Scrapes and scratches- Destiel

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Dean was never one for the touchy-feely type which would make sense because the whole soulmate thing was kinda a swore point on him. He hated the idea of a soulmate only because he thought he didn't have one. That was until these random scrapes and scratches appeared on his arms and upper body- scrapes and scratches he never got before. Obviously these were his soulmates- he totally did not remember getting burn marks in the shape of wings on his back- but why had they suddenly started appearing now?

Castiel didn't understand what these random cuts and bruises that were appearing all over his vessel's body meant. Not to mention the red handprint that was on his left shoulder once he took control of the body. He knew he had left that on Dean when he raised him from hell but it shouldn't have been appearing on himself. All of these marks were new and odd and definitely not from him but he didn't know any other way that they would've appeared.

When these two knuckleheads met do you think they caught on to this? Of course they didn't! Castiel didn't know what it meant in the first place and Dean had given up hope on finding his a long time ago. But that doesn't mean Sam didn't notice it. And oh boy did he notice. It didn't help that you could practically cut the sexual tension between the two with a butcher knife. Sam lost the love of his life when Jess died but that didn't mean he couldn't live vicariously through his older brother and his angel.

Now the way Sam went about it was subtle and not overly obvious but you would think when Sam gave Dean a small cut on the back of his hand and the same cut appeared on Castiel's hand Dean would figure it out. But he didn't. The boy was oblivious, almost as oblivious as a certain wizard Sam had read about. It got so irritating that Sam had to drag Bobby into it. Yes, you read right. Sam had to drag Bobby into it just so Dean could see what had been so obvious since this whole fiasco started when he walked out of Hell.

Wanting to surprise the older hunter, Sam told Dean that they were going on a hunt and that it was best for him to drive because Dean didn't know where the hunt was. Seeing no other option, Dean agreed and Castiel tagged along because he's a big puppy dog that cares for Dean whether he acknowledges it or not. So Sam set a course to Bobby's house, a knowing smirk on his face the whole ride there.

Now the fact that they ended up in Bobby's driveway, Dean was onto Sammy's little game but he couldn't quite figure out why he brought them to Bobby's. Unless Bobby was going to help them with the case which Dean thought highly plausible; he's had in the past so now wouldn't be that different. They stepped out of the Impala and walked up to the door, knocking to alert the old man they were here.

"There ya are. I was startin' to worry." Bobby said as he opened the door, ushering for the three to walk in. Sam sat down on one of the arm chairs. Before Dean and Cas could follow, Bobby grabbed them by their collars and yanked them up so they were standing in the center of the room. "Now Sam's said you two boys ain't been payin' attention to what's been staring you right in the face." Dean looked over at Sam.

"And what exactly would that be, Sammy?" He asked.

"Just let Bobby explain." Was Sam's only response, his smirk never disappearing. Dean rolled his eyes but looked back to Bobby.

"Now, I know you've given up on finding your soulmate bu-"

"Wait, this is about my soulmate?!" Dean cut off, getting angrier by the second. "With all do respect Bobby, I don't think this is something you should be dealing with. Not to mention the fact I DON'T HAVE ONE!" He shouted.

"It's my problem when you're being an idjit about it!" Bobby barked back, pulling a Swiss army knife from his pocket. Castiel cocked his head to the side and watched as Bobby approached Dean and gave him a cut. It wasn't too deep but it did bleed. The angel's eyes widened, confused as to why the older hunter attacked Dean. 

"What'd you go and do that for?!" Dean yelled, trying to wipe up the blood from his arm. Castiel looked down at his when he felt a weird sensation wash over. There was a short red-ish line on his arm right where Bobby had cut Dean. Cas looked up, his confusion increasing. Dean, noticing the weird look on Cas' face, looked over to where he was previously looking. Noticing the line on Castiel's arm, he studied it for a while before looking to the one on his.

"That's why I did it." Bobby explained, pointing to the marks on the boys' arms. "Sammy's been trying to show you this for years but you two are oblivious! You oughta pay more attention to these things, Dean." Dean looked from his arm to Castiel's arm one last time before looking to Bobby.

"Are you saying. . .?" He drifted off, not knowing the words to continue.

"No, we're past the point of saying, we're damn right showin'." Dean turned to Castiel and smiled thinly at the look on the angel's face. Castiel seriously had no clue what was going on. He hadn't heard of any angels having soulmates before- well, unless you counted Anna but no one really did. She had fallen and became human; she was no longer an angel. "Ah, he doesn't know, does he?"

"Know what?" Castiel asked. Sam went to say something but Dean silenced the whole room by grabbing Castiel's face and forcing him into a kiss. As much as Castiel enjoyed it, he broke free from the kiss a moment later. His confusion needed to get sorted out first, then he could make out with the hot hunter in front of him. "Dean? What was that for?"

Dean smiled warmly. "For every one I've missed by being oblivious."

"I don't understand." Castiel furrowed his brow. "How were you oblivious? Can someone please explain this to me?" Dean cupped Castiel's face.

"There's no need for an explanation." Dean told him. "All you need to know is that I love you." Castiel's eyebrows shot up. "And I have for a while." Sam and Bobby glared at the hunter and angel. 

"I love you too, but I don't underst-" Dean kissed him, cutting him off. 

"Just shut up and enjoy the moment, Cas."

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