Two wrists one name- Olicity

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It has been predicted from the start that your dominate hand will have the name of your soulmate and your non-dominate hand will have the name of your enemy. Just first name though, not last. However, no one thought about what would happen if the name appeared on both wrists. Or if they were ambidextrous.

But Felicity Smoak was ambidextrous and she certainly didn't have the same name on both wrists. No, she grew up knowing that her soulmate's name would be Oliver and Oliver Queen grew up knowing that his soulmate's name would be Felicity. She just rolled her eyes, not caring about the name. He always thought the name was pretty but disregarded it and tried to sleep with Laurel. However Laurel was a faithful soulmate and stayed loyal to Tommy Merlyn. The only name they didn't disregard was the name on their non-dominate wrist: Slade. Normally soulmates don't share enemies, they just enlist the help of their significant other, but it's not like Felicity and Oliver knew that.

When Oliver washed up on the island and met the guy named Slade, he got a little nervous. Back on the mainland, Felicity was still waiting for the day to meet the man that made Oliver Queen so nervous. She occupied her time though, hacking into places and doing her job. Oh if only she knew what her soulmate was going through at that very moment.

Five years later, when Oliver made his way back to Starling City, he did everything in his power to do what his father told him to do and to stop Slade at the same time. Only one part of that statement was more successful than the other. At that point in his life, Oliver decided to seek out his soulmate for her help. He asked Walter for a list of the woman working at Queen Consolidated to start. Scanning the list, he stopped when he found the name Felicity Smoak written under the IT department. So the IT department was where he went to get some help.

He introduced himself to the pretty girl sitting at her desk chewing a red pen causing her to jump. Oliver smiled, falling in love with the woman in front of him already. Felicity, which had to be her name, had lovely blonde hair tied back into a ponytail and was wearing a lovely pink shirt and what he assumed to either be slacks or a pencil skirt.

"What- What did you say your name was? I mean, of course I know who you are but can you just repeat your name for me? Just so I know I heard correctly. And can you show me your wrist, please? The dominate one would be preferable." She rambled, dropping the pen on her desk in the process. Oliver laughed softly.

"Sure thing, Felicity." He told her, pulling up his shirt sleeve to show the slight uncomfortable IT girl his wrist, name side facing up. She gasped, running her nimble fingers over her name that was clearly written in her handwriting.

"Oh boy. I never actually thought this day would come. And I certainly never thought that my soulmate would be the Oliver Queen. It's not you're fault or anything and it's not like I don't like you, I do. You are freakishly handsome. But I never thought that someone like you would be soulmates with someone like me." She rambled on once again. "I'm just a simple IT girl."

"Obviously you have to be something more than just 'a simple IT girl' if you're my soulmate." Oliver remarked, leaning over her desk. She opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off by capturing her soft lips in a kiss. Oliver smirked, pulling away.

"Whoa." She breathed out. "You are a really good kisser. Like, a really good kisser." Oliver chuckled, cupping her cheek.

"Thank you." She smiled up at him, leaning into the touch. "Now this probably wasn't what you expected to happen the first time you met your soulmate, but I was wondering if you could help me with something?" She nodded, perking back up at the thought of getting to work. "They say you're good with a computer, is that true?" Felicity scoffed, like the very comment was underneath her.

"Am I good with a computer?" She repeated. "Please, I was born with a keyboard in hand." She remarked. Oliver smiled, oddly proud of how confident she was with her skills. "I mean, not literally. What is it you want me to search for?" He shook his head.

"Not a what, a who." He corrected. Felicity raised an eyebrow; Oliver showed her his other wrist. Her eyes widened. "I ran into him while I was supposedly dead." He started. Felicity looked up at him.

"We need to find him." She declared. He nodded as she started typing away.


Together, Felicity and Oliver went off and defeated Slade with the help of a Mister John Diggle (Oliver's chauffeur that he kept avoiding) who also had the name Slade written on his wrist; of course, Diggle didn't have Felicity's or Oliver's name on his other wrist, he had Lyla. The three of them went off and defeated other enemies of theirs that soon appeared on their wrists, which no one had ever heard of before, adding masked vigilantes to their small team of three along the way.

As Oliver and Felicity looked around the new and definitely improved "Arrow Cave" before they left that night, Oliver turned to face his beautiful soulmate. The slightly cocky blonde that she was, raised an eyebrow as she looked over at him as well. Oliver just smirked as he got down on one knee. Felicity gasped, kind of expecting what was to come next.

"Felicity, I have to be honest with you, when I walked into the IT department the day we met, I already knew you were my soulmate. I had Walter run a list of all the women working at my father's company just in case my soulmate was right under my nose. I had gone to the IT department that day for help with stopping Slade. What I was not expecting was to fall hard and fast for the babbling blonde that sat in front of me." He started. Felicity giggled softly. "You helped me stop not only Slade but many others and you helped me see reason again after those five years I spent on the island. You helped me complete my father's dying wish. More importantly, you helped me realize the meaning behind, what I thought before I met you were foolish, names on our wrist. These-" He held up his wrist, showing the blonde her name written in her pretty script. "-names aren't foolish, they are beautiful and I'm glad we have them." Felicty smiled warmly. "Felicity Megan Smoak, you make me feel complete and I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. So will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" He asked, opening the small velvet box that he hid in his hands. Felicity gasped before nodding and holding out her hand. Oliver slipped the ring onto her finger then spun her around, kissing her before he set her down.

"Of course I'll marry you, Oliver Jonas Queen."

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