Lightning scar- Drarry

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For the muggles, the whole soulmate connection was just God's way of sparing everyone the trouble of heartbreak. For the wizards, they knew the real reason behind it. Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff put a spell on the wizards so their soulmates would receive every scar the other one received. It was more of a way that prevented soulmates from hurting one another than sparing them. The spell ended up malfunctioning a little and spread to the muggles. Which, actually, was a good thing in the end. It would've been weird if some people found their soulmates and the rest of the world didn't. Or if people were sitting next to you with matching scars and holding hands. Not all muggles are oblivious.

However, everyone does have flaws, there's no denying that. Some people are extremely loyal, others are too prideful. Harry Potter. . . Well, Harry Potter's fucking oblivious. He didn't notice that his godfather and Remus had the same scars across their faces from Remus' lunar activities. Nor did he notice that Hermione and Ron shared similar scars.

Though in his defense, no one told him about the whole soulmate thing. He still thought that people fell in love because of love not that they were destined to be together. So he never worried about the scars he received from his battles against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and he especially never cared about the permanent lightning scar he had received when he was a baby.

But Draco knew. Oh did he know about the whole soulmate thing and boy did he despise it. All of the scars he received, all the scars that he gave the other, all the scars that he knew he didn't cause, all of it. Draco hated every damn part of it, especially the lightning scar he had on his forehead for as long as he could remember. He knew who his "soulmate" was, obviously he did (it wasn't hard to figure out), but he never bothered to act on it because he didn't care. And Harry didn't seem to know about Draco being his soulmate anyway so the blonde was in no rush to tell him.

That all came to an end after the battle with the Dark Lord. Hogwarts had won, obviously, and they were celebrating in the Great Hall (or what was left of it) with a grand party. Draco was watching from the doorway, he didn't feel like celebrating a war that he fought on the opposite side of. Harry, who was sitting at the Gryffindor table, saw Draco and got up to go see what he was doing. Ron and Hermione were too busy talking with Neville to notice his absence.

"Why are you just standing by the door?" Harry inquired. Draco rolled his eyes before looking away from Harry.

"Because I don't feel like celebrating something I myself lost." He spat. Harry nodded slightly. "Would you?" The raven shook his head.

"No, no I wouldn't." He agreed quietly. Draco didn't say anything. "Well you're always welcome to join." Harry offered.

"Thanks Potter, but I highly doubt that I am." Draco glared at Harry, his hair falling into his eyes slightly. Harry looked at how beaten up Draco appeared. His hair was full of dirt and ash, he had bruises all over which strangely mirrored Harry's, and his clothes were tattered in some places. The Gryffindor frowned.

Beyond the bruises, Draco had a scar peaking out from behind his hair. Harry went to go brush his hair out of the way but Draco swatted his hand aside. Confused as to why Draco was so sensitive about the scar, Harry tried to look at it again.

"What the bloody hell are you doing, Potter?" Draco questioned, slapping Harry's hand away for a second time. Harry reluctantly dropped his hand.

"You have a scar on your forehead." Harry pointed out. Draco raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. "I wanted to see how bad it was. We could probably go ask Madam Pomfrey to help heal it." Draco shook his head.

"You can't." He stated. Harry raised an eyebrow, his curiosity getting the best of him. "I've had it for as long as I can remember." Draco's tone softened a little. Harry took that as an opportunity to brush his hair away, reveling a lightning scar similar to Harry's. Draco pulled away and turned his back to Harry. But that didn't stop him, he just walked in front of the Slytherin.

"That much of a fan, I see?" Harry joked. Draco scowled. The Gryffindor frowned. "How is that possible?" He asked, his tone softer than before. Draco rolled his eyes.

"How stupid are you, Potter?" Draco spat. "Has no one told you about the soulmate spell our ancestors had cast all those years ago?" Harry furrowed his brows in confusion.

"What 'soulmate spell'?" Draco groaned.

"The spell that basically prevents soulmates from hurting each other? The spell that made it so when one person gets hurt the other person receives the bruises and scars they had gotten? The spell that ties the two souls that were meant to be together, together? Is any of this ringing a bell to you?!" Draco explained, voice getting louder with each question. Harry just shook his head.

"No one told me about that." He whispered.

"Of course they didn't." Draco muttered but Harry wasn't paying any attention to what the blonde had to say. His mind was racing with this newly found data, finally piecing everything together that made it so obvious before.

"So why do you have a lightning scar?" Harry asked. Draco rolled his eyes and groaned again.

"Seriously Potter? That's the question you come up with?" Draco started walking away, getting fed up with the conversation. Harry stayed where he was, still trying to figure out everything that just went down. He did quickly catch up to Draco though.

"Wait. Does that mean we're soulmates?" Draco slowly looked over at Harry and just stared at the Chosen One. "It does, doesn't it? How long have you known about this?" Draco looked away.

"Since word got out about the boy with the lightning scar and that same scar showed up on my forehead." He whispered. "Or are you asking how long I've known that it was really you I was 'destined' to be with?" Harry nodded. "For that I've known since we met when we were getting our robes. Remember that?" Harry nodded. "I extended a hand to you on the first day. You should've taken it."

"Why didn't you just tell me then?" Harry asked. Draco shrugged halfheartedly.

"Why would I? We were eleven! No one meets their soulmate when their eleven and, quiet frankly, I couldn't have cared less that we shared matching scars. Now if you excuse me, I'll be leaving now." Draco tried walking away but Harry grabbed his wrist preventing him from moving any farther. Harry pulled Draco back to where he was standing and pulled him in for a kiss.


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