First thoughts (S)- Spideypool

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"Holy shit that boy's ass is so sexy. Especially in that red and blue spandex. Mmm, what I would give to have him as a soulmate."

Those words have permanently branded Peter Parker since the day he was born. They were right on his left forearm too! Man did he hate where it was placed. The only way he was able to hide it was if he wore long sleeves, which he did. Quite often. Even in the summer. Peter would wear long sleeves and hoodies every day of his life so it wasn't too surprising that his supersuit covered his whole body. He would never reveal his soulwords to anyone, they were too embarrassing. 

"So that's who has embarrassed me my entire life?"

Those words have been tattooed onto Wade Wilson's shoulder since the day he was born on his left shoulder. These were easier to cover up than his soulmate's but he's never wanted to; they were his soulmate's first thoughts about him, why would he want to cover them up? They weren't as embarrassing as Peter's. But Wade did eventually hide them when he went out on the job.

Spider-Man was patrolling around New York one day, looking to make sure nothing bad was happening when he felt like he was being followed. Picking up his pace, he started speed-walking across the rooftop. Speed-walking quickly turned into running until Spider-Man almost fell off the roof; his foot catching on the lip caught him just in time. He tried to shoot a web but the pain in his left arm was too unbearable. It felt like his arm caught on fire which was not a good thing when he wanted to make a quick getaway.

The crime-fighting spider pulled back his sleeve to revel his soulthought glowing bright red. That only happened when the soulmate thought the thought. Confused and still slightly scared, Spider-Man turned around to find the person that had embarrassed him his entire life only to find Deadpool. Scrunching his nose, Spider-Man made Deadpool's words glow red as his eyes scanned him over.

The merc with a mouth pulled down the back of his spandex and looked at his words which were bright red and burning. He didn't know what to think. Which he didn't, he acted before he thought as per usual. Wrapping Spider-Man in a tight hug was his reaction to meeting his soulmate. Spider-Man however, was not as enthusiastic.

"Let go of me!" He screamed and tried to get out of the stronger man's hold by swatting at his chest and pushing away. "What makes you think I want to date you?!" That hit Deadpool hard. He let go of the smaller man and stared at him.

"But you're my soulmate." Deadpool whispered. Spider-Man pulled back his sleeve to revel the words that weren't glowing as bright as before. The taller man stared at them, not fully understanding what it was his soulmate wanted him to see.

"You have embarrassed me my entire life with your thought!" The shorter one yelled. "You couldn't have cut back on the swearing?!" Deadpool took a step back.

"But you look sexy." He whispered.

"I don't care!" Spider-Man took off his mask, revealing his face to his soulmate. "Anyone that has seen my tattoo has made fun of me my entire life! Some people probably know my secret identity because of you!" Peter threw the mask at Deadpool who caught it and held it close to his chest.

"Oh." Something clicked in Deadpool's mind. "Oh!" His eyes went round under the mask. "Your soulthought is on your forearm where everyone can see and the words aren't as pretty as others." Deadpool now noticed the tears in Peter's eyes. "I'm sorry, I never thought about that." Peter scoffed.

"Obviously." Peter looked away and blinked back tears. "Spider-Man and Deadpool, huh?" He whispered.

"Wade." Was his response. Wade took off the mask and held it with Peter's as Peter raised an eyebrow. "My name's Wade." Peter turned to look at the other man.

"Peter." He introduced. The two stared at each other on the rooftop, not really knowing what to do. Peter eventually gave in and hugged Wade, shoving his face into the man's chest. The taller one smiled and hugged the shorter one back. "Maybe you're not as bad as I thought."

Wade snorted. "Gee, thanks." Peter shrugged.

"I'll learn to love you." Wade ruffled Peter's hair.

"I hope you do. We were only destined to be together." Peter giggled a little and looked up at Wade. Smiling, the two met in a short and sweet but passionate kiss that made time stop. "You're a pretty good kisser Peter."

"Thanks, I've tried on my pillow."

"Really?!" Peter laughed and shook his head, his smile growing brighter.

"No, I was just saying that."

"Oh." Peter kissed Wade again who kissed back harder, starting to walk the two to the rooftop entrance. He flipped Peter around so his back was to the wall and started kissing up and down his neck, quickly turning into sucking on his neck and trying to tug off his suit. Peter made a moaning noise but pushed Wade off of him. Wade whimpered and frowned.

"Not here." Peter grabbed Wade by the collar of his suit and started dragging him to the end of the rooftop. Wade held onto Peter's waist as the two started swinging across New York.

Peter swung the two of them through his window and into his bedroom. He locked the door to his room before walking back to Wade. The taller boy started kissing down Peter's neck again and threw him onto the bed. He started tugging at the collar of Peter's suit as he struggled to take it off; Peter had already started taking Wade's off, succeeding more than the other boy. Once the two finally got out of their suits, Wade started kissing down deeper, making Peter moan in pleasure.

Wade kissed all the way down, stopping once he got to Peter's dick. He started licking the tip as a way to tease his soulmate who had his fingers digging into Wade's scalp. Wade winked up at Peter before putting the whole thing into his mouth. Peter moaned even louder as Wade started bobbing his head. Both men were hard at this point.

Wade continued sucking on Peter's dick for a little while longer before he started slipping his fingers into Peter's opening causing him to moan in pleasure. Wade slipped more fingers into his opening every few seconds until he pulled them out and thrust his dick inside. Peter moaned even louder as he pulled on Wade's hair. Wade started rocking his body back and forth.

After quickening the pace for quite some time the boys released themselves, covering the bed in the white substance. Wade pulled out and fell beside Peter, both of them were sweaty and sticky but that didn't stop them from wrapping each other in their arms.

"Have you learned to love me yet?" Wade asked, semi-breathlessly.

"I don't know." Peter answered smugly, smirking up at Wade. "We might just have to make this a daily thing until I do." Wade smirked at the brunette and kissed the top of his forehead.

"You and I really are meant to be."

I am so sorry. But look back up at the picture! It's adorable!!

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