Flower power- Snowbarry

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Caitlin Snow, who was sitting at a desk in S.T.A.R Labs doing her work that day, looked down at her small flower bud that wrapped itself around her ankle. The small bud appeared to be white on the outside, that was really all Caitlin could go off of. She's never seen it bloom before which make sense; it's only supposed to bloom when she meets her soulmate and she hasn't yet. At the rate she was going, she figured she'd never find her soulmate. 

Shaking her head and looking away, Caitlin went back to the project she was working on. A comatose Barry Allen was in the room with her as well but he had been there for almost nine months so she tended to forget he was there. As much as a she tried to fight it, she had given up on him waking. Caitlin continued to check his diagnostics everyday and tried her best to get him to wake up but she was slowly starting to lose hope, just like finding her soulmate. The odds were against her, she just had to admit that to herself. 

When Caitlin was nearly finished with her work, she heard a small gasp come from the only other person in the room. Startled, she jumped a little in her seat but went to go help the now awake Barry Allen. He was currently sitting up, eyes darting around the room trying to figure out where he was. His eyes finally landed on Caitlin. She noticed just how panicky he was. 

"Hi, I'm Caitlin Snow." She introduced softly. "I've been taking care of you while you've been in a coma." She explained to him, careful not to frighten him even more. He had just woken up, she needed to run tests on him to make sure he could do physical activity; getting up and walking around being one of those activities. 

"I was in a coma?" He asked quietly. Caitlin nodded, biting her lip slightly.

"You slipped into one when the lightning struck you during the particle accelerator explosion, sorry about that by the way. If we knew what it was going to do that day we wouldn't have ran it." Barry gave her a small smile as he looked down at where he was.

"Lightning gave me abs?" Caitlin had to suppress a laugh. She walked over to a table and grabbed him a S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt. He took it and slid it on.

"I can't give you an answer to that one." She remarked. They shared a smile. "Your family has come and visited you while you were under. Though this isn't any of my business, I couldn't help but notice that a soulmate didn't come and check up on you." She brought up. Barry looked down at his wrist that was being covered up by the sweatshirt's sleeve, hiding that the small flower bud had bloomed into a flower.

"Hasn't bloomed yet." He told her before looking back up at her. Caitlin helped Barry off the bed and into a standing position. "And since you asked me about mine, I think it's only fair I ask you about yours." The two shared a small laugh. Caitlin looked down at her bud expecting it to not have bloomed. Instead, she was surprised when she saw the beautiful red, white, blue, and yellow petals of her flower.

"Well, I was going to say that mine hasn't bloomed yet either but that apparently would've been a lie." She told Barry who was looking at the small flower blooming from her ankle. "That's weird, it hadn't bloomed earlier while I was doing my work." She looked back at the desk as if it would give her an answer. Confused but slightly hopeful, Barry pushed his sleeve up to revel that his flower bud had bloomed as well, mimicking Caitlin's. His eyes widened.

"Um, Caitlin?" Barry called to get her attention; she was still trying to figure out how her flower bloomed. At the sound of Barry's voice, Caitlin looked back over to him, seeing his now bloomed flower on his wrist. "I think this means. . ." Barry didn't finish, not finding the correct words he needed. Caitlin looked at her flower, then to Barry's, then back to hers before looking into Barry's eyes.

"But. . . You've been here for nine months." She pointed out, trying to reason her way through this. "I've been checking up on you almost everyday. How has it not bloomed before?"

Barry shrugged. "Well, the flower's supposed to bloom when both soulmates meet each other. If I was in a coma then I wasn't really awake." He tried to explain. Caitlin thought about it before nodding, biting her lip slightly.

"I suppose that makes sense." She agreed. They stayed silent for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes. Caitlin eventually looked away, clearing her throat. "Well, we should go tell Professor Wells that you're awake." Barry nodded as they walked out of his room into the main one. Cisco Ramon and Harrison Wells were standing and sitting in the center of it. They stopped talking when they saw Caitlin and Barry walk into the room.

"You're awake!" Cisco cheered. Barry looked at him before nodding slightly. "Oh, I'm Cisco by the way. Cisco Ramon." Cisco held out his hand to which Barry took with a smile.

"Barry, Barry Allen." He introduced. The two shook hands and that's when Cisco saw his flower. His brows knit in confusion.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but I didn't see a soulmate come in to check up on you." He remarked, pointing to the flower. Barry laughed and looked over at Caitlin. She was currently chatting with Professor Wells, unknowing of the conversation going on between the two other men. 

"Well, turns out mine has been working with you this entire time." Cisco looked over at Caitlin, his eyes going wide. Feeling eyes on her, Caitlin turned to Cisco and Barry, an eyebrow raised.

"He's your soulmate?" Cisco asked, pointing to Barry. Caitlin nodded, smiling slightly. "You're soulmate has been here this entire time and you never told me?!" 

"Turns out." She responded with a small shrug. "And to be fair, I just found this out myself as well." Barry smiled at her, walking over to her and wrapping an arm around her waist. She laughed softly.

"When I pictured my soulmate I never thought she would be this cute." He admitted. Caitlin playfully rolled her eyes, her smile brightening. Barry leaned down and gave her a soft kiss, cupping her face with his other hand. Cisco cooed before Wells forced him out of the room, the professor trailing behind. They broke free from their kiss, pressing their foreheads together. 

"We are quite the pair, Mr. Allen."

Dedicated to @CatIsAmazhang too, I can't dedicate the chapter to more than one person. Sorry. 

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