A single touch- Coldwave

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Leonard Snart had been through enough in his life. With his dad being a jackass and having to practically raise his sister on his own, he didn't have time to hunt down his soulmate. Same goes for Mick Rory. He didn't have time for the bullshit people call soulmates. Not to mention that they both thought their soulmate wouldn't love them just like everyone else in their lives.

In secret, they both longed for their soulmate and if you watched closely, you could find the two men subconsciously play with the dark marks on their hands. Lisa loved pointing it out to Snart when she caught him doing it only for him to glare at her in return. Nobody pointed it out to Mick both out of fear and because he had no one to tell him. 

When Snart got thrown into prison for the first time, he was a little frightened by everyone there. Mick didn't bother coming out to see the new kid because, well, he just didn't care. Whoop-de-do, some new kid got caught doing something he shouldn't have, big deal.

His opinion changed when he saw the new kid getting beat up after they were let out into the courtyard. Snart was the smallest boy out there by far and everyone knew it so they decided to prove it to him my punching the snot out of him. Mick stepped in when he saw things getting too far out of hand.

"Okay that's enough." He declared, pulling the boys away from the newbie. No one tried to go against Mick but they certainly didn't like that they had to stop picking on the new kid. Who was, mind you, knocked onto the ground when they started beating him up and didn't bother getting up when everyone got off of him out of sheer tear they'd start again. Mick turned his attention back to the small boy on the floor and offered his hand; the one covered in black swirly ink.

Snart took Mick's hand, again, using the hand that was also covered in black swirly ink, to help him up. The two weren't paying attention to the colors their hands turned once Snart was up off the ground until they pulled their hands away. Snart's hand was an array of blues and purples whereas Mick's was shades of red, orange, and yellow.

The two looked to their hands and then back at the man in front of them, shocked more than anything.

"You?" They both asked. "I mean, you're hot and all." The two awkwardly laughed as they continued talking at the same time. Snart scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as Mick shifted from foot to foot.

"Um, Leonard Snart." He finally introduced, a small smile spreading across his face.

"Mick Rory." The other boy stated. It remained silent for a beat. "So we're soulmates?"

"Looks like it." Snart looked around and noticed that all the other boys left them alone. "Thanks for saving me." Mick waved it off like it was nothing. "We don't have to rush into anything right now." Snart promised. Mick raised an eyebrow. "We're just kids we don't-" He shut up when Mick nodded. "But that doesn't stop us from being partners in something else for the time being." Snart's smile turned into a smirk. Mick quickly caught on to what he was saying and shared the smirk. 


A couple years later, an older Snart and Mick stand just outside a bank in their suits, their cold and heat guns by their side but ready to be fired. Snart stole a look at Mick who had pure determination written across his features. Both held up their end of the bargain and have been partners since they got out of prison. Partners in crime at first which later formed into partners in crime that exchange heated make-out sessions when not robbing banks. 

Seconds later, the two entered the bank. All eyes immediately flew to them. You could hear their guns load before they both whipped them up and aimed. Frost and fire went everywhere except the safe. Once all was clear, Snart walked over to the safe and started cracking into it while Mick had his back by firing (pun totally intended) his heat gun at anyone that tried to approach.

"I've got it Mick! I think you can stop now." Snart called across his shoulder, his drawl standing out against all the screams in the room. Mick stopped firing as Snart swung the bag full of stolen goods against his back. The two walked out only to be stopped by the Flash. The two shared a look before smirking.

"I thought we talked about this, Snart?" The Flash reminded. The cold powered conman rolled his eyes.

"Don't trust everything I say, Barry." Snart remarked before firing. Barry dodged the blast by running to the right. Now it was Mick's turn. He shot his gun but missed, Barry already standing behind them with handcuffs. Snart and Mick smirked at each other a second time; they had talked about using this as plan B. "You wouldn't arrest two soulmates, would'cha Bare?" Barry paused, pulling the handcuffs away slightly in his confusion.

"You two?" He asked, not believing his ears. Snart and Mick nodded, pulling their gloves of on the opposite hand to reveal the blues, purples, reds, oranges, and yellows that were swirling around their hand. Barry stared, not because he thought it wasn't true but because he never would've thought they were romantic partners. Of course he new they were criminal partners but not partner partners. Not to mention that the way the colors swirled appeared to make flames on Snart's hand and snowflakes on Mick's.

"And isn't illegal to arrest two soulmates at the same time?" Snart pressed. "Something about no one to bail the other out?" He had to resist the urge to smile. Snart knew damn well that the CCPD made a law against arresting two soulmates at the same time because the chances of them getting out were slim. The two had always kept this in mind with every illegal act they did, waiting for the perfect moment to mention it. Today with this haul and Barry on their tail was a perfect time to use it.

"I could arrest one of you. There's nothing against that." Barry countered. Snart made a 'tsk, tsk' noise with his tongue against the roof of his mouth. Mick chuckled under his breath.

"But you wouldn't." Snart stated. "Not since we both committed the crime." Mick bit back a smirk. Barry walked in front of them and looked like he was thinking; Snart had pulled one on Barry that he wasn't expecting. "So, you gonna let us go?"

With a long sigh, Barry answered. "I guess I'm gonna have to." Snart and Mick high-fived behind the first man's back. "But don't do it again." Barry scolded. Snart gave a wicked smile and crossed his fingers behind his back so only Mick could see.

"Promise." Barry glanced between the two before dashing off. 

Snart turned to Mick, both smiling. The latter pulled the other closer by his waist and held him close. Snart chuckled before he was cut off by a kiss. 

"Worked like a charm."

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