Struck by love- WestAllen

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Barry Allen always wondered why his soulsymbol was a lightning bolt; the B.A and I.W he understood (half of it were his initials anyway) but never the shape the initials were in. Everyone always told him that the shape was supposed to represent something but he didn't get what that thing was. What exactly do lightning bolts represent anyway? Kids at school used to make fun of him for it, saying that his symbol was the opposite of the pace he ran at. And whenever he changed for gym everyone was able to see it because the bright yellow soulsymbol was right in the center of his chest.

Iris West thought her soulsymbol was cute; maybe not as intricate and detailed as some of the others she's seen but it was still pretty

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Iris West thought her soulsymbol was cute; maybe not as intricate and detailed as some of the others she's seen but it was still pretty. The loopy initials comforted her when she felt alone and the hearts always reminded her that there was someone out there who was supposed to love her for as long as she lived. The girls at school awed at how cute her soulsymbol was, not minding that it was in the shape of a lightning bolt; there were weirder symbols out there. Hers was smaller than the one her soulmate had and was located on her hip, almost looking like a weird colored scar.

It wasn't until Barry got struck by lightning and got the power of super speed that he realized why the soulsymbol was shaped like a bolt. When he thought about his soulmate after that, the thought scared him. What if his soulmate was a villain of his? Then they would have his initials and his superhero symbol! His mask would be pointless and he would no longer have a secret identity! But as fast as Barry thought of that, he thought of his soulmate being Iris Ann West; the girl he has had a crush on since he met her just so happened to have the same initials as his mysterious soulmate. However, just because the initials fit didn't guarantee that she is was his soulmate.

When the team saw first saw it, they laughed and they've made fun of Barry for his soulsymbol ever since. But it wasn't as rude! Never as rude as when the kids made fun of him growing up. Cisco would jokingly say that Barry's soulsymbol was his inspiration to the lightning bolt on his chest and Caitlin would tease him and say that he was struck by love when he got his powers. The teasing was created from love and never hurt his feelings. Instead, Barry would just blush and laugh along.

One day, Team Flash was sitting around S.T.A.R Labs not really doing anything, just waiting for a crime alert or something and decided to start talking about soulmates. Caitlin's was dead, he died in the tornado, so she talked about how they met and even showed Iris, who hadn't seen it before, her snowflake symbol with C.S and R.R written in the center. Cisco hadn't met his yet so he just described how his soulsymbol looked, which was some weird looking box with F.R and C in the center (apparently his soulmate didn't have a last name). Barry and Iris just listened to them gush about their partners.

"Destiny pulled one over on Barry when it came to his soulsymbol." Cisco started, a smirk spreading across his face. Barry rolled his eyes but started to blush. "His soulsymbol is a freaking lightning bolt!" Iris perked up and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What does it look like?" She questioned. Barry started shaking his head.

"Iris, you don't need to know what it looks like." He told her. She smiled but didn't back down; she never backed down from a challenge.

"No, I want to know what it looks like." She persisted. Cisco's smirk grew as he cracked his knuckles.

"Well for starters, it's right in the center of his chest and it's a bright yellow lightning bolt with loopy I.W and B.A initials and hearts all over it. We used to make fun of it all the time when we were just starting out." Iris grazed her hip at the description. "He doesn't really let anyone see it."

"Bare, can you take your shirt off so I can see it?" She asked politely, disregarding Cisco's last comment. Barry was confused at her sudden interest in his soulsymbol, she had never brought it up in the past. In fact, she never seemed to care about it before. However, Barry did as she asked and threw his shirt to the floor. Iris' hands flew to her mouth to cover the gasp she made when her eyes rested on the mark. "Oh my god." She mumbled, eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" Caitlin asked, lips pursed. Iris pulled up her shirt and pushed down her shorts a little so her soulsymbol was showing completely. Barry was the first to fix his gaze on the birth mark, his eyes widening once he saw. Caitlin and Cisco gasped. Then the room fell silent.

"So we're. . ." Iris didn't finish her sentence because she really didn't need to. Barry put his shirt back on and walked up to Iris, engulfing her in a hug. She hugged back and rested her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his cologne. "We've practically lived with our soulmate since we were eleven." She whispered. "We have to be the stupidest soulmates ever." Barry pulled away laughing.

"Well, to be truly honest with you, I've always had a crush on you." He admitted, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger. Iris laughed and leaned into his side as Barry sat down and wrapped an arm around her. He kissed the top of her head and rested his head on hers. Cisco and Caitlin awed. "Guys, c'mon." Barry told them.

"You two do make a cute couple." Caitlin defended. Barry and Iris rolled their eyes but smiled at their friend's interest at how cute they looked.

"Yeah dude, cutest couple in the world!" Cisco cheered. Barry rolled his eyes.

"Can we have some privacy?" Iris asked. Caitlin nodded, dragging Cisco out of the room by his ear. He whined the entire way out of the room. Barry turned to Iris, pulling her into a second kiss. "How long have you expected me to be your soulmate?" She asked. Barry shook his head.

"I haven't." He confessed. She raised an eyebrow. "I mean, I always hoped, of course I did! But I didn't think-" He sighed. "I didn't let myself hope just to be disappointed in the future." She smiled softly, running her fingers through his hair. "But I'm glad you are. I lo-" He stopped himself; it was too soon to say it. "You'd make an amazing soulmate." He corrected. Iris laughed and shook her head.

"I love you too, Barry."

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