Voices in my head- Joker x Harley

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What should I call you? Harleen Quinzel asked her apparent soulmate through their telepathic connection. Once a person turns five, they can start hearing their soulmate's thoughts and then they can start talking to them. Harleen was sixteen now and has been asking this voice the same question for eleven years and has always gotten the same answer.

Just call me Joker, babe. She was getting tired of hearing that. All she wanted was a name.

To make matters worse, they've never met. But they know so much about each other it's hard to not think that they were dating. Harleen herself has even said on multiple occasions that she loves him. He's never said it back but she's never expected him to. Which her close friend, Pamela Isly, found odd but Harleen didn't listen to her much; Pamela didn't have a soulmate so to Harleen, her point was invalid.

As the years went on, Harleen graduated from college and was now working as a psychiatrist. She thought it would be best to go into that career knowing how messed up her soulmate was. All her life she's been wanting to help him but he won't let her see him so she really can't. What she didn't know was he really didn't want her to help him; he thought there was nothing to help.

Harleen and "Joker" had been "dating" for three years now. All mentally of course, considering he still won't let her see him. But that's better than nothing she always told herself.

Though after everything they've talked about, after knowing practically everything about one another, "Joker" had never told Harleen that he was the crazy clown that Batman fought constantly. And she's been oblivious to the similarities between the two so she's never brought it up. Harleen was oblivious when it came to a lot of things.

Baby, I just got a job at Arkham Asylum! This should've made "Joker" proud of his girlfriend and feel excited for her but when her job is at the one place he never wanted her to go, it's kinda hard to feel happy.

That's great. He managed to tell her, sitting in his cell in Arkham. Do you know who you'll be helping? "Joker" never liked the idea of psychiatrists. He believed that once you go mad, there's no going back. But he can't really tell her how he feels about that because deep down inside, he really does care for Harleen. It might be a small amount but it's there.

I'm going to be helping the Joker! The Joker! Can you believe it? Again, "Joker" should've been happy that his girlfriend got one of the most difficult people to help, but that person being him didn't help how he felt.

That's wonderful! He lied. You should be proud!

To say "Joker" was nervous about Harleen coming to the institute would've been the biggest understatement of all time. She was supposed to come here today as her first day of work and he was waiting patiently for her, or as patiently as a raging lunatic could be. This would be the first time they saw each other. He wanted their first encounter to be in his ballpark- not the Bats'.

Not to mention how romantic it would be. The first time they meet and it's because she's in charge of helping him! Way to go "Joker".

Harleen walked into the room that held her boyfriend and sat down in the chair across from him. He smiled, wide enough to show his yellow stained and crooked teeth. She smiled slightly, trying not to express her nervousness as well.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Harleen Quinzel, your new physiatrist." She introduced, biting her lip. "They said you scared off your old one." She laughed softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Joker" stared at her, not knowing what to do.

"Can I call you Harley?" He asked, his smile turning into a smirk. Harleen's eyes went wide. The only person who called her Harley was her boyfriend (and sometimes Pamela; Harley getting her back with calling her Ivy). No one else had ever asked to call her by that name.

Joker? She mentally asked, too scared to say it out loud. His smirk grew.

"Yes?" The Joker, who was sitting across from her she now realized, asked. Her eyes widened even more, if that was possible.

"You-you know who I am!" Harleen meant to ask but it came out as an exclamation. He nodded.

"That I do." He remarked. "Are you happy to see me?" Harley knew she shouldn't do it because he was in a prison for bad guys, she was supposed to be trying to help her boyfriend become sane again, and there were guards watching them outside the room but it didn't matter, she had to do it. She stood up from the chair, leaned over the table, and kissed him.

"More than. Screw the job, you're more important." She remarked, pulling away from his chapped and scarred lips. He laughed. "Is there anything I can do to free you?" She whispered. He raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to ask that.

"What are you willing to do?" He asked.

"Anything." His eyebrow went even higher. "I'll do anything for you. I love you!" Joker smiled.

"Would you die for me?" She nodded. "Would you live for me?" She nodded again. "Perfect."

"What do you-" He cut her off by holding up a finger, something sparking in his eyes.

"Help me escape and I'll take you out on that date you always wanted."

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