Together through time and space- Captain Canary

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"Snart. . . Barry's friend, right? The one that uses the freeze gun? Didn't Cisco call you Captain Cold?" Leonard Snart subconsciously rubbed his forearm where his soulwords sat moments before him and Mick walked into the bank to rob it. They've only disappeared once, which Snart found odd because they weren't supposed to disappear until they died but his soulmate couldn't have died and come back to life. Because of this he'd always been conscious of them still being there. He didn't enjoy the company of many people but he hoped he could enjoy his soulmate's; and he couldn't figure that out unless they stayed alive. 

"Name's Leonard Snart but I didn't come here to make friends." Sara Lance watched as the black lettering blurred each time she threw a punch. Her soulwords never disappeared. Why would they? She highly doubted this Snart guy died and came back to life like she had. However, finding her soulmate didn't reach top ten on her list of priorities. Even though she's no longer Black Canary, that didn't mean she had to stop fighting. A soulmate would just weigh her down and they'd be one more person she had to hide her identity from. She didn't need to worry about that now- possibly not ever.


Snart and Lance woke up on a rooftop, loosely tied up and surrounded by other heroes, some of which they knew. The man that captured them was standing off to the side, waiting for everyone to wake up. Once they did, he started why he needed their help. No one jumped at the chance but, deep down, Snart and Lance both wanted to help save the world and this could possibly be the only way for them do achieve that.

The man, now known as Rip Hunter, gave them 36 hours to come up with their answer before he would be leaving 2016 with or without them. Lance went to consult her sister, Laurel Lance, about what to do. Laurel's answer was the answer Sara wanted to hear but didn't want to admit it to herself; Laurel had told her to go and become the White Canary. Not wanting to argue with her sister and actually wanting to go, the younger Lance sister decided to join the team of "legends". After she got her new suit of course. Oliver nor Laurel would let her leave on a time-ship without getting a new suit.

Snart's decision wasn't as simple as Lance's. His partner, Mick Rory or Heatwave, wasn't as open to helping save the timeline. It wasn't until Snart threatened to leave him alone in 2016 that Rory decided to join. Who knows, maybe the both of them would find someone on the ship. And perhaps that was the real reason Snart wanted to go; perhaps he wanted to meet his soulmate - or at least have the chance to.

The group of heroes met up again where Hunter said he would be. Unfortunately, he was running a little late. When they did get there, they boarded the ship which they would later find out was named the Wave-Rider. Jackson had to be helped onto the ship due to the fact Stein might have knocked him out in order to attend.

"I will give you sometime to introduce yourselves and explore." Hunter told everyone. "We won't leave for a while." He assured them. Jackson woke up seconds later. After looking around and figuring out where he was, his confusion turned into anger. He wasn't too happy about being on the ship although he didn't try to get off.

Lance walked into the library slash study room first. She was just looking through all junk Hunter had laying around, her fingers brushing along the covers of some of the books. There was a thin layer of dust covering them. With a groan, Lance wiped the dust off her fingers onto her suit. Snart walked in a minute later as he explored the ship. The two glanced to each other before extending a hand.

"Name's Leonard Snart but I didn't come here to make friends." Snart introduced himself. Lance raised an eyebrow, her eyes casting down to her forearm where her soulwords stayed. Not only did she think of her soulmate, but something else clicked in the assassin's mind.

"Snart. . . Barry's friend, right?" She asked. "The one that uses the freeze gun?" Snart nodded, a smirk etching onto his face. "Didn't Cisco call you Captain Cold?" She asked him. His smirk grew as he nodded.

"I wouldn't say Barry and I are friends." He corrected. Lance crossed her arms over her chest, her eyebrow raising higher. "More like frienemies." She nodded slightly in understanding. "You got a problem with the freeze gun?" She shook her head.  "As for the name, yes, that is what Cisco calls me." Lance smirked slightly. Snart raised an eyebrow. "What about you?"

Lance took a step forward, her eyes narrowing at Snart. "What do you mean?" She asked. He leaned closer to her, enjoying the conversation.

"What does Cisco call you?" He whispered, trying to get a name out of his soulmate. That's his plan at the moment: get a name, talk and get to know her, then a relationship once the future is safe. Lance scoffed.

"Cisco doesn't have to name every vigilante." She countered. He nodded, impressed. "But I go by the name of White Canary." Snart held up a finger and waved it side to side.

"You shouldn't have named yourself. Cisco takes pride in his names." Lance laughed. "He gets angry when us vigilantes name ourselves." Her smirk turned into a smile. 

"I think he'll understand." She remarked. "I was Black Canary before I-" She caught herself before she continued, her eyes widening at what she was about to say. Snart raised an eyebrow.

"Not to pry or anything but considering you are my soulmate I think I have a right to know." He started. She sighed. He leaned in closer so no one could hear his question. "Have you died before?" Pulling away, his expression shifted to that of concern. Lance studied him for a moment before nodding. "That explains why my words disappeared for a few months." She nodded again.

"But I thought you didn't come here to make friends?" He nodded slightly. "None of this should concern you then." She remarked. He shook his head, grabbing her hand. 

"A soulmate isn't a friend, Canary." He corrected. "They're something more than that." Snart leaned in to kiss her but Lance beat him to it. Their lips worked in sync as they kissed. "So I might not have come for you but I sure as hell am leaving with you." Snart whispered, their faces inches apart. Lance smirked.

"I'll hold you to it, Captain."

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