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Taehyung drove with Ae-cha back to his place. I sat down, bouncing Nari up and down on my knee, holding her hands and singing. "A is for..." I smiled. "Appol!" She giggled. "A-a-apple!" I bounced her up, she laughed. "B is for?" I said. "Ball!" She replied. "B-b-ball." I giggled.


I completely forgot about Jungkook until he coughed. I jolted in surprise, realizing he was still here. I looked at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing, just startled me..." I bounced Nari again. I saw Jungkook leaning on the island, just watching me and Nari, smiling... Creep.

I tried not to make eye contact with him, continuing to sing with Nari. "Momma.... My turn!" Mun-hee, jumped. "Okay." I put Nari down, she ran over to Jungkook. "Daddy!" She giggled, didn't he just say that he was uncle?

Jungkook chuckled, picking her up. I shifted uncomfortably, taking Mun-hee onto my lap. "Is he daddy?" Mun-hee asked me. "Um... Well, no... But he's like a step-dad for a while." I smiled. "Stop-dad?" He asked.

"S-T-E-P... Dad.... Like a second dad, sort of..." I trailed off. "Okay!" Mun-hee said. "They're almost 2 now, right?" Jungkook was holding Nari. I nodded. "2 months left." I said, bouncing Mun-hee on my leg.

"Well, I should go start looking for gifts." Jungkook walked towards the couch. He sat down beside me, kissing my cheek. "Jungkook, no." I wiped my cheek on my shirt. "What?" He asked. "Don't kiss me." I said.

"But we gotta pretend to be like a real married couple." He said. "I'm not going to pretend to be married with you. I agreed to you being the 'dad' of Nari and Mun-hee, not to be my husband. I have a husband, and it's not you." I said.

"Your perspective will change over the next 4 years." He smiled, trying to kiss me again. I slapped him quickly. "I said no." I glared at him, then smiled at Mun-hee. 

~~ ~~

I walked out of the baby room, my legs slugging behind me. I opened my bedroom door, walking inside and falling onto the bed. I smiled at the comfort, then the door opened again, Jungkook... "You're not sleeping with me." I mumbled. "I know I'm not." He said.

It was silent for a while, until I felt some sort of pressure on my shoulder blades, Jungkook. "What are you doing?" I asked, was he massaging me? "I dunno." He replied, continuing to press in a circular motion. 

"Well, whatever you're doing, stop." I pushed myself up, hitting him in the chin with my head. "Sorry." I replied, getting underneath the covers of the bed. Jungkook sighed, going onto the floor.

I stared at him for a while, watching him trying to find a good position on the cold, hard floor. I sighed, throwing a pillow from my bed in his face. "Use that, idiot." I said. "Is this the one you slept on, or Jimin slept on?" He said.

"Why?" I asked. "It's uncomfortable knowing I'm sharing a pillow with an older guy." He said. I looked at the other pillows, awkwardly and slowly, leaning towards them. I sniffed one, quickly going back up. "Your using my pillow." I said.

"How do you know?" He said. "Because... Jimin tends to use this certain hair gel, spray thingy." I said, burying my faces into Jimin's pillow. I smiled, knowing that I had at least a few things to remind me of him.

How could I forget about him?

~~ ~~

"(Y/N)!" I heard Jimin's voice. I looked up, noticing it was black all around me. I saw Jimin in the distance. I smiled, walking, then running towards his open arms. Just as I was about to connect my arms with him, he began to disappear, into butterflies.

"How could you leave me like this?" He slowly whispered. I backed up a bit, watching in shock as his body slowly faded into the little creatures. "Take care of our kids." He smiled, tears pricking the edges of his eyes, his eyes folded into crescent moons as his tears slid down his cheeks.

"No.... Wait, stay!" I tried to grab his hand, it instantly turning into butterflies when I touched it. "Don't worry." He smiled, putting his other hand on my cheek, it felt soft. He caressed my cheek, I was completely lost in his deep, big brown eyes. It seemed as if my troubles melted away, but that was only a thought.

I heard the sound of rain. Lightening flashed, I was on the sidewalk, a car was turning, eventually stopping on the slippery road. I noticed a shape on the road, a person. "Oh my god..." I muttered. I heard a scream, forcing myself to look away from the body and to the women.

It was...


Trembling, I screamed, running towards the body. "Nari!" I said, what? But, Nari was only a baby... I walked up to... Myself, kneeling on the ground, holding the hand, of the dead preteen girl. I looked closely at her.... She, looked like me... But, when I was... In grade 7....

I trembled at the sight, what was this? The girl didn't exactly look like me... She had... Jimin's eyes... The dead doll eyes that glazed over your soul when you died... Was this Nari? I knelt down over her body, holding her hand.... A bun created of my (H/C) hair, the bottom of my hair being slightly white.... What happened?

 Lightening sounded from above again, frightening me. Was this, real? Would this happen? "(Y/N)." I heard a voice. I turned around, Jimin being in front of me.

"Wake up." Alex's voice said, coming from Jimin's mouth. "What?" I said. "Wake up!" Jungkook yelled.

~~ ~~

I jolted up, Jungkook was looming over me, shock and fear written on his face. I heard sobs, the sound echoing through my mind. They were my sobs, I was crying, I was scared... He pulled me into a hug.

"Are you okay? What happened? Is everything alright?" He asked quickly. "Jungkook... I'm.... Fine... It was just a nightmare." I said in between pants. " Are you okay?" He asked, pulling away and looking into my eyes.

Worry clouded his vision, tears glazing mine. I nodded slowly. He sighed, getting off the bed and lied down back onto the floor. "Wait." I grabbed his sweater.

He looked up at me. "Can you sleep with me?" I said, I never wanted to catch a glimpse of that dream again. He nodded, smiling softly.

"Of course, if you want."

{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now