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"We're here." Jungkook slowly shook me, whispering. My eyes fluttered open, looking at my surroundings. "Why are we in the forest?" I muttered, seeing only tree's. "We're not, we're in a parking lot." He smiled.

"Oh," I muttered, turning my body and opening the door. "Let me help you." He opened his side, going to the back and getting the chair. I smiled to myself, looking at the area. Something seemed so familiar, but the thoughts of this untouched land seemed to disappear.

Jungkook pulled in front of me, taking the wheelchair and placing it directly facing her. "Here." He held his hands out. I took them, a flash of light went into my eyes as a recollected thought swam by.

~~ ~~

"Here, let me help." He smiled at me, helping me out of his dad's car. "Take care." His dad smiled at us, waving as he began to drive off. "Where are we?" I looked around the area, the tree's reminded me of the park, the soft yet sour mint smell of pine tree's surrounded me.

I also smelt flowers, not any in particular, the smell was all sorts of kinds, but the strong smell of Lonicera vesicaria, what others would call Korean honeysuckle, was the one that stood out. I was very fond of flowers, knowing a lot of names and what they smelt like.... I didn't use the words like Korean honeysuckle, I'd rather use the actual name.

Jungkook held my hand, carefully making sure not to drag me with him, we walked along a path, the smells getting stronger. As we came to the end of the path, the most beautiful sight catching my eye as I gasped.

"Oh my god Jungkook!-"

~~ ~~

I tried to speak, as the smells of pine and Lonicera vesicaria filled my senses. "We're... We're..." I mumbled, the memory faded from my mind, the only words I now remembered.

"Here, let me help you."

I shook my head, trying to remember the moments. "You okay? You're spacing out while smiling weirdly." Jungkook chuckled. "No, I'm fine... Just, this place is familiar." I mumbled, Jungkook pursing his lips at my words.

"It is." He whispered under his breath, the words hardly passing through my ears. I kept silent, wanting to see what the actual thing he wanted me to see was. He closed my door once I sat down, and began to push me along the most familiar path.

"Jungkook, here exactly are you takin-" My head turned to see what I knew for a fact Jungkook wanted me to see. "Jungkook, oh my god." I heaved, covering my mouth with my hand. "Yup." He said cheekily.

All the memories flooded in, every reason why I remembered this place came back to me. It's the day I told myself the truth...

~~ ~~

"Oh my god Jungkook! It's beautiful!" I squealed, my cheeks turned pink as I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

We stood in front of a lake, a boat tied to the a dock as candles were placed along the sides, they weren't lit, but the thought of them lit in the sunset, that seemed truly romantic to me. There were rose petals scattered along the rest of the path, the dock and the inside of the boat.

"Jungkook..." I sighed, turning to him and hugging him. "This is amazing..." I muttered in his chest, he hugged me back, his chin landing on my shoulder.

"May I help my love onto this boat?" Jungkook bowed, offering his hand. I giggled, completely forgetting the reason we were 'together' in the first place.

~~ ~~

"May I help my love onto this boat?" Jungkook walked in front of me. "What?" I laughed. He coughed, I could see his face turn pink as he lowered his face.

"Um, can I help you on the boat?" He smiled. "How else would I board?" I laughed again. He chuckled, picking me up bridal style. He walked across the dock, it looked the same way it did so many years ago...

The roses were the same, the candles had been changed, obviously. The smell was the same, it was perfect and beautiful. "Jungkook, this place is still here?" I asked, looking up at him. He nodded, walking to the boat. He put me inside, letting me sit comfortably.

"It looks exactly the same." I muttered. "So, now you remember this place?" He showed his adorable smile. I nodded, moving slightly so he could get to the other side of the boat. He took the oars, and began to row.

I was taking it all in, looking around for that lighter. "Here." He pointed his head to the bottom of the boat. I looked down, seeing the lighter. I sighed, picking it up and began to carefully light the candles. 

"So, why are we here exactly?" I said after lighting the last candle. "Just wanted to take you, since we're both adults now." He smiled. 

"I remember the first time you told me to light the candles I freaked out because I thought the boat would catch fire." I laughed. 

"Yeah, but that can't happen because-"

"The candles are glued to the boat." We both said at the same time. "This place is so beautiful." I said again, taking in all the scenery around us as the boat kept moving.

"Remember, this was the place you said you loved me." Jungkook gave me his cheeky grin. I looked back at him, blush creeping it's way onto my face.

'(Y/N), you're married.' Alex's voice played in the back of my head. His reminder caused the colour to slowly fade away, I bit my cheek from guilt. 

Jungkook suddenly stopped rowing, leaving us in the middle of the lake. "So." Jungkook said, his body language obviously stating that he was nervous.

"So..." I mumbled back, my knee's squeezing together from the cold air and the awkward pressure around us. 

"(Y/N), you know that I love you, right?" Jungkook mumbled, looking at his knee's. I nodded, shaking my head once I realized he couldn't see me.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered, mentally slapping myself for the nervous tone in my voice. "A-and, I've always loved you since grade 5." He sighed.

"Uh-huh." I cleared my throat. 

Jungkook carefully got up, crawling/crouching towards me. He finally looked at me, his face flustered.

As he slowly raised both his hands up, I froze. I wanted to move away, but I couldn't. Well, I knew I couldn't in the first place without it feeling incredibly painful, but it felt like something had paralyzed my whole body.

His hands reached my face as he cupped my cheeks, his eyes fixed on my lips as he kept getting closer. Right to the moment where his breath fanned my face I felt feeling in my hands again.


{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now