Artemis x Zoë

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A lot can happen in ten years. For starters, Zoë Nightshade became Zoë Olympia about two years after they found out they were each others soulmates. The two archers adopted a puppy which turned out to be an excellent hunter when the two brought him along. A couple years later they adopted an orphaned girl who they had saved on a hunting trip that took an unexpected turn. She'd been twelve at the time and was scarred from her time in the woods. The two older women jumped at the chance to teach their daughter the skill of archery. But that was six years ago so their little daughter was now eighteen and an excellent marksman.

But today, Artemis' forty-eighth birthday, the family of three headed out to the archery range for practice (not that they needed it) and because Thalia had been bugging them for weeks now to go to the archery range as a family. The two agreed to go today because, though it was Artemis' birthday, they wanted their daughter to be happy. And Artemis' only birthday wish was for their daughter to be happy. So they hopped into the car with their bows in the back seat and drove to the archery range, Thalia bouncing in the back the entire time there.

Just like all those years ago, Artemis and Zoë walked all the way down to the end of the range and set up their gear, Thalia right beside in the middle. Firing an arrow is just like riding a bike; only this bike is a deadly weapon and if not done correctly, could harm someone. So maybe not as similar to riding a bike after all. No matter how many times the older Olympias hung up their bows, they still some how ended up back with them in their hands and Thalia loved seeing her parents like that, like they were when they first met even though she wasn't there when they met. She's heard the story countless of times and at this point as imagined herself there.

It seemed like hours flew by as the three shot the arrows into the center of the target. Such things like this were never difficult for the Olympia girls so they did it with such ease some of the other people in the complex watched in wonder. Some of the beginners would look to their own bows then back to the girls before dropping their bows and storming away. Some stayed but found their attention focused elsewhere which was never a good thing when dealing with sharp arrows. Most times the workers ushered those people out or directed them to a different archery range.

Zoë, who went to retrieve an arrow she overshot when something got in her eye, found this out the hard way. Her arrow went sideways and she was lucky that nobody had gotten hurt but she wasn't as fortunate when retrieving the arrow. A beginner, who was paying more attention to Zoë's wife and daughter, fired an arrow that was aiming straight towards Zoë who was oblivious to the arrow coming her way until it hit her straight on.

Crying out in pain, Zoë stood up fully and cupped her chest where the arrow struck; it dug in deep. Hearing her wife's distress, Artemis set her bow down and rushed to her side noticing the bleeding wound in her soulmate's chest. Zoë looked at her with so much pain and shock in her eyes Artemis didn't know what to do; her brother always had a knack for medical knowledge. If only she had reached out to Apollo and invited him today then maybe the events would've come out differently. The person who shot the arrow was quick to apologize.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was aiming! I was too busy watching you three shoot! I shouldn't have fired!" He said. Artemis glared at him.

"Damn right you shouldn't have!" She barked. The man took a step back, afraid of the low growl coming from the back of her throat. "What idiot fires when not paying attention? You should be ashamed of yourself!" Artemis yelled before aiding her wife. The arrow went too far into Zoë's chest for Artemis to yank it out and the wound was bleeding to0 heavily for Artemis to bandage it up. How did the happen? The man that fired the arrow called for the medical help needed as Thalia ran over to her parents.

Zoë, who was now laying on the floor of the archery range, looked up at Artemis with pleading eyes. She was waiting for her soulmate to do something but she knew Artemis couldn't do anything. Thalia was a crying mess as she watched her mother lay there so helplessly which didn't help Artemis remain calm. Both women were sobbing, not wanting to lose the third that completed their family.

"Arty." Zoë whispered which got her wife's attention. "Arty, I'm sorry." Artemis grabbed her hand and held it tight as she shook her head.

"No." She stated. "No, you don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault." Zoë tried to shake her head but just managed to spit up blood.

"I should've looked where I was going." Zoë admitted. Her eyes fluttered and the light was draining from them but Artemis still held on tight. The sound of an ambulance could be heard from outside, Thalia looking up for a brief second to see where it was coming from. "I should've. . ." Zoë didn't finish due to the pain in her chest and blood that was oozing out of it. Artemis shook her head slightly when her eyes closed.

"No! Stay with me, Zo. You have to stay with me." Zoë's eyes fluttered open to get one last good look at her wife and daughter.

"I love you two but I have to go. I can finally see the stars now, Arty. The stars." Zoë whispered out with her last breath. Artemis sobbed into her chest before the medics took Zoë away.

When Thalia and Artemis returned home that day they hid away their hunting equipment and made a silent pact not to touch them for quite some time. Artemis never touched it again. Thalia picked it back up the day her mother died, making an oath to both of them that she would avoid her soulmate and start a girls only hunting group. When Zoë's heart officially stopped, Artemis returned to looking like she wasn't any older than eighteen, something that happened when soulmates died. However, this still meant Artemis was mortal unlike Thalia until she met hers.

That night, before they went to bed, the two stepped outside to watch the stars. Artemis could've sworn she saw her wife up there within the constellation. Smirking to herself, she stayed out long after her daughter went inside.

"Not only did you see them but you joined them too, Zo."

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