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"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said, my face turned red. I looked at Jimin, who was also blushing. We lent in awkwardly, almost kissing. "JUST KISS ALREADY!" (B/N) screamed, earning a few whistles of agreement. "I love you." He whispered, then we kissed.

We separated after a few seconds. "I love you too." I whispered back, smiling. Everybody started clapping, I backed up, putting a hand over my mouth in embarrassment. "Momma!" I heard Nari. I turned to her, picking my dress up at the end, I walked down carefully in my heels.

I picked up Nari. "Hello my sweet flower." I kissed her forehead, making her giggle. They were now 1 year and 7 months... It had been so long since they were born and since Jimin proposed. Jimin walked down, picking Mun-hee out from my moms arms.

"Hey." He kissed his cheek, then mine. "Lets go eat!" (B/N) squealed, squeezing my arm. I smiled, walking with her to the party room.

~~ ~~

We walked inside, the room was decorated in (F/C) (fav colour) and white. I smiled, sitting down at the biggest table. Jimin sat beside me, taking my hand. He squeezed it, I saw my dad make it to the front.

"Thank you everybody for coming today.. It's a honor to be here, where my daughter finally gets to be bossed around by another man." He chuckled, a few people laughed. "Anyways... I have a little speech..." He brought out a que card.

"God damnit...." I hid my face, already cringing. "My dearest (Y/N). I remember when you were only a baby, when your first word was 'poo' and your first steps were obviously, to your mothers closet." He said, everybody laughed.

I hid my face, blushing. "Anyways, I remember your first kiss, I had a giant talk with that boy, didn't talk to her again. But I also remember her boyfriends, I believe one of them is here now." He referred to Jungkook, I looked around, seeing the in hiatus members of BTS at their own table.

I smiled at Jungkook, waving. He smiled and waved back. "But anyways... I remember when we moved to the US, she had a boyfriend, real jerk. I remember when my first word to him was... You break my daughters heart, or break up with her.. I'll find you, and kill you." He laughed.

"But now, since she's married... I cannot say that to her husband, because I know she will beat me up. Now onto her mother." He smiled, everybody clapped. My mom walked up.

"All I can say is that I'm so happy that my baby has found a man who truly loves her, and she loves him. It's been such a hard life for her as I know she has two beautiful children almost 2 years old..." She began to cry.

I felt my tears well up, I usually always cried when my mom did... "And I... I just wanted to say... That I'm always here for her, and she can always come to me if anything bad happens, love you dear... Here is the maid of honor." She smiled.

(B/N) ran onto the stage, almost tripping. "So! As you know, I am the maid of honor. I have been friends with (Y/N) ever since she moved to the US, since I was a transfer student there! And as a tradition, it's my honor to embarrass her even more." She smiled.

She pulled down a projector screen, my eyes widened. "And here are all of the photo's I saved when we both looked like dorks." She laughed. The first photo played, showing me and her dressed up as the sailor moon characters.

"(B/N)!" I yelled, everybody laughed. "See, I was sailor mercury, she was mars.. Oh look how dumb we looked." She pressed the remote button, changing to the next photo... Prom. I was wearing a hideous dress, and really weird makeup. "Just letting you know, somebody sneaked some alcohol into the prom, and it got crazy... This was the aftermath." She laughed.

{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now