Love song- Destiel

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When the soulmate connection was explained everyone thought it was stupid and they definitely had a good reason to. For when one soulmate starts singing, a solo or a duet, the other one starts singing the same song. How ridiculous is that?

Everyone on Earth knew about this. . . ability if you'd call it that and not a curse, but the only people in Heaven that knew about it are the people that have died and gone to it, not the angels. So imagine Castiel's surprise when he started singing Eye of the Tiger one day out of the blue; a song he had never heard before and didn't even know existed. The other angels thought he was insane- except Gabriel; he had been to Earth enough times to understand what was happening to his brother. And though Gabriel disliked the fact their father gave soulmates to angels, he was proud Castiel was one of the few. If anyone of them deserved someone to love them unconditionally, it was him.

Dean had never started randomly singing against his own freewill so he's long since forgotten about the whole soulmate idea; he assumed that meant he didn't have one (which wasn't uncommon) or they had died before he could start singing (again, wasn't uncommon). Instead, he just started singing for the hell of it and he screwed random women who either a) didn't care about their soulmate, b) were running away from their soulmate, or c) both. Dean tended to stay away from option c- too many girls ended up crying in the middle of their make-out session.

As the days grew closer to the day Dean was forced to go to hell, the songs came to a slow halt. He didn't have the heart to sing any of the upbeat songs he loved to listen to. Castiel started to miss the random singing even though he didn't know any of the songs nor could he remember the lyrics to the ones he's sung to keep him company. Instead, he sat in Heaven without the music he had grown found to, craving for the music to start again. Heaven was too quiet, he needed a break from it all.

Castiel didn't know that when he saved the brown haired green eyed man that wore plaid, drove an Impala, and loved pie he was really saving the man that comforted him with the songs, that cheered him up even though he wasn't there, and was always there for him regardless of the fact they had never met. He just rose him from Hell anyway because he knew the man would stop the Apocalypse. And damn did they need to stop the Apocalypse.

And then the two of them, plus Sam of course, went off to save the world from much worse. Metatron, people trying to start Ragnorak, stolen Graces, musicals. Plus vampires, werewolves, banshees, and spirits. Hitler came back once but Dean quickly killed him; he also killed death (it's a very complicated story). You know, the usual everyday life of a hunter. Sam, who thought he had found his soulmate in Jess, found his soulmate in Gabriel. Dean never found his, which he wasn't looking for to begin with, and Cas never knew to look (mostly because Gabriel's a cheeky bastard and refused to explain to Castiel what was going on).

One day, the three of them (Gabe was off doing something in Heaven) were flipping through some of the books down in the library inside the bunker when Dean started humming a tune. Humming soon turned into mumbling the words which eventually led into full blown singing because Dean just couldn't help himself.

"Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more" He started singing as he closed the book he was 'looking' through. Sam looked up and rolled his eyed at the older hunter. "Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I'm dreamin', I can hear them say"

"Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more" Cas singing along surprised the two. The angel hadn't known any other pop culture reference the two had made in the past.

"I didn't think you knew the song, Cas." Sam remarked, closing his book as well. It didn't have anything they needed in it anyway.

"I don't." He admitted. "I've never heard the song before." Sam and Dean shared a look before Dean sang another line.

"Masquerading as a man with a reason" Cas sang along but the expression on his face made it seem like he wasn't singing on his own. "Cas, what's the next line?"

"No idea. Did you not hear me when I said I don't know the song?" The Winchester boys shared another look.

"My charade is the event of the season" Dean stopped singing when Cas sang the next line.

"Cas, do you know the story behind the soulmate connection?" The younger boy asked as Dean kept his eyes trained on the angel.

"Other than you and my brother share one, no. We weren't taught the story behind your soulmates." Castiel responded, head tilted to the side like he usually did when confused.

"Well, they've said that when one soulmate starts singing a song, the other starts singing the same song." Dean started to explain. "And since you don't know the song-"

"That means we're soulmates." The angel finished with a shrug. Dean's eyes widened at how causal he was about it. "Well, I've always admired you." Sam started laughing.

"I've always thought you looked adorable when you got confused." Dean admitted quietly.

"So would us being soulmates be such a bad thing?" The older hunter thought about it for a while before smiling, getting up, and walking over to him. He looked into Castiel's eyes as he cupped his face and brought it closer to his own. "Dean, what are you-" The angel was cut off by the hunter pulling him in for a kiss. Dean continued smiling even after he pulled away.

"No. Us being soulmates could never be a bad thing." He answered. "I had just given up on finding mine along time ago. You had never sang anything so I just assumed. . ." Cas kissed him again, softer than before. Dean liked having the angel's soft lips pressed against his.

"To be fair I've spent most of my life in Heaven." Cas argued. "It's not like they're constantly playing the songs you listen to." Dean chuckled. Sam smirked at the two before opening a different book in search of what they were looking for. "Gabriel, of course, always knew what was going on but refused to tell me." Dean shot Sam a look to which the latter was oblivious to. "I apologize, Dean." He shook his head, brushing his thumb against Castiel's cheek.

"No need to apologize, you didn't know." The two presser their foreheads together. Dean gave him another kiss. And another. And another. "We should just make up for lost time."

"What are you suggesting?" Castiel asked. Dean smirked.

"We take this somewhere private and venture out into more than just kissing." Castiel's eyes widened as Dean dragged him away by his tie. Sam chuckled, not glancing up from his book. It was silent in his part of the bunker for a while before the sound of wings flapping rang around him.

"Where'd Deano and Cassie go?" Gabriel asked after pressing a kiss to Sam's temple. The hunter smiled.

"Bedroom." He admitted. Gabriel smiled brightly and wiggled his eyebrows. They finally figured it out." Sam knew. Damn did he know. Gabriel wouldn't shut up about it for days the first time it happened. Dean was in the kitchen making a sandwich and apparently mumbling a song to himself when Cas started doing the same thing. The younger hunter quickly caught on and kept it a secret with his soulmate. "Surprisingly, neither one were shocked." Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" Sam nodded. "Interesting." Gabriel sat down, propping his legs on the table in front of him. "So, Samsqautch, what do you plan on doing for the rest of the day?" Sam closed the book he was reading from and smirked.

"We could always take it to our bedroom." He replied. Gabriel dropped his legs. "If you want." Without saying anything, the angel got up and started walking out the room. Sam chuckled. "Where're you going?"


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