Budapest- Clintasha

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In the Red Room you weren't allowed to go to the place that was printed on your wrist for risk of running into you soulmate. You were allowed to go everywhere else on a mission but never there. And for little Natasha it was Budapest that she was never allowed to go.

Other than his soulmate, Clint never saw a reason to go to Budapest. It just wasn't some place he felt he needed to go. Nothing was drawing him there so he never went. Sure, he knew he eventually had to go there but not yet.

Though they both ended up having to go for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha Romanoff got onto S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar in a bad way; Clint Barton was tasked to go track her down and kill her. Of course Clint and Natasha were on unease when they both ended up in Budapest. The widow was running away from this government organization and the archer was tasked to kill the widow; they didn't have the time to risk them being each others' soulmate. Or the time for some civilian to be their soulmate. 

As Natasha walked throughout the streets in Budapest, looking over her shoulder every once and a while, she noticed that her wrist was getting oddly warm. In the Red Room they were told about what causes this and that's why she was never allowed to come here. Her left wrist was only supposed to warm up like this the closer she got to her soulmate. With a scowl, she continued making her way through the streets.

Clint was perched on the roof of a building, an arrow notched in his bow, watching the people on the street. He was aware of the warming sensation coming from his left wrist but still had to keep an eye on the street below. As his wrist got warmer, Clint decided against the original mission. He couldn't hurt his soulmate; it just wasn't in his nature. He'd deal with whatever Fury had to say about it later.

So he slung his bow on his back and hopped down to the ground. The people walking around made room for him on the ground except for some redhead. She was stunning, Clint had to admit that to himself, but she looked dead serious and tensed up at the sight of Clint. Both wrists were as hot as fire at this point. 

"You." They both stated. Natasha pulled a gun from her holster and held it behind her back. Clint, on the other hand, was unarmed but he didn't know Natasha was. He made the mistake of taking a step forward for she whipped the gun out in front of her and aimed it at Clint's head. His eyes went wide.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up. Natasha, who wasn't going to throw all of her training down the drain for some guy, didn't put down the gun. "If it's choosing between my soulmate or my job I'll take my soulmate any day." Natasha still didn't look convinced. "I'll put down the bow if you'd like." Without waiting for an answer from the redhead, the archer unslung the bow and slowly placed it in front of the two on the ground. The widow kicked the bow out of his way and put down the gun.

"You're going to go against your allies for some girl that you're fated to be with?" She asked, her voice sounding like shards of ice. Clint looked into her eyes, scanning for emotion or anything he could use to get close to her. There was nothing. Her face held nothing he could use.

"Not necessarily." She raised an eyebrow. "Look, I won't kill you because of the whole soulmate thing and honestly, I don't think you deserve to die. But I still need to carry out my mission so you will return with me and if Fury listens to me, you'll have a job too." Natasha's eyebrow went higher. "I'll put in a word for you." He promised. "We're always looking for good recruits."

"You'd do that?" Natasha had to admit, she was warming up to the archer. "For someone you just met?" She added.

"Of course! Anyone that can get on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar should be brought in to even consider giving a job to." She nodded sightly and kicked the bow back to Clint who picked it up and slung it across his back. "Follow me." He ordered. Reluctantly, the widow followed after the archer.

The two walked to where the jet was waiting for Agent Barton. Maria Hill, who was on the jet waiting for his return, raised an eyebrow at Natasha. He sat her down, making sure she wouldn't run off and making sure she was unarmed before making his way over to Hill.

"I thought the mission was to kill her, not recruit her?" She reminded. Clint shrugged and looked to Natasha.

"Changed the objective." He secretly showed Hill his wrist to get her to understand better. She just nodded; there wasn't much else she could do to get him to change his mind.

It wasn't that long of a flight for Barton since he had already experienced it once. Natasha sat by his side, not moving and not showing any emotion. She scanned the jet and everyone on it. Clint subconsciously reached to hold her hand, intertwining their fingers together. Natasha tensed up before deciding against it and warming up a little. He smiled, relieved he could get her to show a hint of emotion.

When they got back to S.H.I.E.L.D, Fury was not as relieved.

"Barton, what did I tell you the mission was?" He barked. Clint unslung his bow and handed it to another agent so the could go put it away. The archer only trusted a handful of people with his archery equipment; that agent being one of them.

"I know." He answered. "You told me to kill her, but I didn't."

"I can see that." Fury stated, motioning to the redheaded spy. She just stared at the one-eyed director. "You taking in another stray?" Clint chuckled.

"Only if you'll let me." Fury eyed Natasha up and down as if he was deciding if she would make a valuable ally. "But Fury, sir, she is my-"

"I figured." He countered. "Which is why I'll let her stay." With that, Fury turned and left the two to their own devices. Clint faced Natasha with a kind smile.

"See! I told you! I knew you would have a job when we returned." Natasha smirked before kissing his cheek.

"Never doubted that you wouldn't stay true to your word."

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