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(Having da feels~ Enjoy this music while reading this)

I had the computer on my lap, not knowing I was crying while watching BTS's old music videos. If I had to guess when I started crying, it would probably be (AWAKE - JIN,) Lie, Jimin's song.

I was halfway through 'Blood Sweat & Tears' until a tear dropped onto my laptop, I paused the video,looking at the tear. "How can I forget about him..." I bit my lip, putting my hand to my neck to feel all the tears.

My neck was covered in tears, a thin layer of it glazing my neck. My cheeks now felt dry, the feeling only coming after I realized how they became that way.

I got out of youtube, not wanting to wake Ae-cha, Taehyung, and the kids. Tae and Ae-cha offered to stay with me until I felt well enough to handle the kids and my own life.

I checked the calendar, seeing if I was able to phone Jimin or not. It had been about 1 week and a half since I slapped Jungkook, I'm not sure how long it was since Sejun took me.

I didn't have the date set in, wonder why. I grabbed my phone, dialing the police station. "Hello? Yes, I'd like to transfer a call to an inmate. Park Jimin." I tried to sound as pleasant as possible.

"No, this is his wife. (Y/N) Park?" I asked, starting to get impatient.

"Thank you." I smiled, hearing the beep that put me on hold. After a minute there was another beep. "Hello?" I heard Jimin's voice, it sounded more raspy, as if he was hurt.

"Hi, Jiminie." I smiled, already feeling better. "(Y/N)..." Jimin mumbled. "Are you okay? You don't sound to well." I asked, my smile starting to fade.

"Well, they obviously won't treat me like my reputation." He made a sad joke. "And the food isn't that great either, I don't think I've been eating enough. And no, I'm not starving myself."

"I wasn't going to accuse you of that." I said.

"So, why did you call me? Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to hear your voice." Jimin asked, his tone told me he was smiling.

"I miss you, I'm crying right now because I started watching your music videos." I sniffed, laughing it off to make him not worry.

"Don't cry... Hey, can you sing me something?" Jimin asked, his voice was so calming and relaxed, I felt like he was whispering into my ear, right behind me.

"Jimin I don't really sing." I mumbled. "Just try! Sing my song." He smiled.

"Jimin that song made me cry." I mumbled again.

"Just do it, it will make me sleep better tonight." He giggled.

"Ai, fine." I said in an annoyed tone.

(Something similar to this, like, older and not as loud. And not as as good)

"Caught in a lie." I was starting to finish the song up, my words getting caught in my mouth a long with some hesitant sobs.

"Don't cry (Y/N)! Please don't cry, it makes me miserable." He said.

I heard 3 beeps. 

"Jimin our call is going to be transferred in a second."

2 beeps.

"Goodnight." He said.

1 beep.

"Goodnight, I love yo-" The line hung up.

I took the phone away from my ear, staring at it blankly. I pressed end on the call so I wouldn't go back to the officers.

I set the phone down, rubbing my hand on my face. "God, I'm such an idiot..." I sighed, closing the computer and setting it on the table.

~~ ~~

  "Like, you have so much pressure on yourself. I'm not saying you can't handle it! Because you're a very strong woman and I encourage independence. Just saying, with Jimin gone, and another baby on the way, it must be terrible." Seokjin took both my hands. 

~~ ~~

"Look at you.. You get into so much trouble. First the seizure, then the hatred from ARMY, then the elevator, Sejun, now this... Did I miss anything?" She laughed. I shrugged, loosing count of everything that went wrong in my life.

"I forgot that Jimin was my husband last night." I said, guilt washing me over as I tried not to cry. "That's okay." She said, taking my hands.

"Your life has been so terrible..." She frowned, tracing the circles on my shoulder softly. "Thanks." I remarked sarcastically.

"I'm just saying... Maybe marrying Jimin wasn't the best idea. And now you're pregnant with no father for 4 years." She looked down.

~~ ~~

I thought of what Seokjin and (B/N) said, biting my lip. They were right, the stress and my depression was probably hard on my baby. 

'Abortion is an option...'

I thought, mouthing it as a sigh, biting my lip again. I turned my phone on again, going to the web to look into it.



'Marriage wasn't the right choice?'

'I wish I could redo my decisions....'

'Maybe abortion would make things better.'

All my thoughts were clouding my brain and thoughts of ideas that abortion was my only choice, my only option.... My future. Maybe I should sleep on it, then tell Ae-cha? No.. I needed to spend time with my actual living kids, not that the baby wasn't alive or anything... But the ones I could talk to.

I played with my fingers as I gazed out the window, regretting all the things with Jimin that made me happy, frustrated, sad, depressed, scared... Everything. I knew that if I filled a divorce, I would eventually suffer from being separated from Jimin permanently, god I can't even think of it.

I felt so terrible, and the only words I could think of were Jimin, kids, and abortion. "God I need to sleep..." I ran my fingers through my hair, turning my phone off and quietly walking back to my room.

Before I closed my door, I stopped to listen for Nari and Mun-hee. I heard the small sounds of the music box that Jimin had given me still going in there room... How was that possible?

'Don't worry, go head off to bed.' Alex's voice rang in my head. I smiled slightly, before closing my door and getting in bed.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


{Finished} Let Me Know | Yandere Jimin x Reader (BOOK #2)Where stories live. Discover now