Duet- Superflash

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Soulmates: the person that you are destined to be with. Also known as the love of your life.

Barry always thought that he would know when he met his soulmate regardless if they were singing or not. They were bound together in some way, you would think that would trigger something? But it didn't. He didn't feel a thing when he met her.

Kara didn't sing much. She knew that if she did that would mean her soulmate would start breaking out into song and she couldn't handle a soulmate. Not now with Supergirl and everything. Maybe not ever. For all she knew hers was dead. However whenever she brought that up, Clark and/or Alex brought up the fact that Clark found his soulmate on Earth. 

When the two were forced into the musical world, Barry found himself mumbling the words while Kara sang onstage. He didn't understand why. Maybe it was because he knew the song and he liked the sound of her voice. Kara noticed him, and once she was done singing the two went backstage.

"What's going on? Where are we?" She asked, brows furrowed in confusion. Barry had to admit that she looked cute when confused.

"I have no clue. I thought you would've known." He answered honestly. The two stood there, trying to figure out what was going on. "Your singing was beautiful." Barry told her quietly, almost timidly. Kara smiled at him.

"Thanks." Suddenly the Music Meister appeared with a huge grin on his face, his arms spread out.

"So you two figured it out?" He asked with a wink. Barry and Kara looked to him, confused.

"What do you mean?" They asked. 

Music Meister sighed and shook his head. "This is gonna take some work." He muttered to himself. "You two are here for a reason and I hope you figure out that reason pretty soon because if you die here, you die in the real world." Barry and Kara's eyes went wide.

"What do we have to do in the meantime?" Barry asked.

"That's for you to figure out." With another wink, Music Meister was gone without a trace. Barry and Kara turned to look at each other.

"Perfect. We don't know what to do or how to do it." Kara stated. "Not to mention that we don't have our powers."

Barry and Kara walked back onstage to find everyone else singing. The two superheroes shared a look before walking around. They ran into Cisco, or Pablo as he was called, in this universe; Malcolm Merlyn or the Cutter was here, he ran the bar; Winn was also in this random universe as the pianist. It was so weird. Sure Barry was used to doppelgangers and alternate universes, but that didn't mean Kara was; she was still getting used to there being multiple Earths.

The two found their way to the back room where all the props were. Winn-or not Winn-was sitting there at the piano, playing a tune. Kara and Barry briefly looked around the room before walking to the piano.

"So Music Miester wants us to do something. Only we don't know what that thing is." Kara stated. Barry nodded.

"This is a musical, maybe we're just supposed to sing?" Barry suggested.

Kara shrugged. "Makes sense." She agreed. "Hit it Grady!" Winn started playing the piano louder. Barry waited for his cue before he started singing.

"At times like these when life is gettin' me down and the world seems like it's gonna end. . . ship?" Kara shrugged, biting her tongue to keep from singing along. It was like something was trying to force her to sing. "There's at least one power that we both still have and that's the power of. . ."

"Friendship?" Kara couldn't help herself, she finished the sentence but made it sound like a question as to not raise suspicion.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was gonna say!" Barry cheered. Kara smiled, playfully rolling her eyes.

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