Tick tock- Captain Swan

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Emma was born with her soulclock saying 28 years. Well, a little over 28 years. Snow caught sight of the clock before Charming took her away. She cried at the thought of losing her baby and that her baby girl wouldn't find her soulmate. The Evil Queen ruined Snow's and Emma's chance of a family, the chance of a happy ending. Emma arrived in our world with her soulclock, though Snow didn't know this. However, August noticed it but figured it would disappear once the curse finished. It never did.

Killian Jones had 157 years written across his arm when he was born. Nobody quite understood why Killian would be that old when he meets his soulmate. He, himself didn't know why he had to wait 145 years, 2 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 12 hours, 36 minutes, and 15 seconds. . . 14. . . 13. . . You get the idea. The Enchanted Forest had never seen anyone with that long of a soulclock, everyone's seemed to be when they were younger.

As Emma grew up she didn't pay attention to the clock she had on her arm. Her own parents abandoned her when she was born, why wouldn't her "soulmate"? The only time she did pay attention to the 20 years, 3 months, 6 weeks, 2 days, 7 hours, 47 minutes, and 6 seconds on her arm was when she was bored in her foster home/school/on the street.

She never believed in magic so why should she have believed in the whole soulmate thing? When she was 17 it didn't matter that her clock was still ticking, she loved Neal. He didn't have a soul lock so he didn't care. They were in love, that's all that mattered. But when August told Neal to leave her alone, he had to do it. Leaving poor, sweet, not so innocent, knocked up Emma to rot in a jail cell for his crimes. Emma had Henry nine months later.

On her 28th birthday, Emma's past caught up with her. Ten year old Henry Mills found her and brought her to Storybrooke. Together they broke the curse and brought everyone's memory back. Charming and Snow, or David and Mary Margret depending on who you asked, made such a big deal out of the two days, four hours, twenty minutes, and two seconds that were still on her soulclock.

Snow and Emma fell into the portal, sweeping them off into the Enchanted Forest- or what was left of it- and met Mulan and Aurora. Which brings us to the present. Mary Margaret, Aurora, Emma, and Mulan were walking back to the safe haven.

"I don't know if I can do this. I'm not a very good liar." Aurora stated, temporarily pausing.

"Well, it's not really a lie, Aurora." Mary Margret told her. "Lancelot did die an honorable death and Cora did escape. All true. Just. . . leave the particulars to us. There's no reason to cause unnecessary panic amongst your people."

"I'm not so sure it's unnecessary. . ."

As they talked, Emma couldn't focus on anything but the burning pain in her forearm. It was right where her clock was located but her soulmate couldn't have been in the Forbidden Forest. She had spent most of her life away from the forest, it just didn't make sense.

"Wait. The tower." Mulan stated, earning everyone's attention. "We always have sentries guarding the entrance." She remarks, drawing her sword. "Stay close."

"Oh my God." Emma cursed, partly out of the pain in her arm and partly out of the scene in front of her; sentries are sprawled out on the ground, dead.

"This can't be. Our land, we were protected here, hidden." Mulan argued. "How did the ogres find us?"

"Ogres didn't do this." Mary Margret protested.


"Cora did." Mary Margret explained. "Their hearts. . . they were ripped out. This was her magic. . . twisted and evil. We have to stop her."

"Too late." Mulan said. "She killed them. She killed them all."

"We have to stop her before she hurts anyone else."

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