12 (Small)

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I sat on the couch, flipping through the magazine. It had been atleast my 45th time re-reading that parenting book, but I needed it... I was about to turn the tv on, until the doorbell rang. I looked up, Taehyung and me wondered both who it was. I stood up, going to the door.

"Momma?" Nari walked to me, grabbing onto my pants. "One second, Nari." I picked her up, putting her on the other side of the room. I opened the door, instantly tearing up from the visitor. Jimin was standing in front of me, smiling.

I hugged him, burying my face into his chest. "I missed you..." I cried. "It's only been a month." He said. "A month of no calls or messages. And me working non-stop to bail you out until you go to court." I cried. He rubbed my back, hugging me. "Daddy!" Nari yelled, running to us, she tripped a bit on her feet.

They could make small sentences, but they were only 1 year and 9 months old.... "Hello Nari!" He picked her up. "Where hat to been?" She asked. He looked at me, confused. "Where have you been." I smiled.

"Oh, somewhere... Very very." She nodded up and down as he said very. "Very very important." He smiled. "Momma hat creed." She said. He looked at me, confused again. "Momma... Had cried...." I put my hand over my mouth.

" I put my hand over my mouth

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"Oh..." His smile died down. An officer walked to our doorstep. "Okay. Park Jimin, you are on bail estimated 2-3 weeks or a month.." He said. "2 weeks!? He's going to court in 2 weeks!?" I yelled, my eyes wide.

"Sorry miss but that's what the court said." and he left. "2 weeks...." I said to myself, tears pierced my eyes for the 167th time in 24 hours. "Don't cry. We can spend the 2 weeks together if you like." Jimin smiled at me.

"I can't... I have to fill out a bunch of forms for the shelter, work out renovations for it... AND ITS TAX SEASON..." I began to cry. "I'll do the taxes." Taehyung said. "Thank you, but even if you did, I'd be busy with something else!" I said.

"Just reschedule all of it to another day." Jimin said. "I can try... but I planned this almost right after you had left..." I said.

"Mommy don't cry." Mun-hee ran to me, trying his best to hug me. "I won't." I sniffed, I hugged him back.

~~~ ~~~

I sat in the backyard, the word Stockholm couldn't leave me thoughts. "You've been pondering all morning, what's the problem." Jimin caught me by surprise, kissing my cheek.

"Whoever told the police about you... Told me about the Stockholm syndrome, I guess they meant that I didn't love you." I said.

Jimin stopped walking, stopping in front of my chair. "Do you love me?" He asked. "Of course I do!" I looked up at him.

"No, (Y/N). Do you actually love me? Are you thinking about divorcing? Do you think that you're under Stockholm syndrome and that you don't actually love me?" He knelt down, cupping my cheeks.

"Of course I love you... The doctors said I didn't have it..."

{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now