Bruises and cuts- Solangelo

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Well have you met your soulmate? Maybe they're a girl. How does that make you feel?

You're just saying that to get attention!

As Nico di Angelo sat on the bathroom floor crying into his knees, every harsh and unwanted comment that was thrown his way rang throughout his mind. He couldn't escape it; he could never escape all those harmful words. The bullying. It was becoming too much for poor Nico.

He knew he was gay, he's always known, but no one believed him. Or if they did, they made him feel bad about the fact he hadn't met his soulmate so he didn't know if they were a boy or girl yet. He couldn't take it anymore, all the guilt trips and dirty looks.

When Bianca, his older sister he loved and adored, died, it was like the world stopped. He had lost the one person that actually believed him- believed in him. And it was like the whole world knew that; all of the comments got stronger. Then the abuse started. . . His soulmate, if he even had one, probably hated him for all the bruises and marks all over his- or her- body.

But back to reality.

Nico got off the floor and reached for the razor on the sink. He looked into the mirror, staring at his ghost like reflection. His hair was all tousled from running his fingers through it and his eyes were deep- sunken- and puffy from crying. Nico can't remember when the last time he got proper sleep was. It had to have been when Bianca was still alive; when he would drift off to sleep when she described to him what she thought her soulmate would look like. Thinking back on it, she never got to meet her soulmate before she died on her hunting trip. Bianca would've wanted Nico to find his.

Looking down to his forearms, he brought the razor to his flesh and, in one stroke, he started cutting his address into his arm. If he had a soulmate out there, hopefully, they'd come running to save him.


Will Solace was sitting in a coffee shop with his friends Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. Those two had become friends when they were twelve, literally made for each other. When they finally met Will, they hit it off immediately. The three kids had been friends ever since. Even though they all went separate ways as they grew older, Will, Annabeth, and Percy still made time to see the others (of course it was a lot easier for Annabeth and Percy since they lived together).

The blonde went to grab his cup when there was a flash of pain in his left arm. Confused, he looked down and saw the beginnings of a number that blemished his perfectly tanned skin. As he looked at it, he quickly realized what is soulmate was doing: giving him a chance to find them. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Will could do until the message was complete.

So he sat at the table occupied by his two best friends, chatting and eating. Periodically, Will would glance to his arm to see if the address was finished.

Finally when it was, Will darted out of the coffee shop only leaving $10 for his coffee and a simple goodbye to his friends. He didn't bother calling a taxi, a taxi would take too long, he just ran; ran straight to the apartment that he knew his soulmate was at, sitting there feeling the need to reach out for whatever reason.

The doorman didn't stop him when he ran in and showed him the marks that appeared on his arm. Everyone in the world knew about the soulmate bond. If this blonde man's soulmate was reaching out to him like this, then something was seriously wrong. Instead, the doorman allowed Will to run upstairs and let him into the designated apartment. Being the doorman, who's name was Chiron which Will would later realize, of the building, he knew who lived in that apartment and also knew that boy young boy didn't have the strength to lock his doors.

When Will made it up into the apartment, he made a break for the only closed door in there. He tried to open it but it wouldn't budge, the person on the other side locked the door. Will tried again but got the same result.

"Open the door!" He screamed, pleading with his soulmate and pounding on the door. The person on the other side of the door didn't move to unlock the barrier between them. Getting worried for their sake, Will kicked the door down just in time to see his soulmate lose his balance. He caught the obsidian black haired boy before he hit the titles floor. Will carefully held the small, fragile boy in his arms and called the police.

It felt like a blink's worth of time had passed when the police came barging into the apartment and rushing to the bathroom. They stole the skinny Italian from Will's arms and placed him on a gurney. Before the ambulance left, Will climbed into it and ran his fingers through the other boy's hair.

"Name?" Someone asked him, probably for medical purposes, but Will shook his head. He didn't know, not yet at least. "Sir, we need to know. We'll need to pull up his medical records if he needs blood."

"I don't know." Will informed them, his lips barely moving. "I don't know."


The last thing Nico remembered was passing out from blood loss; maybe he didn't need to make the numbers so big and so deep. But when he woke up he was not in his apartment's bathroom. Instead, he was greeted by the stark white walls of the hospital room he was in. Nico slowly sat up in the bed, being careful of all the wires that were connected to him. He looked around the room with a faint smile.

So my soulmate cared enough to find me after all, he thought.

"You're awake!" He heard someone announce from off to his left. Nico turned to see the perfect blonde surfer-dude sitting beside him, his arm wrapped up in cotton. His gaze was drawn to it. The other boy held up his arm and smile faintly. "You needed blood." He stated. "Lucky for you, I'm your type." Nico nodded slightly.

"Yeah, lucky." He mumbled hoarsely. The blonde stared at him; probably looking him over for the first time.

"Do you feel okay?" The blonde asked slowly. Nico looked up at him. "I was worried sick and bored out of my mind. The doctors said I shouldn't have done what I did but, uh, well, you left quite the scar on the both of us so I thought I'd return the favor." He pointed to Nico's hand. The Italian boy looked down to find a heart carved there. He smiled. "But I'm a doctor myself, well I'm in medical school, so I didn't listen to them." The blonde continued to ramble. Nico chuckled softly before reaching over and kissing him. The blonde smiled, reaching up to cup Nico's cheek.

"I like the heart, Sunshine." Nico remarked. The blonde laughed.

"My name's Will Solace." He introduced. "Death Breath." He retorted. Nico laughed.

"Nico di Angelo." The Italian informed. Will smiled at him again before kissing him. "I knew I wasn't straight." He mumbled causing Will to laugh. "Everyone thought I was crazy."

"You are." Nico shot Will a look. "But I think that's why we're destined for each other." Nico nodded. "Do you like coffee?" He nodded. "Good. Because once you're free to go, we're getting coffee and- I don't know- catch a movie? That's not something normal people do." Nico laughed.

"How about we head back to my place- or yours- and order a pizza while binge watching Netflix?" Nico suggested. Will nodded.

"That sounds nice." He remarked. They shared a smile.

"Hey Will?" Nico asked softly. The blonde nodded in acknowledgment.

"Yeah?" Nico kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for saving me."

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