What's that color?- Percabeth

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Percy Jackson had spent his whole life hearing about the color grey but never seeing it. Not that it mattered, from what he heard grey was a pretty boring color anyway. If he were to obsess over a color (and trust me, he most definitely did), that color would be blue. Not a mix of white and black.

Annabeth Chase had spent her whole life hearing about the color green but never seeing it. That drove her up a freaking wall. Why did it have to be green? Everything's green! The grass, the trees. . . Frogs! Everything's green. Should would've much rather her soulmate have purple eyes; nothing important is ever purple.

The two were told the story of soulmates and how you were expected to meet them. Annabeth, being more on the logical side and the independent woman she is, never really cared for soulmates. She thought the whole thing was stupid and would rather fall in love because she wanted to, not because someone else wanted her to. Which she did. She fell for a boy a couple grades above her and dam did she fall. The ground finally caught up to her when her best friend, Thalia, ended up being soulmates with the boy. As for Percy. . . Well, he's Percy. He did rush to find someone else (mainly because he's too loyal to do that even though they haven't met yet), instead, he stayed at home and played video games while eating his mom's blue cookies. He'd find his soulmate when fate wanted him to.

But when both are in a rush one day, they find themselves falling for each other. Literally.

"Annabeth, you're going to be late for class!" Thalia Grace yelled from the other room to her roommate. They've been friends since Annabeth was seven so it wasn't a surprise when the two bought an apartment close to the campus Annabeth went to. Luke, Thalia's soulmate, spent nights at the apartment when he wasn't taking care of his mother. The two girls understood and never held it against him.

Said blonde haired girl sleepily got out of bed and headed into the living room. She carried her books out with her and placed them in her backpack before grabbing a slice of toast. All Thalia had to do was look at her to figure out what was wrong.

"Did you stay up too late studying again?" The raven asked. Annabeth nodded. "You have to stop doing that."

"I know." Annabeth yawned out before taking a bite of her toast. "But we've got that huge exam in Greek Mythology coming up and I want to nail it."

"Annie, you're gonna nail it without staying up all night. You're a genius." Thalia told her. The blonde glared at her spiky black haired friend.

"You know I hate that name." Thalia smirked.

"I know. But what exactly would you do to me, Annie, if I continued?" Annabeth rolled her eyes. Thalia smirked proudly. "That's what I thought. Now go get dressed, you're gonna be late."

Annabeth tiredly got up off the counter and headed back into her room to change. Putting on an orange tee and a pair of jeans then brushing her blonde hair into a ponytail, she was done. As she was leaving her room she grabbed her blue Yankees cap that was a gift from her mother. Her fingers ran over the logo before she put the hat on with a small smile.

Shouldering her backpack and waving goodbye to her roommate, she was out the door minutes later. Annabeth caught a glance of the time and started sprinting. Thalia was right; she was going to be late if she didn't up the pace.

Percy was slowly making his way out of his dorm by the time the first bell rang. He didn't want to be here but his mom wanted him to have an education so he was, in a way, forced to go to this school. But no one was going to dictate how fast he walked.

The raven was sporting an Aquaman graphic tee and a pair of ripped jeans along with sneakers. When he looked down at his watch he noticed how much trouble he would get into if he continued at the pace he was going at so he changed into a sprint.

He was running so fast he didn't even realize the blonde girl that was running towards him. It wasn't until his butt hit the grass beneath them that he saw her. She had also fallen with a light huff escaping her lips.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Percy apologized to the girl as soon as he stood up. He reached his hand out for the girl to take when he noticed her eyes. They were grey. His widened.

"It's fine, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either." She confessed, looking up at the boy that ran her down and noticing his eyes. The color. . . they were green. Her jaw fell slightly.

"H-have you, by any chance, ever seen the color green?" Percy asked once the girl was standing. She shook her head, mouth still hanging open.

"Have you seen the color grey before?" The boy shook his head. They fell into a silence that was neither comfortable nor awkward; it just existed.

"Looks like we're soulmates then." Percy muttered.

"Yeah, I guess." Annabeth looked back up to the raven in front of her. "I'm Annabeth."

"Percy." The raven wrapped his arm around the girl in front of him as he turned to the side, now they were both facing the same direction. "You going to Greek Mythology?"

"Yeah and if we don't hurry we're going to be late." She remarked, glancing to her phone to check the time.

"Right. C'mon, let's go." The two ran forward and entered the classroom before the late bell rang. With a sigh of relief, the two made their way to their seats.

After class, the two met up and walked back to the lawn. They sat down on the edge of the fountain and held hands. Annabeth cautiously rested her head on Percy's shoulder seconds later. He broke free of their interlocked hands so he could wrap his arm around her instead.

"I never thought I would meet my soulmate at school." Percy confessed, a slight tone of disgust in his voice. "It's school." Annabeth laughed.

"Neither did I." They fell back into the silence they were in earlier. "But, we were destined to be together so. . . What do you wanna do about it?"

"You are beautiful." Percy pointed out. Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "Not that I'm one of those boys that only find value in women when he finds them attractive. All women have value and men should just shut up; they have no say." Annabeth smiled. "But it's not like I'm constantly checking out women either. I just haven't felt the need." Annabeth laughed softly. "I'm fine with giving us a shot. That is, if you want to." Annabeth nodded.

"I would love that." Percy lifted Annabeth's head from his shoulder and brought it to his, capturing her lips in a kiss. The started laughing as they pulled away.

"Then the cafe down the street at five next Friday?" He suggested. Annabeth nodded again.

"It's a date."

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