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I looked up from my phone. I got off the bed, putting my phone down. "Just ignore the message, (Y/N)...." I told myself. I walked to the door, opening it. "Hello! H-" I saw 2 police officers in front of me.

"-ow... Can I help you today officers?" I smiled. The simply walked inside. "Um... Excuse me? This is my house." I walked over to them. "We are here for a report of kidnapping?" He asked.

"K-kidnapping?" I began to sweat. "Yes, a report of Park Jimin, kidnapped a young lady about a year ago?" He asked, looking around.

"I'm sorry.... Who reported this?" I asked. "We don't know..." He asked. "T-then... How do you know that the report was true?" I asked, trying not to break. "Because, they supplied enough information, and this picture..." He pulled out a file.

I looked at it, shaking at what I saw. It was from a security camera, of Jimin putting me... In the janitors closet... I dropped the file, shaking. "Miss? Are you alright?" One of them came to my side. 

"(Y/N)?" Jimin walked out of the bedroom. The officer quickly ran behind him, hand cuffing him. "What the hell!?" He hissed, trying to break out of the officers grip. "Park Jimin, you are officially under arrest by the police for kidnapping and hostage keeping." He said.

He looked at me, shock on his face. "I didn't..." I said to him. "W-wait... Whats going to happen to him?" I asked him. "Well, he'll go to court, and then if he's found guilty, he'll go to jail, depending on charges." He said.

"And me?" I asked. "Well, you'll be interviewed, and then therapy." He said. "W-will this go to the media?" I stuttered. "Why?" He asked.

"He... He's my husband, and I have 2 kids... If this went out, every single person that I know... Will know I was kidnapped..." I began to cry. "It's okay miss. If you would like to keep this matter private, we will see what we can do." He smiled.

"Now, do you have anybody to call? To help with your kids?" He asked. I nodded, hoping to my phone. I called Taehyung. "Hello!" He answered.

"T-Taehyung?" I sniffled. "(Y/N)? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asked.

~~ ~~

"I promise." I smiled at Jimin.

~~ ~~

"I... I can't tell you... Can you make it over to my house? To help me take care of Nari and Mun-hee?" I sniffled. "Sure." He said, hanging up. I hopped back to the living room, sitting on the couch. 

"We... Uh, have a few questions we would like to ask you." He asked. "Sure...." I sniffed. 

"How long have you been held captive?" He asked. "I... I wasn't held captive...." I sniffled. "If I may correct you. If you were kidnapped by Jimin, you have been held captive." He said. "Right.... Um... Around... 1 years and... 9 months..." I calculated everything.

(It's actually around 1 year and 9 months. It took me about 1 hour... I'M STUPID!.... To figure out how many years and months she was in this mess)

"And... You said, you're married. How long now?" He asked. "1 month." I replied, wiping the tears off my face. "And, it's with Jimin, correct?" He asked. I nodded, putting my leg on the table. "You were the one... Who was stuck in the elevator, correct? So much news about you... First it was a proposal in the US, Jimin was in BTS... Then the elevator, now this... I'm sorry that there is so much media and stress in your life." He wrote a few things down.

"And.... Who else knows about this incident?" He asked. "1 other person, just me, Jimin and another former member of BTS." I looked at the stitches. "And, you love him?" He asked. I nodded, smiling. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I grinned. "Um... You know how we talked about the therapy?" He asked. "Yeah." My grin slowly faded. "We think you might have Stockholm syndrome, you know what that is, right?" He asked.

"...Yes, yes I do. But I swear, I'm positive I don't suffer from it." I  put my leg down. Taehyung walked inside. "Where's Jimin?" He sat down beside me. "Not important." I said. "Just, watch over them. You can get (B/N) to come over." I said.

He nodded, walking into my bedroom. "And that is?" He asked. "Taehyung, the... Godfather." I said. He nodded, writing it down. "Well, I think that's enough... Do you, want to talk to the therapist... Tomorrow?" He asked.

"Um, do I need therapy? I can't really pay for it." I bit my lip. "It's advised, and recommended that you go through at least 2 sessions, just to test your mental state. And you aren't paying for it, it's all funded kindly by the government." He said.

"Oh, well.. If it's recommended... I'll take the 2 sessions... Just to see..." I said. He nodded. "Here is the address, I think she wants you at.... 3:35." He smiled, giving me a file.

I smiled, nodding. He left. "I need to bail him out... If - .... No, I probably don't have enough money." I cried. Taehyung came in the room, pulling the cribs out. "Are you okay? Why were the police here? Where is Jimin?" He sat beside me, hugging me.

"They arrested him!" I cried. "What? Why?" I asked. "I can't tell you..." I sobbed. "Why not?" I asked. "I just can't! I promised and so did the police to keep the matter secret... I'm sorry Taehyung.." I grabbed his shirt.

"Can't you bail him out for the time being?" He asked. "I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY!" I yelled. "Calm down!" He pulled me off him, holding my shoulders. "We'll all help, and if he does go to jail... I'll help you take care of them." He looked at Nari and Mun-hee.

I nodded, sniffing. "Now, clam down (Y/N)... Deep breaths.." He pulled me back to his chest. 


{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now