, I didn't mind. They can read all about it,read all about it.

And for once, I seemed to have a good shot at a real relationship...
Please don't be mad/offended. Idc of you like Britt and Ben or trittany or what you ship, just thought this kinda fit with the lyrics and was unique :)

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