Heterochromia- Caleo

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Leo stared at his reflection in the mirror hanging above the sink in his bathroom on the Argo II. That one almond eye has been driving him insane ever since he knew what it meant and what it stood for. Sure he didn't believe in the stupid "soulmate" thing but it still drove him crazy. The one person that he knew would actually love him for the rest of his life and he didn't even know where she was! He sighed in aggravation before returning to the main deck to help his friends. They needed a plan to stop Gaea and fast.


Calypso knowing what the curse was supposed to do knew that she would never find the owner of the brown eye that stared back at her in the reflection in the tide. She knew the fates would be that cruel to let her stare at the slightly different colored eye and not let her know who it belonged to. She was Atlas' daughter, she didn't deserve to find her soulmate. However, just because she didn't deserve a soulmate didn't mean hers should be doomed for the same fate. With a sigh, she noticed how dirty she was so she got up and headed to her bathroom to take a shower before dinner with herself where she can talk to herself and learn all about her day. How pathetic. Sometimes she wished Percy had brown eyes. But no; he had green and had already met his soulmate.


When Leo woke up on the island, he, well, honestly he thought he was dead and had made it to Elysium. That thought was brought to an end when he heard the scream that came from the only resident on the island. Startled, he stood up to see who let out the ear piercing cry.

"You broke my table!" The girl with very beautiful hair yelled at him, fury could be seen in her mismatched eyes. Well, for a split second Leo could've sworn they were mismatched.

"Your. . . Your eyes. . . They-they changed colors." Leo tried to point out but epically failed. The island girl rolled her eyes.

"That's insane!" She remarked. "They only change color when-" She stopped mid-sentence, realizing what that had to have meant. The two Greeks stared at each other in disbelief for a while before running off to find a reflective surface; Leo pulling a mirror out of his tool belt and Calypso running off to the stream. They both stared in shock as they now  had matching eye colors (not that the colors were that far off to begin with). Leo was the first to snap out of his trance before running and hugging the beautiful island girl with caramel colored hair. "What are you doing?" She spat, trying to remove his arms from around her waist.

"Hugging my soulmate." Leo mumbled, retreating his arms before she broke them. "I'm Leo by the way. Leo Valdez." The girl stood in front of him held her head up, glaring down at him.

"I'm not interested." She told him. He pouted. "And we can't be soulmates." Leo's heart dropped. He always dreamed of the day when he's meet his soulmate and they'd live happily ever after, preferably running a mechanics shop but he could live without that. Maybe. "The fates have to be messing with us. This can not be happening!"

Leo forced his goofy smile back into his face, trying to cover up the heartbreak she caused. "Oh it's happening, Sunshine." She scrunched her nose.

"Don't call me that." She told him.

"Oh, alright. . ." He agreed, drifting of and smirking. "Sunshine." He added. She rolled her eyes and huffed.

"UGH!" Stomping her foot, she turned away and headed for her home. Leo followed her because he had nowhere else to go and didn't feel like camping out on the ground when his soulmate was only a few feet away. "Why are you following me?" She asked, not even turning her head to look at him.

"Because like it or not, we're soulmates and I don't have anywhere else to go." She rolled her eyes and turned around to face the Latino Elf. He smiled at her.

"Sure you do." She corrected. Leo looked around.

"And where would that be, Sunshine?" She stomped her foot at the nickname.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" She screamed. Leo took a step back in fear that she would start attacking him. "My name is Calypso!" Calypso. He liked the sound of that and how it rolled off his tongue.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." He said as he put his hands up in a mock surrender.

"Now, as I was saying, you can go back to where you came from." Leo looked around at the island scenery that surrounded them. There wasn't any transport to get him back to the mainland, ever that may be.

"I don't know if you noticed this because you're too busy putting tables in the middle of beaches, but we're stranded here." He remarked. "Together."

"No. I'm stranded here by myself. You are able to go." She corrected. Leo furrowed his brow.

"And how do I do that?" He asked her. She shrugged.

"I don't know. Click your heels three times or something." She offered. He rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, Glinda." Calypso bit the inside of her cheek, glancing at the boy stood in front of her. He was attractive, she'll give the fates that, but he couldn't really be her soulmate. There's no way in Hades that he actually landed on her island; there's no way the fates let that happen. "Any other suggestions, Sunshine?" She rolled her eyes. "Because I'm not a very good swimmer. That'll be my friend Percy." Her heart paused for a moment at the name but he was happy with his soulmate, not here with her. "I'm good at building things though." Calypso's face lit up.

"Building things?" She asked. "Did you say you're good at building things?" Leo nodded.

"Typically children of Hephaestus are." He remarked. "So yeah. I'm good at building things." She smiled brightly.

"Perfect. Let's build you a boat."

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