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~Jungkook's POV~

I woke up, butterflies erupting in my stomach as the back of (Y/N)'s head was against my chest. She was still asleep, her soft breaths making the cutest sound someone could ever make if they were asleep.

I wanted so bad to wake her, kiss her and then say 'good morning, sweetie' but... She wasn't my wife or girlfriend, and she was married. I was only there to help her with the two kids and her soon to be 3rd kid... 

I wish that Jimin had never moved to the same school... That Jessica wasn't friends with him in the first place. That (Y/N) had just eventually fallen in love with me... And then married me... I carefully removed my arms from her waist.

"Wait.." Her hand quickly but carefully grabbed my wrist. I almost yelped in surprise, I looked at her smiling face, her eyes still closed. "Just, stay like this for a few more minutes please..." She put my arm back. "Uh... O-okay...." I mumbled.

I stayed red as she was probably asleep. Not until I heard her small snores, did I get off the couch. I was going to go make breakfast for her when I heard her phone ring.

I walked over to it, a unknown number had texted her.


Stay the hell away from (Y/N)

What the hell?


Excuse me, who the hell is this?

I stared at their message in anger. Who was this? I noticed that they had also texted her before. I unlocked her phone, going into her messages (because they had dated she had given him her password, just clearing so I don't get questioned).



I clicked on the link, bringing me up to a page about.... Stockholm syndrome? I read through it, who was this creep?

"Jungkook... What are you doing on my phone?" I looked at (Y/N), she was still smiling, her eyes slightly open. "Who is this dude?" I asked, walked to her. She fluttered her eyes open, looking at the screen.

"Oh.... I don't know.... I had thought it was you at one point.... That's... Why I kinda thought you had told the police..." She mumbled. "So, you have no idea who it is?" I asked.

She shook her head, I showed her the most previous message. Her eyes sort of widened at the fact. "Lets wait for more messages, then we can tell the police." I smiled, she nodded, her eyes on the ground.

~~ ~~

I was scanning through all the messages that they had just sent her.... By the looks of it, this was a guy.


She belongs to me.


If anybody tries to take you away from me, (Y/N), I will kill them for you :)


We're meant to be together :)))


Meet me at the park near your house at 11 PM tonight

The last message made me want to kill him. (Y/N) had her hand over her mouth, she was scared, I could tell... "I'll go to the park..." She mumbled, lowering her hand. "Excuse me what!?" I looked at her with big eyes.

"I need to know who this is. What if it's another stalker that's been stalking me for years without me knowing?" She asked me, I could tell she was on the brink of tears. "Don't cry..." I sat down, pulling her to my chest.

"Jungkook, this is too much...." She let it out, sobbing into my chest. "It's.... Um it's okay... I'll call the police if any more creepy messages show up... You don't need to scared of him..." I mumbled, awkwardly stroking the back of her head. (LIKE A CAT! Lol jk... Idk how to explain it)

"That's not the only problem Jungkook... Jimin's in jail for a crime he did almost 2 years ago..... I have two kids and expecting another.... And..... And... I didn't tell anybody but.... We had to close the animal shelter!" She made an ugly sound.

"Wait- when!?" I asked, shocked about her sudden news. "A few days ago....  I didn't tell anybody beside's Hannah... Since she's the only one who worked there at the time..." She grabbed my shirt, god I felt so weird...

"What am I going to do?" She asked me. "Um.... What did you graduate in?" I hesitated. "Um... Well, I had.... Well.... It was a degree for anatomy... Zoology.... Biology.... And microbiology...." She muttered. "That's a lot... Well, I'm not sure what jobs you can get with that, but you can obviously become a vet." I smiled at her.

"BUT THAT TAKES 4 YEARS!" She yelled. "So? You'll have a job once Jimin comes back." I said slowly. "Just forget it.... What time is it?" She asked.

"It's 9:13." 

~(Y/N)'s POV~

~~ ~~

We walked to the park, good thing Taehyung loves babysitting the two kids... We walked with a flashlight, the area we lived in didn't have to many buildings or lights... So it was dark during the night.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook grabbed my shaking hand. I gulped, nodding. Honestly, my legs felt as limp as noodles. I felt as if my chest was a balloon, ready to pop and inflate and push me around all the way back to my cozy.... White bed... That's what I wanted.

We got to the park, "actually... I think it's silly... We're the only one's here! It was probably just a prank.... Come on, lets go home..." I tried to pull Jungkook back to our house, but he staid still.

"Nope." He picked me up bridal style, carrying me into the park. It was an eerie silence, the only sound was the faint crickets and the faint flowing water from the man-made fountains a ton of houses had. 

I let go of his hand, seeing a weird light in the distance. "What the hell?" I muttered, walking over to it. It was 4 lit candles, surrounding a note.

'I'm glad you came :)' I read it in my head. "(Y/N) watch out!" Jungkook called. Somebody then grabbed my wrists, holding them behind my back I yelped, only to be silence by a gun showed in front of my face.

I went pale, my whole body begging to quake as fear swept my senses. "Hmmm... I see you brought your friend, (Y/N)...." A very familiar voice said by my ear, shivers getting sent down my spine.

Wait.... I know who this was....

{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now