A rough childhood

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•James POV•
"Hey uh James?" I heard the same familiar voice say whilst tapping my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the short brunette who went by the name Riley.
"Heyyy.." I said boringly. At least twice a school week she would approach me and ask if I needed help studying or anything. Ever since the whole school found out about my little sisters death and my mothers depression, she's been treating me like I need assistance. Besides, we aren't even friends. I don't even recall seeing her around school until she approached me. I just don't understand, I tell her that I'm fine and don't need help but she always approaches me still. I think she might have an obsession with me or something, but usually when girls like me they invite me for party's and stuff, not for help studying...

"No, I'm fine thanks but I gotta go to next class" I say whilst dashing away through the busy hallways.

•Rileys POV•
I tried approaching James again, by asking if he needed any help studying, but he just brushed me off and ran away. I'm not sure if he was busy, finds me annoying or had somewhere better to be but one thing I know for sure, is that he's not fine. I could see it in his eyes.

The other week whilst I was up in the library, I saw the head of year and James walk in. I browsed through the books, but ended up overhearing bits of the conversation. Some things concerned me.
'One month'

I pieced together the clues...and James only had one month to live!! Ever since then I've been trying to get to know him because I don't want him to feel alone. I've had rough patches in my life too and I've never spoke to anyone about them...some things are too bad to be said out loud. But I don't want James to keep all his emotions bottled up- I want to be that friend he can tell all his problems too.

Then I realised...maybe that it was me who wanted to open up? But that was the problem, there was nobody I could trust. Besides, nobody would understand. But maybe he would...

It was just a normal school day, filled with busy hallways and people talking to one another. There was the repetitive comments thrown at me like usual- 'slut' was the one most people used. I just brushed it away, and made my way to the safety of the library.

However before managing to get there, I had to walk past the school office. That's when I heard
"James is in hospital."

I ran into the bathrooms and into a cubical, not even being noticed by the most popular girls in the school who were applying more lipstick. I was terrified- what if something bad had happened to him? or what if he was there for his family? Or maybe...maybe he had taken a turn for the worse?

Without hesitating, I ran out of the bathrooms and out the school gates, ignoring the teachers threats. I just focused on catching the next bus to the hospital.

•James POV•
I was still drowsy from the anaesthetic, and as I glanced around the room my heart sank. There was nobody there for me, except a few doctors who were telling me that the operation was a success. My parents weren't there (not that I really expected them to be...) and neither of my friends had shown up as they said they would. I brushed it off and figured it was because they didn't want to skip school. But either way it felt lonely.

The hospital seemed very quiet. There was no noise, just peace. I even think I drifted to sleep, but my head shot up when I heard the creak of a door and someone's almost silent breathing.

"R-riley?" I mumbled, trying to focus my vision on the figure stood by the door.
"James, oh James you're okay!" She said whilst running excitedly to my bedside. I just nodded since I was a little confused.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked the small girl who was now sat on my bed.

"James it's okay, I know all about your operation and one month to live, thats why i was always checking up on you, and that's why when I overheard that you had been rushed in early I didn't hesitate to come." She rambled. I'm not sure if it was the anaesthetic blocking my memory, or that Riley had got it wrong. One month to live?

"Wh-" I tried to say but yet again got cut off my Ri.
"I'm just so glad your alive! Did the opp go well? Are you safe now?" There was so many questions.

"First of all, one month to live? Riley, I'm not dying. And The opp was a success, my tonsils have been removed." I said smiling. The look on her face was actually hilarious.

"S-so you're gonna be fine?" She asked. I nodded and she hugged me tight. For a moment I was a little confused and stunned, but ended up wrapping my arms around her.

"What made you come?" I asked, avoiding to look at her.
"Well I thought something really bad had happened...and I wanted someone to be here for you when you woke up" she smiled weakly. I nodded gently.

"I'm guessing you know about my past experiences?" I asked. She gulped and nodded- not that I was surprised, everyone had found out.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered. "You're not alone...I've had family problems of my own" she mumbled before a tear rolled down her face. I wiped it away and put an arm around her.

"Hey, don't cry. I've spent many restless nights crying and honestly it doesn't help" I told Riley. "The best thing you can do is talk to someone you trust."

"But I have nobody..." she whispered sadly.
"No, my mum left and my dads the problem."
"I'm an only child..."
"I have none..."
"Well talk to me then. Consider me your friend, that one person you can tell all your problems to. And I'll tell
You mine, and we won't judge one another. Because we both know how that feel." I said encouragingly.

Riley looked up at me slowly "Don't you ever ask why everyone calls me a slut?"
I shook my head "no, because I know you're not a slut Riley. There just being rude that's all."
"I'm guessing you didn't know I got pregnant at 14 then" she cried. What?

"Pregnant? At 14?" I asked confused. I did not expect her to be the kind of girl sleeping with people at that age.

"It's not what it seems, I promise" she said holding onto my arm, afraid that I might suddenly disappear.
"People soon noticed my small baby bump when getting changed for sport and stuff...at first they called me fat and then as I got bigger I was know as the slut who can't keep her pants on" She told me bravely.
"They all assumed things- and I bet you are too. But nobody knew that I was raped by my dad from the age of 9" she said as more tears fell.

I felt so bad for her, and suddenly all my problems seemed like nothing. I can't believe what she went through, and really wanted to help. I just couldn't find the right words... instead I wrapped my arms around her tightly and told her that everything would be okay.

The ending turned out so bad lmao. Anyway might do a part 2, dk yet.

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